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25 Nov 2002 : Column 38W—continued

Post Offices

Mr Salmond: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how many (a) Post Offices and (b) sub-Post Offices there were in Dundee East and Dundee West in (i) 1972, (ii) 1975, (iii) 1980, (iv) 1985, (v) 1990, (vi) 1995 and (vii) 2000. [82416]

Mr. Timms: I am informed by Post Office Limited that historic data in the form requested is not available as the company does not require this data for operational reasons.

However, in 1999, the Post Office undertook a special exercise to determine the number of post offices in each parliamentary constituency in response to the then hon Member for Birmingham Erdington (Mr. Robin Corbett) on 29 November 1999 (Official Report, column 22W). I further understand from Post Office Limited that it compiled a list of post offices by parliamentary constituency as of 20 April 2002 showing their classification as urban or rural offices. A copy of this list is held in the Library of the House.

Rural Post Offices

Mr. Robathan: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if she will make a statement on the funding for the rural post office network, announced by the Royal Mail Chairman on 13 November. [82809]

Mr. Timms: Following my announcement in the House on 13 June, agreement has been reached in principle on the overall financing package for the Royal Mail. I will shortly be announcing details of the assistance to be made available to the rural post office network, which will be subject to state aids clearance.

Sub-Post Offices

Mr. Peter Duncan: To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (1) whether a full-time sub-post office can increase its hours of business for each working day and cease to be regarded as fulfilling its commitment to core hours; [82436]

Mr. Timms: These are matters that fall within the day to day responsibility of Post Office Ltd. and I have therefore asked the Chief Executive to reply direct to the hon. Member.

25 Nov 2002 : Column 39W


Arts Council Funding

Mr. Letwin: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what recent discussions she has had with the Arts Council on the funding of sexually explicit material. [82596]

Dr. Howells: None.

BBC News 24 Report

Mr. Wyatt: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport when the BBC News 24 report will be placed in the Library. [82534]

Dr. Howells: My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State is currently considering her response to Richard Lambert's review of BBC News 24 and will place the review in the Libraries of both Houses as soon as possible.

Community Radio Station Licences

Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport under what circumstances deposits required for applications for community radio station licences will be returnable; what levels of deposit are required for individuals applying for licences for community radio stations; and what assessment she has made of the types of organisations and individuals who are likely to apply for licences to run new community radio stations. [83301]

Dr. Howells: The Radio Authority are currently undertaking a pilot study of a number of access radio stations. The purpose of the study is to establish whether access radio is viable and how it might be licensed, regulated, funded, promoted and organised. The completed evaluation is expected to be published next spring. No charge is made for licensing the pilot experiment access radio stations.

Clause 254 of the Communications Bill would allow the Secretary of State, by Order, to modify the legislation regulating radio services to make special provision for access radio. Any such Order could make provision about the application arrangements.

No assessment has been undertaken about the types of organisations that might apply, but I would expect there to be a broad range of applicants.

Elgin Marbles

Miss Anne McIntosh: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what recent representations she has received on the future of the Elgin Marbles. [82224]

Tessa Jowell: I refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Hendon (Andrew Dismore) on 20 November 2002, Official Report, column 172W.

Library Investment

Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will list the amount spent by each local authority per head of population on library services in 2002. [82488]

25 Nov 2002 : Column 40W

Dr. Howells: This information is contained within column 20 (population per service point) of the CIPFA Public Library Statistics, copies of which are lodged in the House of Commons Library. The latest actual figures available are for 2000–01. Estimates are available for 2001–02.

Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the average annual investment in new book stock in libraries was for each shire authority in England in the last 12 months. [82490]

Dr. Howells: This information can be obtained from column 163 (total material acquisitions) of the CIPFA Public Library Statistics, copies of which are lodged in the House of Commons Library. The latest actual figures available are for 2000–01. Estimates are available for 2001–02.

Library Staffing

Mr. Paice: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport how many people there were per static library in each shire authority in England in 2002. [82489]

Dr. Howells: This information is contained within column 180 (net expenditure per 1,000 population, excluding capital charges) of the CIPFA Public Library Statistics, copies of which are lodged in the House of Commons Library. The latest actual figures available are for 2000–01. Estimates are available for 2001–02.

National Arts Council of England

Nick Harvey: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the (a) median, (b) youngest and (c) oldest age of the National Arts Council of England members are; and if she will make a statement. [82771]

Dr. Howells: The information requested is in the following table:

National Arts Council of England MembersYears old
Median age54
Youngest age38
Oldest age71

Policing Costs

Huw Irranca-Davies: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on progress with the review of policing costs incurred through stadium events, major sporting events and late night city centre entertainment. [80731]

Mr. Denham: I have been asked to reply.

We have set up a working group, comprising representatives of the Home Office, Department of Culture Media and Sport, the Association of Chief police officers (ACPO) and the football authorities, to consider a range of strategic policing football issues, including police charging policy in connection with matches, and the investment of football clubs in the wider community. Supporter groups and other interested parties will be consulted. The group will commence its deliberations shortly.

25 Nov 2002 : Column 41W

The Government is also concerned at the costs incurred in policing entertainment venues, particularly pubs and clubs which operate late into the night and major events such as sporting and outdoor entertainment. We welcome schedules where entertainment outlets contribute to the additional policing costs associated with alcohol-related disturbance.

Radiocommunications Agency

Adam Price: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport if she will make a statement on the recommendations made by the Radiocommunications Agency, in their report, 'Introducing recognised spectrum access'. [82723]

Dr. Howells: General provisions for recognised spectrum access are included in the Communications Bill. The Government is currently considering responses to the consultation document, 'Introducing recognised spectrum access', about the implementation of this system and there will be further opportunity for interested parties to comment on detailed proposals for specific frequency bands in due course.

Regional Arts Council Members

Nick Harvey: To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the (a) median age, (b) youngest age and (c) oldest age is of the Regional Arts Council members; and if she will make a statement. [82445]

Dr. Howells: Regional Arts Council members ages are as follows:

Years old
Median age50
Youngest age29
Oldest age73

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