Amendments proposed to the Water Bill [lords] - continued House of Commons

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Power to require adoption of private sewers


Paddy Tipping
Mr David Drew
Ms Candy Atherton
Andy King
Richard Burden


To move the following Clause:—

       'After section 102 of the WIA there is inserted—

    "102A   Power to require adoption of private sewers    (1)   The Secretary of State may be regulations establish a scheme to enable a sewerage undertaker to be required to adopt a sewer to which this section applies.

    (2)   A scheme under this section may apply to any sewer which is—

(a) situated within the area of a sewerage undertaker or which serves the whole or any part of that area; and

(b) not vested in a sewerage undertaker.

    (3)   Regulations under subsection (1) may amend section 105 so as to extend the appeals procedure to the scheme, provided that the appeal shall be heard by a person other than the person imposing the requirement to adopt.".'

Rats in sewers


Andy King
Paddy Tipping
Mr David Drew
Ms Candy Atherton
Richard Burden


To move the following Clause:—

       'After section 95 of WIA there is inserted—

    "95A Power to approve Codes of Practice

(1) The Secretary of State may by Order approve any code of practice (whether prepared by him or another person) which, in his opinion, gives suitable guidance to sewerage undertakers and local authorities on the performance of functions under this Part of the Act.

(2) In particular the Secretary of State may by order approve such Code of Practice (whether prepared by him or another person) which in his opinion gives suitable guidance to sewerage undertakers and local authorities on the control of rats in sewers.".'.

Temporary sprinkler bans


Mr David Drew
Paddy Tipping
Richard Burden


To move the following Clause—

       'After section 76 of the WIA, there is inserted—

    "76A   Temporary sprinkler bans

    (1)   If a water undertaker is of the opinion that a serious deficiency of water available for distribution by that undertaker exists or is threatened, that undertaker may, for such period as it thinks necessary, prohibit or restrict, as respects the whole or any part of its area, the use for the purpose of watering private gardens of any water supplied by that undertaker and distributed by means of a water sprinkler or similar apparatus.

    (2)   A water undertaker imposing a prohibition or restriction under this section shall, before it comes into force, give public notice of it, and of the date on which it will come into force, in two or more newspapers circulating in the locality affected by the prohibition or restriction.

    (3)   Any person who, at a time when a prohibition or restriction under this section is in force, contravenes its provisions shall be guilty of an offence and liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.

    (4)   Where a prohibition or restriction is imposed by a water undertaker under this section, charges made by the undertaker for the use of a sprinkler or similar apparatus shall be subject to a reasonable reduction and, in the case of a charge paid in advance, the undertaker shall make any necessary repayment or adjustment.".'.

River Basin Management Committees


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   In section 14 of the Environment Act 1995 after subsection (4) there is inserted—

    "(5)   From 1st December 2007 the Secretary of State shall, by order, establish river basin management committees to replace regional flood defence committees.

    (6)   In establishing the areas within which river basin management committees shall function the Secretary of State shall have regard to the borders of river basin districts identified in accordance with Article 3 of the Water Framework Directive.

    (7)   River basin management committees shall inherit the powers and duties of the regional flood defence committees they replace and any additional duties that may be prescribed by regulations.

    (8)   The Environment Agency shall consult river basin management committees in the production of river basin management plans as required by article 13 of the Water Framework Directive.

    (9)   The Secretary of State may direct the Environment Agency to assign to river basin management committees any of the functions required of the Agency by regulations implementing the Water Framework Directive."

    (2)   From 1st December 2007 all references in the Environment Act 1995 to "regional flood defence committee" or any variant thereof shall have effect as if they were references to "river basin management committee" or the appropriate variant.

    (3)   On 1st December 2007, the following parts of the Environment Act 1995 shall cease to have effect—

(a) Subsections (1) and (2) of section 14,

(b) Subsections (2), (3) and (4) of section 15,

(c) Section 16,

(d) Section 18A, and

(e) Schedule 4.

    (4)   In paragraph 11 of Schedule 5 of the Environment Act 2007, after "committee" the end of part (a) there is inserted—

 "for the area of one of more adjacent sub-basins".'.

Discharge consents


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   Schedule 10 to the WRA is amended as follows.

