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14 Apr 2003 : Column 625W—continued

Waiting Times/Lists

Mr. Ruffley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many patients are waiting for NHS treatment for (a) a hip joint replacement, (b) a knee joint replacement, (c) coronary artery bypass grafts and (d) cardiac surgical procedures. [105857]

Mr. Hutton: Information on patients waiting for elective in-patient admissions is in most cases collected at consultant main specialty level, not by procedure. Information is collected on patients waiting for coronary artery bypass grafts, at 31 January 2003 this figure stood at 5,688.

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Patients waiting for hip and knee joint replacements are likely to be waiting under the trauma and orthopaedic specialty, coronary artery bypass grafts under cardiology and cardiac surgical procedures under cardiothoracic surgery. In line with NHS Plan targets, by 2005 waiting time for routine cardiac surgery will fall to a maximum of three months and waiting times for all other in-patient procedures will fall to a maximum of six months.

The table shows the number of patients waiting for elective in-patient admission for the above specialties.

Patients waiting for elective in-patient admission: Position at31 January 2003

SpecialtyTotal patients waiting
Trauma and orthopaedics268,036
Cardiothoracic surgery10,426


Department of Health form KH07

Ward (Definition)

Dr. Evan Harris: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what definition of a ward is used in the national health service. [106601]

Mr. Hutton: The national health service data dictionary defines a ward as a group of beds with associated treatment facilities managed by a senior nurse.

Decisions about whether a specific bed grouping in a ward are made at a local level.


Census Records

Mr. John Taylor: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department whether TNT Express Services with Prologis Ltd. will be responsible for record management and archiving services for census records after the contract for the Hayes PPP Project has been signed. [108533]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Any census record that has been accessioned (selected for permanent preservation) and is in the custody of The National Archives will not be part of the Hayes PPP project. The National Archives will only use the Hayes PPP project to store non-accessioned records (those not selected for permanent preservation).

Child Witnesses

Simon Hughes: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many children gave evidence as witnesses in criminal trials in the last year. [107305]

Yvette Cooper: The Court Service does not collect statistics on the number of children who give evidence as witnesses in criminal trials.

Alternative Sentences

Huw Irranca-Davies: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if she will

14 Apr 2003 : Column 627W

make a statement on (a) the development proposals for alternative sentences for those who genuinely cannot pay court fines, and (b) deductions from earnings and benefits for those who can pay court fines. [108654]

Yvette Cooper: The Home Office are looking at the feasibility of alternative sentences including unpaid work instead of fines in particular circumstances.

We are considering how the use of attachments against earnings and deductions from benefits can be made a more effective part of the arrangements for improving fine enforcement.

Departmental Expenditure

Mr. Bercow: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what his estimate is of the expenditure of his Department on newspapers, magazines and periodicals in 2002. [106305]

Ms Rosie Winterton: The total estimated expenditure on newspapers, magazines and periodicals in 2002–03 was £78,520.

Departmental Running Costs

Mr. Bercow: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department what the running costs in 2002 were of (a) the Lord Chancellor's Department Ministers' private offices, separately identifying expenditure on staff, and (b) the Department. [106001]

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Ms Rosie Winterton: Gross administration costs (formerly known as running costs) for 2001–02, consistent with the audited departmental resource accounts, were as follows:

(a) Ministerial Private Offices (£000):

(b) The Department (£000):

Figures for 2002–03 will be published in departmental resource accounts in due course.

Departmental Website

Mr. Yeo: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if she will make a statement on the (a) cost of and (b) number of visitors to each website operated by her Department and each agency and non-departmental public body for which her Department is responsible in each year since its establishment. [107640]

Yvette Cooper: The information requested set out in the following table.

