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3 Jun 2003 : Column 383W—continued

Criminal Injuries Compensation

David Winnick: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will make it his policy that compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme is not treated as capital for the purposes of assessing the victim's entitlement to income-related benefit; and if he will make a statement. [116038]

Malcolm Wicks: Lump sum payments from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Agency made directly to the injured person or someone acting on their behalf, or to a contingency fund as part of a structured settlement are subject to the normal capital rules when assessing entitlement to income-related benefits. However, payments placed in a trust fund for the injured person are disregarded in full. We have no plans to change this policy.

Departmental Report

Mr. Bercow: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the cost was of the publication of the 2001 Departmental Report. [112814]

3 Jun 2003 : Column 384W

Maria Eagle: The Department for Work and Pensions published its first Departmental Report in May 2002. The cost of production incurred by the Department for the 2002 Report was £94,940.The costs of printing and publishing are met by the publisher, The Stationery Office Ltd., and do not fall to Government.

Disability Living Allowance

Mr. Blizzard: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions if he will exempt people with severe mental illness who receive disability living allowance from having to periodically reapply for benefit. [116324]

Maria Eagle: Disability Living Allowance may be awarded for an indefinite period or for a fixed period. The length of the award in individual cases depends on for how long the decision-maker considers that the severely disabled person will, or is likely to, continue to satisfy the entitlement conditions for the benefit in the light of the available evidence about their personal care needs and mobility needs. Decision makers are trained to make awards for the period that is supported by the evidence, and people who receive a fixed period award are invited to make a further claim some 6 months before the award expires.

We have no plans to change these arrangements. People who are dissatisfied with the length of their DLA award can ask for the decision to be reconsidered and have the right to appeal to an independent tribunal.

Disabled People (Employment)

Linda Perham: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what steps he is taking (a) to reduce the unemployment rate for disabled people and (b) to promote equal rates of pay for disabled workers. [113911]

Maria Eagle: We have introduced a range of measures to help people with disabilities secure work, where they are ready and able to do so. We are making work pay for people with disabilities through the disabled person's tax credit/working tax credit and the national minimum wage, and Jobcentre Plus has a range of specialist programmes for people with disabilities, providing support in finding, keeping and training for work.

"Pathways to Work—Helping People into Employment", published in November 2002, is the next step forward in the Government's welfare to work strategy for people with health conditions or disabilities. It outlines plans to pilot a new approach in three areas from October 2003, with a further tranche beginning from April 2004, giving early and frequent support to those on incapacity benefit from skilled personal advisers, together with direct access to specialist programmes and clear financial incentives to work.

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) prevents an employer from discriminating against a disabled person in the terms and conditions under which employment is offered. We recognise that it is important for employers to be aware of their duties under this Act, and there has been a concerted effort since 1999 to raise awareness and understanding of disability and the DDA. In addition, we are continuing to work with the Disability Rights Commission and other key stakeholders to promote a greater awareness and understanding of the rights of disabled people.

3 Jun 2003 : Column 385W

Employment Zones

Paul Holmes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) how many entrants to employment zones have re-entered for (a) a second time, (b) a third time and (c) more than three times since the scheme began (i) in total and (ii) broken down by zone; and if he will make a statement; [114460]

3 Jun 2003 : Column 386W

Mr. Nicholas Brown: Figures for individual return spells on Employment Zones are not available. Figures for returners as a whole have been placed in the Library.

Job Centres

Mr. Rooney: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what the total budget was of Bradford Job Centre; what the total number of staff was; and what the budget allocation for each employment programme was in each year since 1 April 1995. [112842]

Mr. Nicholas Brown [holding answer 12 May 2003]: All staffing, running costs and programme budgets are allocated at District level and are not available for individual offices. However, we have been able to extract the running costs for staffing and goods and services for the Bradford Jobcentres.

There are two Jobcentres within Bradford: Eastbrook Court and Vicar Lane. The following tables show (i) the running costs for staffing and goods and services as a whole for the two Jobcentres in Bradford from 1999 and (ii) the programme budget allocation for Bradford District as a whole from 1999.

Bradford Jobcentres (Eastbrook Court/Vicar Lane)—salary/goods and services budgets and staffing data

Salaries budget3,112,6553,045,6183,371,4684,649,445
Goods and services budget184,595169,489182,226229,170
Staff in post
Whole time equivalents183174183223
Staff in post192184194236

Notes:1. Figures for the new Jobcentre Plus organisation including benefit processing staff in the Vicar Lane site. Previous year's figures are the Employment Service only.Source:

Bradford District—General Ledger

Bradford district—employment programmes
Full year allocation

Budget allocation for the Bradford District(this includes the budget for Bradford Jobcentre)1999–2000 2000–01 2001–02 2002–03
Full year provisional allocation
Mainstream programme costs
Work based learning for adults992,4451,246,552
Jobfinders grant20,3085,200
TIS interview fares7,16112,50620,06526,166
National development9,97326,000
Work trials1,3261;0821,3782,115
Jobplan jobsearch support310,226303,171
PWD jobseeker fares550
Employment rehabilitation55,000
Restart interview fares1,5451,372749576
Job introduction scheme28,549
Resource centres318,469330,834
ND 18–25+ programmes
Employment subsidy421,110327,246279,961249,464
Follow through88,8518,2075,3167,200
ND1 8–25+ work placement routway711,1991,487,660
ND1 8–25+ ETO achieve training54,07636,50212,933
ND General1,613,311142,534461,032
Lone parent programmes
LP child care payments1,9046,99511,133529,378
LP refund of fares2558394,4703,572
LP Refund Training Course Fees4,36111,70226,59928,625
LP Programme Centre18,48086,048111,7955,999
ND Partners Programmes
ND Partners36,450207,362
ND Partners Fares & Fees36,450300
ND Partners Client Expenses8,10586,215
Training Allowance Payments90
ND 50+ programmes
ND50+ programmes13,5006,1659,061
Total ND50+ programmes13,5006,1659,061

Source:Year End Financial Management ReportsThis information could be provided only for periods prior to 1999–2000 at disproportionate cost.

3 Jun 2003 : Column 387W

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many full-time equivalent (a) permanent and (b) fixed term staff worked at the Job Centre in Sutton in each of the last three years. [112641]

Mr. Nicholas Brown: The average staffing levels at Sutton Jobcentre for the last three years are in the table.

YearAverage full time equivalent staffing levels


Business Manager, Sutton Jobcentre.

Due to permanent staff turnover during these periods, Jobcentre Plus estimate that around 10 per cent. of these were staff on short-term temporary contracts.

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