    (2)   After paragraph 7(1) there is inserted—

    "(1A)   Where any consent given under paragraph 3 or 6 above authorises a discharge—

(a) of any substances defined as a priority substance by Directive 2000/60/EC; or

(b) into any controlled waters which do not meet the definition of "good surface water status" set out in Directive 2000/60/EC (except where the Agency is satisfied that the relevant discharge does not contribute significantly to the failure to achieve such status)

       the Agency shall review such consent and the conditions (if any) to which the consent is subject to at least once in every period of four years beginning with the day on which the consent takes effect or, if applicable, the day on which any previous review under this paragraph was concluded.

    (1B)   If, having carried out a review under sub-paragraph (1A) above, the Agency wishes to exercise its powers under paragraph 7(2) below, but is unable to do so by reason of a restriction imposed under paragraph 8 below—

(a) the Agency shall notify the Secretary of State within one month of the conclusion of such review of the outcome of the review and its recommendations and shall request that the Secretary of State exercise his powers under paragraph 7(4) below; and

(b) taking full account of the Agency's recommendations, the Secretary of State shall consider whether to exercise his powers under paragraph 7(4) below, and shall notify the Agency in writing of his decision and the reasons for it within one month from the date of receipt of the Agency's notification under sub-paragraph (1B)(a) above.".

    (3)   In paragraph 7(3) after "a review under sub-paragraph (1)", there is inserted "or (1A)".

    (4)   In paragraph 7(4), the words ", subject to such restrictions on the exercise of the power conferred by virtue of paragraph (c) above as are imposed under paragraph 8 below," are omitted.

    (5)   Paragraphs 7(5) and (6) are omitted.

    (6)   In paragraph 8(1), (2), (4) and (5), the words "or (4)(c)" are omitted.'.

Joint charging for water and sewerage services


Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


To move the following Clause:—

       'After section 144B of the WIA, there is inserted—

       "144BB Joint charging for water and sewerage services

       With effect from April 1st 2004, notices of payment due from occupants of household premises in respect of—

(a) charges for sewerage services provided by a sewerage undertaker; and

(b) supplies of water provided by a water undertaker

       shall be made jointly in single notice.".'.



Norman Baker
Sue Doughty


To move the following Clause:—

    '(1)   In section 142 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (powers of undertakers to charge), in subsection (2), "(2A)," is omitted.

    (2)   In section 142 of the Water Industry Act (charges schemes) subsections 2A and 2B are omitted.

    (3)   In section 143 of the Water Industry Act 1991 (charges schemes), in sub-section (5)(a), "in a case not falling within section 142(2A) above" is omitted.

    (4)   In section 144A of the Water Industry Act 1991 (right of consumer to elect for charging by reference to volume), subsections (5), (6), (7), (8) and (10) are omitted.

    (5)   After subsection 144A of the Water Industry Act 1991 (Right of consumer to elect for charging by reference to volume), there is inserted—

                         "144AA Arrangements for introduction of metering

    (1)   Where—

(a) water is supplied by a water undertaker to premises in which, or in any part of which, a person has his home;

(b) charges in respect of those premises are fixed by virtue of any charges scheme under section 143 above without reference to the volume of water supplied; and

(c) such other conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State through regulation are also satisfied in relation to the premises, and to the occupants of those premises,

       the undertaker may at any time give the consumer a notice (in this section referred to as a "company measured charges notice") allowing the undertaker to fix charges in respect of the supply by reference to the volume of water supplied.

    (2)   Before making such regulations as are permitted by subsection (1) above the Secretary of State shall—

(a) consult—

(i) the Authority,

(ii) the Council,

(iii) the Assembly,

(iv) relevant undertakers,

(v) the Environment Agency; and

 such other persons as the Secretary of State considers it appropriate to consult; and

(b) publish the draft regulations for public consultation.

    (3)   In making regulations under subsection (1) above, the Secretary of State must have regard to—

(a) the interests of—

(i) households with an occupant or occupants with low incomes;

(ii) households with an occupant or occupants of pensionable age;

(iii) households with an occupant or occupants who have a medical condition which causes significant levels of water use;

(b) the furtherance of water conservation;

(c) the particular circumstances in areas of water scarcity; and

(d) the promotion of economy and efficiency on the part of companies holding an appointment under Chapter 1 of Part 2 of this Act in carrying out the duties of a relevant undertaker.

    (4)   A water undertaker may not give effect to a company measured charges notice before the end of a period determined in accordance with the undertaker's charges scheme.

    (5)   If and so long as a water undertaker is entitled under subsection (4) above to fix charges for the supply of water in respect of any premises by reference to the volume of water supplied, a sewerage undertaker is under a corresponding obligation to fix charges in respect of foul water drainage provided by the sewerage undertaker in respect of those premises by reference to that volume.

