14 Apr 2003 : Column 590Wcontinued
Roads (Noise Reduction)
Mr. Oaten:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport (1) pursuant to his written statement of 1 April 2003, Official Report, column 49WS, on trunk roads, when he will announce the concrete roads due to be resurfaced from April 2007; [109029]
(2) what budget has been allocated for noise reduction work on concrete roads and motorways for (a) 200304 and (b) 200405; [108980]
(3) what percentage of the money allocated for noise reduction work on the motorway network for 200203 was spent; [108979]
(4) what criteria are used for selecting which roads should be resurfaced for noise reduction. [108981]
Mr. Jamieson:
I have asked the Chief Executive of the Highways Agency, Tim Matthews, to write to the hon. Member.
Letter from Tim Matthews to Mr. Oaten, dated 14 April 2003:
David Jamieson has asked me to reply to your recent Parliamentary Questions about noise reduction measures on the trunk road and motorway network.
In 200203, the Agency spent £5.9 million on noise mitigation measures such as noise barriers on trunk roads and motorways, against a ring fenced annual budget of £5 million. In addition, it is our policy to use low-noise surfacing whenever a road surface needs renewing. In 200203, £235 million was spent on resurfacing trunk roads and motorways, two per cent. above the budget for this work.
For 200304, the allocation for resurfacing concrete trunk roads and motorways is £52 million. The programme for 200405 is currently still under development. We shall be resurfacing the highest priority sections of concrete road ahead of maintenance need, in order to reduce traffic noise.
14 Apr 2003 : Column 591W
Following consultation with local highways authorities and others, the following criteria were announced on 17 October 2001 for prioritising the surfacing of concrete roads with quieter material:
(i) that wherever possible the application of quieter surfaces will fit in with normal maintenance needs;
(ii) that priority will be given to those sites where treatment would benefit the greatest number of people;
(iii) that the works will be carried out in such a way to minimise disruption to the general public and users of the network;
(iv) that priority will be given to roads, opened since June 1988, where actual noise levels have turned out to be significantly higher than predicted at the time of the public inquiry.
These criteria have been used to prioritise the list of schemes announced on 1 April. The main determinants of priority are the number of properties affected (proxy for criterion ii) and for newer roads, the increase in noise levels above those predicted at public inquiry (criterion iv). The high priority group is defined by sections of road which affect more than 100 properties per km or for which the current noise level is at least 3 dB(A) greater than predicted at public inquiry (an increase of 3 dB(A) is equivalent to the noise increase expected from a doubling of the volume of traffic on a road). The medium priority group is defined by sections of road which affect more than 10 properties per km or for which the current noise level is 1 dB(A) greater than predicted at public inquiry, which equates to a noticeable noise increase.
It is expected that the sections indicated as having a high priority will be completed by the end of March 2007, subject to funding being available. We expect to resurface sections of road in the medium or low priority groups between April 2007 and March 2011, subject to funding being available. Where there is an identified maintenance need, some of the medium or low priority sections may be resurfaced earlier, for road safety reasons.
If you need any further information, please contact Martin Steward at the Highways Agency, Broadway, Broad Street, Birmingham B15 1BL telephone number 0121 678 8324.
14 Apr 2003 : Column 592W
Rural Transport
Mr. Luff:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what assessment he has made of the impact of the policies of passenger transport executives on services in the rural areas adjacent to the area of such passenger transport executives; and if he will make a statement. [109176]
Mr. Jamieson:
I have made no such assessment.
Chris Grayling:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many applicants from the South East for funding under the Rural Transport Partnership Fund have (a) been rejected and (b) are awaiting funding. [107298]
Alun Michael:
I have been asked to reply.
159 applications for Rural Transport Partnership project grants have been received from the South East in 20022003. Of these 143 have been approved, five rejected and seven are awaiting a decision on their application. All successful Rural Transport Partnership Grant applications can access their agreed funding without any delay.
For the pending applications, the Countryside Agency is either waiting for applicants to provide a business plan, missing information or are obtaining specialist advice on the application.
Dr. Cable:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many individuals have been seconded to his Department from (a) the private sector, (b) NGOs and (c) other, in each case listing (i) from which organisation and (ii) dates of secondments, in (A) 200102 and (B) 200203. [108089]
Mr. Jamieson:
The information requested is listed in the following two tables.
Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regionsinward secondments 200102
| Start | End
Organisation | Year | Month | Year | Month
NGOstwo | | | |
Audit Commission (NDPB) | 2002 | January | 2003 | January
Audit Commission (NDPB) | 2001 | October | 2002 | October
| | | |
Private Sector13 | | | |
ADFC Ltd. | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
Home Group Ltd. | 2002 | February | 2003 | February
Accord plc | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
The Security Service | 2000 | August | 2002 | September
Rosebery Housing | 2001 | June | 2003 | May
SERCO Ltd. | 2001 | June | 2002 | September
Railtrack | 2000 | December | 2003 | November
Savage Crangle Partners | 2001 | October | 2002 | October
Pricewaterhousecoopers | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
British Telecom | 2000 | July | 2001 | July
Railtrack | 2001 | July | 2004 | September
Halcrow Ltd. | 2000 | October | 2002 | October
Babtie Group Ltd. | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
PEP Ltd. (Priority Estate Project) | 2001 | June | 2003 | June
| | | |
Other81 | | | |
Essex Fire Service | 2001 | February | 2003 | January
Manchester cc | 2001 | January | 2003 | April
Devon Fire Brigade | 2001 | October | 2003 | October
Housing Corporation | 2000 | February | 2003 | April
University of East London | 2002 | May | 2004 | May
Cambridgeshire CC | 2000 | October | 2002 | October
Crime Concern | 2000 | January | 2003 | December
Assoc of London Government | 1999 | June | 2002 | October
Urban Projects | 2002 | July | 2003 | July
South Wales File Service | 2001 | July | 2003 | July
CPEA Ltd. | 2002 | May | 2003 | May
Civil Aviation Authority | 2001 | June | 2003 | June
Suffolk Fire Service | 2001 | July | 2003 | July
Sheffield Hallam University | 2001 | October | 2002 | October
Royal Berkshire Fire Service | 1996 | March | 2003 | August
Housing Corporation | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
LB Haringey | 2002 | February | 2002 | September
Hampshire County Council | 2000 | September | 2002 | September
Development Trust Association | 1999 | August | 2004 | July
Voluntary Service Council | 2001 | October | 2002 | September
GLAGreater London Authority | 2002 | March | 2003 | March
London Fire Brigade | 2002 | January | 2004 | January
Basildon District Council | 2001 | July | 2003 | July
Somerset Homes | 2001 | May | 2004 | May
Business In The Community | 2001 | April | 2004 | April
Knowsley Borough Council | 2001 | July | 2003 | January
Calderdale MBC | 2001 | May | 2003 | May
LB Newham | 2002 | September | 2003 | May
Bedfordshire Fire Service | 2001 | April | 2003 | April
Bradford MDC | 2002 | February | 2004 | February
Housing Corporation | 2001 | September | 2003 | September
Architecture Foundation | 2002 | May | 2002 | October
Shelter | 2002 | August | 2003 | April
Safer Merthyr Tydfil | 2000 | May | 2003 | April
Oxford cc | 2002 | Mar | 2003 | February
Swedish Rail Traffic Admin | 2002 | May | 2002 | August
Help the Aged (was LB Camden until June 2002) | 2001 | November | 2003 | March
Irwell Valley Housing Association | 2002 | June | 2003 | June
Lanes Fire Rescue | 2002 | January | 2004 | January
Hertfordshire Fire Service | 2000 | July | 2002 | July
Newham Council | 2002 | January | 2003 | January
Norfolk Police | 2001 | January | 2004 | January
London Thames Gateway Forum | 2002 | August | 2003 | August
Bristol cc | 2001 | April | 2003 | March
South Wales Fire Service | 1994 | December | 2002 | November
Tyne and Wear Fire Authority | 2001 | February | 2003 | March
London Fire Brigade | 2002 | May | 2003 | May
London Fire Authority | 2001 | June | 2003 | June
Greater London Enterprise | 2001 | September | 2002 | December
Kirklees Council | 2000 | November | 2002 | November
Sutton CC | 2001 | July | 2002 | October
Birmingham CC | 2001 | September | 2003 | March
The Church of England | 1999 | May | 2003 | May
Trafford Town Hall | 2000 | September | 2002 | September
London Fire Authority | 2001 | June | 2003 | May
East Sussex Fire Brigade | 2002 | February | 2004 | February
South Yorkshire Fire Service | 2001 | July | 2003 | July
Leicester Fire Services | 1999 | September | 2002 | September
CAA | 2002 | December | |
Buckinghamshire County Council | 2001 | October | 2002 | October
ENCAMS | 2002 | January | 2003 | April
