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4 Dec 2002 : Column 799Wcontinued
Mr. Evans: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what estimates he has made of the environmental impact of a journey between London and Manchester by (a) rail, (b) air and (c) car. [85336]
Mr. Jamieson: The estimates for carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions are as follows:
(b) air (average per passenger): 32 kg
(c) car (average petrol):
per car: 58 kg
These CO2 emissions estimates have been produced using factors developed for the guidelines for company reporting on greenhouse gas emissions published by DETR in 2001 and are based on a journey distance of
4 Dec 2002 : Column 800W
177 miles. In the case of air travel and rail travel, they make no allowance for travel to the airport or railway station. Emissions per passenger for travel by car will depend on the size of the vehicle, and the number of passengers. Estimates are based on an average car and average car occupancy over all journeys of 1.59 passengers per car derived from National Travel Survey in the period 19992001.
Estimates for air quality pollutants are available from the Commission for Integrated Transport in: XA Comparative Study of the Environmental Effects of Rail and Short-haul Air Travel", September 2001.
Car journey (single person) | High-speed rail (current) | Domestic air | |
NOX | 330 | 31 | 99 |
PM10 | 8 | 2 | 3 |
CO | 2,162 | 6 | 130 |
NMVOC | 297 | 1 | 13 |
SO2 | 7 | 71 | 9 |
Sir Nicholas Winterton: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what measures he is taking to increase the local authority resources and to provide the expertise required to identify and implement the major local transport improvements envisaged in the Ten Year Transport Plan. [83801]
Mr. Jamieson: The primary responsibility for equipping themselves to deal satisfactorily with their responsibilities for transport rests with local authorities themselves. We recognise that there is currently a shortage of personnel qualified in a number of disciplines relevant to local transport. My Department is therefore helping to fund the Transport Planning Skills Initiative, which is examining how more people can be attracted into the transport profession together with questions of staff training and retention. We are also funding the provision of 111 travel plan co-ordinators at 84 local authorities at a cost of £9 million over three years, to promote the widespread adoption of travel plans in order to help tackle congestion. It is important, too, that the most effective use is made of the available expertise. Our Centres of Excellence initiative is designed to disseminate best practice in the preparation and implementation of Local Transport Plans (LTPs). We are funding the authorities responsible for 17 of these plans to undertake a programme of dissemination covering a range of local transport issues.
Chris Ruane: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what funding under the modern facilities at stations programme has been spent, ranked by local authority area of England and Wales. [85026]
Mr. Jamieson: None. The Rail Regulator will first determine a fair and efficient price to be charged by Network Rail for the modern facilities at stations
4 Dec 2002 : Column 801W
programme to implement the programme. The Regulator's determination is expected before the end of the year.
Mr. David Stewart: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many public service obligations have been imposed on peripheral or development regions since the passing of Article 14 of Council Regulation (EEC) 95/93, broken down by (a) subsidy and (b) non-subsidy. [84867]
Mr. Jamieson: The UK has imposed Public Service Obligations on 16 routes to peripheral or development regions. All routes are within Scotland. Services currently operate on 15 of these routes and all receive subsidy.
Mr. Pope: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many road traffic speed cameras there were in Lancashire in (a) 199697 and (b) the latest year for which figures are available. [84975]
Mr. Jamieson: The number of speed enforcement cameras operational in the Lancashire police force area was 97 in 199697 and 147 in 200102, the latest year for which figures are available.
Mr. David Marshall: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how much subsidy was paid to operators in the (a) aviation and (b) rail industries from public funds in each of the last five years. [84751]
Mr. Jamieson: The UK aviation industry normally operates free of Government subsidy. Assistance totalling some £39.7 million was paid to eleven UK airlines during winter 200102. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 the UK introduced a scheme of up to £40 million in financial assistance to UK airlines affected by closure of US and other airspace
The Scottish Executive pays a grant to Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd. (RIAL) which ensures the continuation of operations at the company's 10 airports. The Executive also pays a subsidy for lifeline air services on which Public Service Obligations have been imposed under EC Regulations.
Year | HIAL payments (£ million) | Lifeline air services payments (£) |
200102 | 19.45 | 986,200 |
200001 | 15.142 | 1,003,402 |
19992000 | 12.291 | 526,579 |
199899 | 6.179 | 533,871 |
199798 | 7 | 346,465 |
Subsidies to operators in the rail industry comprise Support for Passenger Rail Services, paid by the Strategic Rail authority to train operating companies
4 Dec 2002 : Column 802W
(TOCs), and grants paid by passenger Transport Executives to Train Operating Companies which provide services in their areas. Payments are as follows:
Year | Subsidy (£ million) |
200102 | 1,721 |
200001 | 1,130 |
19992000 | 1,343 |
199899 | 1,533 |
199798 | 1,804 |
Miss McIntosh: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when he plans to bring forward legislation to introduce traffic managers; how many traffic managers he intends to appoint and what the relationship will be in London between the traffic manager, Transport for London, the Mayor of London, and boroughs of London and utility companies. [84240]
Mr. Jamieson: We have made it clear that better management of our roads is essential and that the present legislation can be improved. It is vital that someone is responsible for minimising the disruption caused by roadworks. The priority is London and we have already held urgent discussions with the key players about the best way forward.
Sir John Stanley: To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) what terms of reference were given to Booz Allen when commissioned to report on the electrification of the Uckfield line through Edenbridge; [85236]
(3) what categories of material in the Booz Allen report on the electrification of the Uckfield line through Edenbridge he regards as commercially sensitive. [85237]
Mr. Spellar: The terms of reference given to Booz Allen were to make an assessment of the costs and benefits of electrifying the route.
The report includes information drawn from the Best and Final Offers (BAFOs) for the South Central replacement franchise. These offers were submitted to the SRA in confidence, as part of a competitive bidding process.
The Code of Practice on Access to Government Information provides for exemption from publication of information which could affect Xcommercial and contractual activities". As the Booz Allen report includes such information and as I have already placed in the Library a summary of the Booz Allen report, I do not propose to place the report in the Library.
4 Dec 2002 : Column 803W
Matthew Taylor: To ask the Prime Minister if he will set out the responsibilities of (a) the Department of Work and Pensions, (b) HM Treasury and (c) the DTI for (i) minimum wage policy and (ii) social security policy; and if he will make a statement. [85304]
The Prime Minister: The National Minimum Wage ensures fair minimum standards of pay and underpins the Government's tax and benefit reforms. HM Treasury has overall responsibility for tax reform and for ensuring with the DTI, which has the policy lead, that the national minimum wage makes a full contribution to the Government's objectives to relieve child poverty and increase work incentives. The DTI sets the remit for the independent Low Pay Commission and provides, jointly with HM Treasury, analysis which informs its deliberations. DTI and HMT together advise Ministers on the response to the Commission's recommendations on minimum wage rates and other issues. The Inland Revenue has operational responsibility for enforcement activities.
The Department for Work and Pensions is responsible for implementing the Government's Welfare to Work strategy. The Department delivers a range of benefits and services for people of working age, those with disabilities, pensioners and children. Jobcentre Plus brings together the Employment Service and those parts of the Benefits Agency dealing with working age people to deliver a fully integrated work and benefit service for claimants. The Pension Service will deliver services to older people.
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