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26 Nov 2002 : Column 252W—continued

Probation Service (Surrey)

Mr. Malins: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the level of Government grants to the Surrey Probation Service was in each of the last five years. [82091]

26 Nov 2002 : Column 253W

Hilary Benn: Home Office Grant to Surrey Probation Service (Surrey local area from April 2001) for the financial years 1997–98 to 2001–02 is in the following table.


Home Office grantOffice of the Deputy Prime MinisterTotal grant
Revenue grant
Capital grant

(22) he National Probation Service was established on 1 April 2001 and 100 per cent. grant funding was provided by the Home Office to local probation areas.

(23) Prior to April 2001, the Home Office provided 80 per cent. grant funding to probation services. Local authorities funded the balance of 20 per cent. from grant provided by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM).

Public Enquiry Office, Lunar House

Keith Vaz: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many people were dealt with at the PEO at Lunar House on Monday 11 November. [81502]

Beverley Hughes: There were 1,129 callers to Croydon's Public Enquiry Office on 11 November 2002.


Local Authorities (Fraud)

Tim Loughton: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister how many (a) local authority staff and (b) members of the public were found to have been involved in fraudulent activities against local authorities in each year since 1997; and at what financial cost. [83270]

Mr. Leslie: Auditors appointed by the Audit Commission have been instructed to report to the commission all cases of fraud over £1,000 in value. Benefit frauds of up to £5,000 can be reported jointly, but those over £5,000 are reported individually. The number of fraud cases arising from staff actions (some of which involved more than one member of staff) were:

YearNumber of casesTotal value (£)Including number of benefits casesValue of benefits cases (£)

Figures on the exact number of members of the public involved in fraudulent activities against local authorities

26 Nov 2002 : Column 254W

are not held centrally. The number of fraud cases arising from actions outside of local authorities (for example members of the public, suppliers etc.) were:

YearNumber of casesTotal value (£)Value of benefits cases (£)

Local Government Finance

Mr. Pickles: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister (1) what proportion of the standard spending assessments in each local authority in England and Wales was financed by total external support in (a) 1996–97, (b) 1997–98 and (c) 2002–03; and if he will make a statement; [82816]

Mr. Raynsford: The figures for the proportion of the standard spending assessments in each local authority in England that was financed by total external support in 1996–97, 1997–98 and 2002–03 have been placed in the House Library. Figures for Welsh authorities are the responsibility of the Welsh Assembly Government.

The figures for the level of total external support and standard spending assessment for each individual local authority in England in 1996–97, 1997–98 and 2002–03 have been placed in the House Library. Figures for Welsh authorities are the responsibility of the Welsh Assembly Government.

Total external support consists of revenue support grant, redistributed national non-domestic rates, central support protection grant, SSA reduction grant, principal formula police grant and GLA general grant.

Nick Harvey: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what assessment he has made of the impact changes in the local government formula grant will have on public services in North Devon; and if he will make a statement. [83780]

Mr. Raynsford: We will announce the new system for distributing Formula Grant, including detailed grant allocations for individual authorities, at the time of the provisional local government finance settlement which we expect to be around the start of December. Once the Government has allocated its grant, decisions about budgets and services are primarily for local councils to make. However, we have already guaranteed that no authority will face a cut in grant next year on a like for like basis, and we hope to do better than that when we announce the actual floors and ceilings scheme as part of the provisional settlement.

Mr. Stephen O'Brien: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister what was the level of central funding by his Department of (a) Cheshire county council, (b) Chester city council, (c) Vale Royal borough council and

26 Nov 2002 : Column 255W

(d) Crewe and Nantwich borough council in each of the last five years; and what the average funding of county, city and borough councils in England was in those years. [81263]

Mr. Raynsford: The available information on funding provided by my Office for the local authorities for which figures were requested is given in the tables.