WebsiteStart-up costs Operating costsVisits/hits
Child and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)£6,048 (+ VAT)September 2000 to September 2001: £2,000
September 2001 to present: £2,532 (+ VAT) per monthFigures not available as page impressions or visits
(73)2002–03: 59,261 hits
Civil Justice Council£1,116(74)2002–03(75)2002–03: 34,114 visits
Civil Justice Council Costs website£9,971.422002–03: £3,000No figures available
Community Legal Service—Just Ask£1,500,000 (April 2000)2001–02: £888,000
(Legal Services Commission assumed responsibility October 2001)
2002–03 £700,000
(Includes staff and development costs)In page impressions:
(76)January 2001 to December 2001: 498,641
(77)January 2002 to December 2002: 986,407
January 2003 to February 2003: 348,880
CLS—Legal Services Research Centre£5002000–01: included in start-up
2001–02: £475No figures available
Council on Tribunals£6,418.97£1,253.30 pa
(74)2002–03(78)2001–02: 14,890 visits
2002–03: 18,108 visits
Court Service£18,542.251998–99: £15,404.68
1999–2002: £12,000 p.a.
(74)2002–03(79)2000–01: 351,662 visits
2001–02: 746,818 visits
2002–03: 2,294,634 visits
Immigration Appellate Authority in Year 1 operating costs(74)2002–03(80)2002–03: 68,073 visits
Judicial Studies Board £975 (October 1998)1998–99: £330
1999–2000: £1,985
2000–01: £500 2001–02: £1,200
2002–03: £1,3077
(74)2003–04(81)2002–03: 37,121 visits
Land Registry—main site house (October 1996)1996–99: £5,000 p.a.
October 1999 to October 2000: £1,000 p.a.
October 2000 to March 2001: £2,000 p.a.
2001–02: £7,000
£2002–03: £12,0001999–2000: 155,000 visits
2000–01: 305,000 visits
2001–02: 670,000 visits
2002–03: 1,000,000 visits
Law£2,400£10,675 pa2002–03: See note 12002–03: 322, 159 visits**figures not available prior to 2002–03
Legal Services£20,5772000–01: £91,9252001–02: £123,7612002–03: £126,000Figures not available as pageimpressions or visits2000–01: 966,661 hits*2001–02: 11,819,895 hits2002–03: 17,732,970 hits*figures not available prior to January 2001
Legal Services£3348.75 August 20002001 £3,879.252002 £2,5392002–03: 15,558 visits**figures not available prior to2002–03
Lord Chancellors£7,3681998–99: £16,2001999–2000: £16,2002000–01: £41,13320001–02: £152,8592002–03 See note 11998–99: 147,958 visits1999–2000: 291,582 visits2000–01: 358,161 visits2001–02: 469,683 visits2002–03: 1,234,931 visits
Magistrates' Court Service£1302001–02: £1,322.502002–02: £3,940.132002–03 See note 12002–03: 24,916 visits**figures not available prior to2002–03
Northern Ireland Court Service£55,000 (April 2002)£15,000 p.a.(83)2002–03: 92,000 page impressions (now running at 12,000 impressions a month)
Official Solicitor's Department house1999–2000: £141 p.a.No figures available
Public Trust Office (closed June 2001)(84)10,000 p.a.No figures available
Public Guardianship Office£37,600 (June 2001)2001–02: £14,334
2002–03: £7,398(80)2002–03: 82,252+ visits
Public Record Office—main site£200,000 (1995)2002–03: £147,000
Previous years: similarNo figures available
PRO—other sites: Family Records; Learning Curve; a2a; Moving Here; CensusComplex arrangements with various partners, PRO contribution assessable only at disproportionate costIn page impressions:
1998–99: 738,977
1999–2000: 9,732,724
2000–01: 38,019,254
2001–02: 49,365,339 (85)2002–03:73,000,000

(73) Figures not available prior to January 2003. Figures not available as page impressions or visits.

(74) The sites hosted by Cable and Wireless (2002–05) under a three year contract. The hosting element of this is £158,796 per annum for a total of eight sights.

(75) Figures not available prior to 2002–03.

(76) Figures not available prior to January 2001.

(77) The 2002 increase is partly because we had previously omitted impressions of .asp and .jsp pages, which make up a significant amount of the site.

(78) Figures not available prior to 2001–02.

(79) Figures not available prior to 2000–01.

(80) Figures not available prior to July 2002.

(81) Figures not available prior to June 2002.

(82) The various sites which existed within the Land Registry are now being consolidated into one site.

(83) Figures not available prior to 2002–03. Current website does not record statistics for unique visitors.

(84) Including development and operating cost.

(85) Estimate.

14 Apr 2003 : Column 629W

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