Amendments proposed to the Water Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     42,     page     46,     leave out line 40.


Mr Elliot Morley


Clause     42,     page     47,     line     5,     after 'or' insert 'by'.


Mr Elliot Morley


Clause     42,     page     47,     line     22,     leave out '(3)' and insert '(4)'.


Mr Elliot Morley


Clause     42,     page     47,     line     24,     leave out '(3)' and insert '(4)'.


Mr Elliot Morley


Clause     42,     page     47,     line     26,     leave out '(3)' and insert '(4)'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     43,     page     47,     line     36,     leave out 'or mainly'.


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     43,     page     47,     line     41,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   In particular, before any alteration to the water pricing or consumer charging regimes, the Authority shall receive guidance to—

      (a) define a household income to water charge ratio below which consumers will be regarded as likely to have difficulty paying such charges; and

      (b) report on such new measures to be considered by the Secretary of State or the Assembly as will address such difficulties.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     43,     page     48,     line     12,     at end insert—

      '(g) the public.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     44,     page     49,     line     5,     leave out from 'Council' to end of line 7.


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     44,     page     49,     line     32,     leave out from 'environment' to end of line 35.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     44,     page     49,     line     39,     after 'research', insert 'and regulatory impact assessment'.


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     44,     page     49,     line     44,     leave out 'summarise' and insert 'detail'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     44,     page     50,     leave out lines 1 to 4 and insert—

    '(7)   Before giving notice under subsection (5)(a) above, the Secretary of State shall arrange for—

      (a) such research as he considers appropriate with a view to discovering the views of a representative sample of persons likely to be affected; and

      (b) a regulatory impact assessment of his proposals to be carried out for the purpose of assessing the likely quantitative and qualitative environmental, public health, economic and social impacts of his proposals.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     44,     page     50,     line     4,     at end insert—

    '(7A)   The Secretary of State shall not proceed with any proposal for the making of regulations under subsection (4) above where it is apparent from the regulatory impact assessment carried out under subsection (7)(b) above that the adverse effects of the regulations would outweigh their benefit.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     45,     page     50,     line     32,     leave out from 'Council' to end of line 34.


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     45,     page     51,     line     13,     leave out from 'environment' to end of line 16.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     45,     page     51,     line     20,     after 'research', insert 'and regulatory impact assessment'.


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     45,     page     51,     line     25,     leave out 'summarise' and insert 'detail'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     45,     page     51,     leave out lines 30 to 33 and insert—

    '(7)   Before giving notice under subsection (5)(a) above, the Secretary of State shall arrange for—

      (a) such research as he considers appropriate with a view to discovering the views of a representative sample of persons likely to be affected; and

      (b) a regulatory impact assessment of his proposals to be carried out for the purpose of assessing the likely quantitative and qualitative environmental public health, economic and social impacts of his proposals.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     45,     page     51,     line     33,     at end insert—

    '(7A)   The Secretary of State shall not proceed with any proposal for the making of regulations under subsection (4) above where it is apparent from the regulatory impact assessment carried out under subsection (7)(b) above that the adverse effects of the regulations would outweigh their benefit.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     46,     page     52,     leave out lines 6 to 24.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     46,     page     52,     line     26,     after 'obtaining', insert 'publishing'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     46,     page     52,     line     44,     leave out from 'unincorporate' to end of line 20 on page 53 and insert 'may be disclosed in the exercise of the Council's function under this section if—

      (a) the individual or body has consented to the disclosure; or

      (b) the benefit to the interests of consumers from publishing the information would, in the opinion of the Council, be greater than any prejudicial effect to the interests of the individual or body.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     46,     page     53,     line     30,     leave out 'to' and insert 'and'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     46,     page     54,     line     13,     leave from 'unincorporate)' to end of line 24 and insert 'may be published in the exercise of the Council's function under this section if—

      (a) the individual or body has consented to the disclosure; or

      (b) the benefit to the interests of consumers from publishing the information would, in the opinion of the Council, be greater than any prejudicial effect to the interests of the individual or body.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     55,     leave out lines 31 to 34 and insert—

    '(3)   Before giving a direction under this section and in specifying the form in which any information is to be supplied the Council shall have regard to—

      (a) whether in respect of a direction to a body (other than the Authority) the same or similar information in the form required may be held already by the Authority,

      (b) whether the cost or other burden to the body in supplying the information may be excessive in relation to the benefit to and purpose for which the information is required by the Council,

      (c) whether the information falls within the scope of section 27K(1).'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     55,     line     37,     at end add—

    '(5)   On receipt of a notice given to it under subsection (4), the Council may refer the failure to a person appointed under section 27K(3).'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     55,     line     42,     leave out from 'unincorporate)' to end of line 20 on page 56 and insert 'may be published in the exercise of the Council's function under this section if—

      (a) the individual or body has consented to the disclosure; or

      (b) the benefit to the interests of consumers from publishing the information would, in the opinion of the Council, be greater than any prejudicial effect to the interests of the individual or body.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     57,     leave out lines 8 to 12 and insert—

    '(1)   The body to whom a direction is given may refuse to supply information which relates to—

      (a) national security,

      (b) court proceedings,

      (c) internal discussions or deliberations.'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     57,     leave out lines 13 to 16.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key
Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


Clause     47,     page     57,     line     22,     leave out 'whether under subsection (2) above or' and insert 'under'.


Mr Elliot Morley


Clause     47,     page     57,     line     36,     leave out 'such'.


Mr Bill Wiggin
Mr George Osborne
Mr Robert Key


Clause     49,     page     59,     line     39,     at end insert—

    '(12A)   Where a report is made to the Authority pursuant to subsection (10), and the report shows that, in the opinion of the Council, the relevant undertaker (in respect of any matter relating to its functions) by failing properly to consult the complainant, or by acting unreasonably caused the complainant to suffer loss or damage or be subjected to inconvenience, the Authority may direct the relevant undertaker to pay to the complainant an amount, not exceeding £5000, in respect of that loss, damage or inconvenience.

    (12B)   The Authority shall not direct a relevant undertaker to pay an amount to a complainant pursuant to subsection (12A) in respect of any loss, damage or inconvenience for which compensation is recoverable under any other enactment except in so far as it appears to be appropriate to do so by reason of the failure of the amount of any such compensation to reflect the fact that it was not reasonable for the relevant undertaker to cause the complainant to sustain the loss or damage or to be subjected to the inconvenience.

    (12C)   The Authority shall not make a direction pursuant to subsection (12A) unless it has given the relevant undertaker and the customer the opportunity to submit evidence and make representations.

    (12D)   A person to whom any amount is directed to be paid by a direction under this section shall be entitled to recover that amount from the relevant undertaker against whom the direction is made by virtue of this section.

    (12E)   The Secretary of State may by regulations substitute a different amount for the amount for the time being specified in subsection (12A).'.

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