26 Nov 2002 : Column 256W

The figures included in the tables exclude funding provided by the former Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and the former Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions for areas of work that are now the responsibility of the Department for Transport and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Cheshire county council

Revenue funding
Revenue support grant245,586156,322160,037152,227166,347
Redistributed business rates190,219136,007148,064168,034163,467
Beacon council grant39
Invest to save budget(24)235235
Total revenue funding435,805292,329308,101320,496330,088
Capital funding
Basic credit approvals issued6,5156,1606,8316,5544,237
Reorganisation costs SCA(25)2,1691,980
Capital challenge—non-housing SCA(25)1,2851,525550
Social housing grant13
Total capital funding9,9699,6657,3816,5544,250

(24)25 per cent. is capital funding

(25)SCA = supplementary credit approvals

Chester city council

Revenue funding
Revenue support grant3,4303,3903,3813,2233,458
Redistributed business rates3,8123,8244,0824,5214,412
Central support protection grant100
Housing revenue account subsidy(26)4,9894,3413,8072,22072
Supporting people grant20
Total revenue funding12,23111,55511,3709,9647,962
Capital funding
Basic credit approvals issued2,1632,628624
Capital challenge—non-housing SCA(27)1,218491
Capital receipts initiative—non-housing SCA(27)159
Capital receipts initiative—housing SCA(27)3101,090964
Cash incentive scheme SCA(27)14065
Social housing grant5320235321
Housing defects grants—loan charges: repurchase(28)22222
Single regeneration budget(29)672912897745706
Total capital funding2,3952,7394,2613,3751,653

(26) HRA subsidy figures for 2001–02 are estimates, as payments have yet to be completed. Chester city council has been given permission to close its housing revenue account, but has not yet done so.

(27) SCA = supplementary credit approvals.

(28) Eligible for housing defects grant in 2000–01 and 2001–02, but not claimed.

(29) Paid to Chester city council as the accountable body for the regeneration of West Chester project. This excludes any SRB funding paid to the council as project deliverer.

Crewe and Nantwich

Revenue funding
Revenue support grant3,1073,2583,1662,9963,289
SSA reduction grant284
Redistributed business rates3,6063,6463,9244,3594,289
Central support protection grant98
Housing revenue account subsidy(30)3,7813,3793,0442,5205,677
Supporting people grant20
Total revenue funding10,77810,28310,2329,87513,275
Capital funding
Basic credit approvals issued9146507522,747447
Capital receipts initiative—non-housing SCA(31)50
Capital receipts initiative—housing SCA(31)256900747
Social housing grant244144206
Housing defects grants for loan charges: reinstatements(32)5252525252
Housing defects grants for loan charges: repurchase(32)22222
Total capital funding1,2481,6541,5942,845707

(30) HRA subsidy figures for 2001–02 are estimates, as payments have yet to be completed.

(31) SCA = supplementary credit approvals.

(32) 2001–02 housing defects grant figures are provisional.

26 Nov 2002 : Column 257W

Vale Royal

Revenue funding
Revenue support grant1,9361,9351,8191,5571,809
SSA reduction grant30
Redistributed business rates3,6403,6964,0144,4854,442
Central support protection grant132
Housing revenue account subsidy(33)2,9792,2681,7211,3214,953
Neighbourhood warden team23
Supporting people grant20
Invest to save budget(34)48
Total revenue funding8,5857,8997,6867,41111,247
Capital funding
Basic credit approvals issued6971936032,570707
Capital receipts initiative—housing SCA(35)3031,048901
Cash incentive scheme SCA(35)17
Total capital funding1,0171,2411,5042,570707

(33) HRA subsidy figures for 2001–02 are estimates, as payments have yet to be completed.

(34) 25 per cent. is capital funding.

(35) SCA = supplementary credit approvals.

The following table gives information on the combined total of revenue support grant and redistributed businesses rates paid to shire county councils and shire district councils in each of the last five years.

26 Nov 2002 : Column 258W

Revenue support grant and redistributed business rates
£ million

Shire counties6,47810,04810,54511,03611,524
Shire districts1,3481,3461,3771,4301,496
Average amount per authority
Shire counties190.5295.5310.1324.6338.9
Shire districts5.

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