Bedfordshire Fire Service | 2000 | February | 2003 | February
Inner London Probation Service | 2001 | March | 2005 | March
London Voluntary Service Council | 2001 | October | 2003 | September
West Somerset District Council | 2002 | January | 2002 | September
Lambeth County Council | 2001 | July | 2003 | July
London Fire Authority | 2001 | September | 2003 | September
National Housing Federation | 2001 | October | 2002 | September
London Borough of Camden | 2002 | September | 2003 | May
Kent Fire Service | 2001 | December | 2003 | November
Essex County Council | 2001 | May | 2003 | May
Birmingham CC | 2001 | June | 2002 | December
West Sussex Fire Service | 2001 | January | 2003 | March
Surrey County Council | 2002 | January | 2003 | July
Tower Hamlets | 2001 | April | 2003 | March
Merseyside Fire Brigade | 2002 | March | 2003 | February
Tower Hamlets Primary Care Trust | 2002 | April | 2003 | March
Kent County Council | 2001 | March | 2003 | March
Serco Local Government | 2002 | March | 2002 | August
Manchester Police | 2000 | December | 2002 | December
London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority | 2001 | February | 2003 | January
14 Apr 2003 : Column 595W
DfT inward secondments 200203
| Start | End
Organisation | Year | Month | Year | Month
Privatetwo | | | |
Railtrack (Network Rail) | 2000 | December | 2003 | November
The Security Service | 2000 | September | 2002 | September
| | | |
Otherseven | | | |
Civil Aviation Authority | 2001 | June | 2003 | June
Japanese Government | 2003 | April | 2003 | September
University of the West of England | 2002 | February | 2004 | February
Norfolk Police | 2001 | January | 2004 | January
CAA | 2002 | December | |
Buckinghamshire County Council | 2001 | October | 2003 | October
Swedish Rail Traffic Admin | | | 2002 | August
Dr. Cable:
To ask the Secretary of State for Transport how many civil servants have been seconded from his Department to (a) the private sector, (b) NGOs and (c) other, broken down by (i) grade of civil servants
14 Apr 2003 : Column 596W
seconded, (ii) location and (iii) dates of secondments, in (A) 200102 and (B) 200203. [108090]
Mr. Jamieson:
The information requested is listed in the tables.
Department for Transport, Local Government and the RegionsOutward Secondments 200102
| | Start | End
Grade | Location | Year | Month | Year | Month
SEO | England | 2000 | September | 2002 | January
G7 | England | 2001 | February | 2001 | August
G7 | England | 2001 | July | 2002 | March
G7 | England | 2001 | April | 2002 | June
HEO | EC | 1999 | November | 2001 | April
HEO | EC | 2001 | November | 2003 | April
G6 | Other international | 1994 | May | 2002 | December
HEO | EC | 2001 | August | 2004 | August
G7 | England | 2001 | September | 2002 | September
SEO | Other international | 2001 | August | 2004 | August
G7 | Other international | 1998 | March | 2001 | April
EO | England | 2001 | March | 2001 | September
SPTO | EC | 2001 | June | 2004 | May
G7 | EC | 2000 | November | 2001 | August
G7 | EC | 2000 | May | 2003 | April
HEO | Scotland | 1997 | June | 2002 | March
SEO | England | 2002 | March | 2002 | June
HEO | EC | 2001 | April | 2002 | July
SCS | Other international | 1993 | January | 2002 | November
SCS | England | 2001 | November | 2003 | November
G7 | EC | 2000 | September | 2001 | May
G7 | England | 1998 | March | 2005 | March
HEO | England | 2001 | October | 2002 | May
SPTO | EC | 1999 | November | 2002 | October
EO | Other international | 1998 | April | 2003 | January
SIO | England | 1998 | March | 2002 | August
G7 | England | 2000 | September | 2002 | September
G7 | England | 2000 | August | 2002 | August
SEO | EC | 2000 | January | 2001 | July
HEO | EC | 2001 | February | 2001 | August
G7 | EC | 1999 | September | 2001 | June
HEO | England | 2001 | March | 2001 | December
SEO | EC | 2001 | November | 2003 | May
HEO | England | 2001 | June | 2002 | June
HEO | EC | 2001 | June | 2004 | May
SEO | EC | 1998 | November | 2001 | November
SEO | Other international | 2001 | December | 2004 | December
HEO | England | 2000 | June | 2001 | December
SEO | England | 2001 | April | 2001 | July
SEO | England | 1998 | March | 2003 | January
G7 | England | 2000 | June | 2001 | May
HEO(D) | EC | 2001 | September | 2002 | March
SEC | England | 1998 | March | ? | ?