    (6)   Any charges scheme under section 143 above—

(a) must contain provision for determining the period mentioned in subsection (4) above, and

(b) shall have effect subject to the preceding provisions of this section.

    (7)   In this section "household premises" has the meaning as defined in section 17C above.".

    (6)   In section 144B of the Water Industry Act 1991 (restriction on change in basis of charging), for subsection (2) there is substituted—

    "(2)   Where this subsection applies, a relevant undertaker may not by virtue of any charges scheme under section 143 above begin to fix the charges in respect of those premises by reference to volume unless either—

(a) the consumer—

(i) has given the undertaker a measured charges notice under section 144A above, or

(ii) has consented to the charges in respect of the premises being so fixed, or

(b) the undertaker has given the consumer a company measured charges notice under section 144A above, or

(c) the fixing of charges in respect of those premises by reference to volume is required under section 148A below, or

(d) there has been a change in the occupation of the premises and no charges have yet been demanded from the person who has become the consumer."

    (7)   After section 144B of the Water Industry Act 1991, there is inserted—

       "144C Metering charges

       Charges and other amounts to which this section applies shall not, by virtue of anything contained—

(a) in this Chapter;

(b) in any local statutory provision;

(c) in any charges scheme under section 143 above; or

(d) in any agreement entered into on or after 1st September 1989, be recoverable by a relevant undertaker from any person if they have been fixed wholly or partly by reference to a rating valuation list or are otherwise determined, whether directly or indirectly, by reference to any value or other amount specified at any time in such a list.

    (2)   This section applies to—

(a) charges in respect of any services provided at any time after the end of 31st March 2018 by a relevant undertaker in the course of carrying out its functions; and

(b) amounts of any other description which such an undertaker, in exercise of any power conferred by or under any enactment, requires any person to pay in respect of any period ending after that date or in respect of anything done after that date.

    (3)   In this section "rating valuation list" means a list which is or has at any time been maintained, for the purposes of rating, under section 41 or 52 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (c.41), section 67 of the General Rate Act 1967 (c.9) or any other enactment."

    (8)   After section 148 of the Water Industry Act 1991 there is inserted—

               "148A Charges by volume, etc

    (1)   Subject to subsection (2) below, the Secretary of State shall, not later than the end of 31st March 2018, by regulations require all water undertakers to fix charges in respect of the supply by reference to the volume of water supplied for all household premises and to instal any meter in household premises to be used in determining the amount of any such charges.

    (2)   The requirements of subsection (1) above do not apply—

(a) to household premises—

(i) that share a supply pipe with one or more other premises;

(ii) where it is not reasonably practicable to instal any meter to be used in determining the amount of any charges; and

(b) to other household premises as may be prescribed by regulations.

    (3)   The Secretary of State may be regulations require all water undertakers to ensure that all customers in household premises, such as are excluded from the provisions of subsection (1) above by subsection (2) above, are charged by reference to the volume of water supplied and that meters are installed in household premises to be used in determining the amount of any such charges; and that this is achieved by such times as may be prescribed.

    (4)   Before making such regulations as are required by subsections (1) to (3) above the Secretary of State shall—

(a) consult—

(i) the Authority,

(ii) the Council,

(iii) the Assembly,

(iv) relevant undertakers,

(v) the Environment Agency; and

(vi) such other persons as the Secretary of State considers it appropriate to consult; and

(b) publish the draft regulations for public consultation.

    (5)   In making regulations under subsection (1) above, the Secretary of State must have regard to—

(a) the interests of—

(i) households with an occupant or occupants with low incomes;

(ii) households with an occupant or occupants of pensionable age;

(iii) households with an occupant or occupants who have a medical condition which causes significant levels of water use;

(b) the furtherance of water conservation;

(c) the particular circumstances in areas of water scarcity; and

(d) the promotion of economy and efficiency on the part of companies holding an appointment under Chapter 1 of Part 2 of this Act in carrying out the duties of a relevant undertaker.

    (6)   The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision for transferring to the Authority powers and functions for the purposes of subsections (1) to (3) above, including—

(a) modification of appointment conditions to meet the requirements of subsections (1) to (3) above, and

(b) imposition of penalties under section 22A above following the failure of a water undertaker to meet the requirements of sections (1) to (3) above.

    (7)   In this section "household premises" has the meaning as defined in section 17C above.".'.

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