G7 | England | 2001 | March | 2001 | July
G7 | EC | 2001 | March | 2002 | February
SEO | England | 1999 | April | 2001 | October
SEO | England | 1998 | March | 2001 | August
HEO | England | 2001 | December | 2002 | February
G7 | Other international | 2000 | December | 2002 | September
HEO(D) | EC | 2000 | February | 2001 | November
HEO | England | 2000 | June | 2002 | March
HEO | EC | 2002 | February | 2002 | August
HEO(D) | EC | 2000 | April | 2002 | June
G7 | England | 2001 | January | 2001 | April
G7 | England | 2001 | October | 2002 | September
G7 | England | 2001 | October | 2002 | February
EO | England | 2001 | December | 2002 | December
G7 | England | 2001 | February | 2002 | August
SCS | England | 2002 | March | 2004 | March
EO | EC | 2001 | June | 2002 | May
G7 | EC | 2000 | May | 2002 | April
EO | EC | 2001 | February | 2001 | August
HEO | England | 2000 | December | 2002 | December
SCS | England | 2001 | March | 2004? | March
HEO | England | 2000 | June | 2001 | July
G7 | England | 2000 | February | 2002 | March
G7 | EC | 1999 | October | 2002 | October
HEO | England | 2001 | July | 2002 | July
SEO | EC | 2000 | October | 2002 | January
G7 | Other international | 1999 | September | 2001 | December
HEO | England | 2001 | July | 2002 | April
G7 | England | 2000 | December | 2002 | December
G7 | England | 2001 | June | 2002 | January
G7 | England | 2001 | April | 2001 | November
HEO(D) | EC | 2001 | September | 2002 | March
SCS | England | 1996 | April | ? | ?
G7 | England | 1999 | September | 2001 | June
G7 | EC | 1998 | June | 2001 | May
SCS | England | 2000 | July | 2001 | May
HEO | EC | 1998 | January | 2001 | December
14 Apr 2003 : Column 597W
Department for TransportOutward secondments 20023
| | Start | End
Grade | Location | Year | Month | Year | Month
HEO(D) | England | 2002 | October | 2004 | April
G7 | England | 2002 | September | 2004 | March
HEO | EC | 2001 | August | 2004 | 1-August
HEO | Other international | 2001 | August | 2004 | August
G7 | EC | 2003 | March | 2003 | September
SEO | EC | 2001 | June | 2004 | May
SCS | England | 1999 | February | 2003 | April
HEO | EC | 2003 | September | 2004 | March
AO | Other international | | | 2003 | November
G7 | England | 2002 | September | 2004 | September
SCS | England | 2002 | November | 2005 | November
SES | Other international | 1993 | January | 2003 | November
SEO | EC | 1999 | November | 2003 | ?Nov?
HEO(D) | Other international | 1998 | April | 2003 | January
G7 | England | 2000 | August | 2004 | August
HEO | EC | 2001 | June | 2004 | May
SEO | Other international | 2001 | December | 2006 | January
HEO(D) | England | 2002 | November | |
G7 | EC | 2001 | March | 2005 | February
G7 | England | 2003 | March | 2004 | March
SEO | Other international | 2003 | January | |
EO | EC | 2001 | May | 2003 | February
HEO | England | 2000 | December | 2003 | December
HEO | England | 2001 | July | 2003 | August
HEO | England | 1998 | May | |
AO | England | 1999 | September | 2003 | April
14 Apr 2003 : Column 599W