Index for Volume 401continued
A An B Be Bi Bo Bu C Ci Cr D Dh Du E Eq F Fr G Gr H Hi Hu Hy I Ir J Ju K Kh L Le Ll M Ma Mi Mo Mu N Nu O Oi P Pi Pu Q R Rh Rw S Sh So Sq T Ti Tw U V W Wh Wo X Y Z
B52 bombers
Bacon, Mr Richard
Chamber Debates
Municipal Waste Recycling Bill, 2R (14.03.03) 537
Westminster Hall Debates
Warships, Cleaning services 183w
BAE Systems
Bailey, Mr Adrian
Chamber Debates
Fire services (20.03.03) 1112
Westminster Hall Debates
Employers' liability 923w
Northern Ireland government 311w
Police Service of Northern Ireland, Recruitment 272
Baird, Vera
Westminster Hall Debates
Baker, Norman
Chamber Debates
Government Powers (Limitation) Bill, 2R adjourned (14.03.03) 594, 596
Westminster Hall Debates
Animal experiments (19.03.03) 255-8wh
Animal welfare, Pets 279w
Art works, Lord Chancellor's Dept 987-8w
Biodegradability, Plastics 148-9w
Climate Change Convention 215w
Council housing, Plumbing 227w
Electricity, Distribution 362w
Electronic equipment, Waste disposal 5w
Environment, Regulatory impact assessments 138-9w
Genetically modified organisms 482w
Health and Safety Executive, Fines 496w
Hydroelectric power, Norway 867-8w
Iraq conflict, B52 bombers 183-4w
Iraq conflict, Environment protection 215w, 411w
Iraq conflict, Military bases 633w
Land use, Public participation 138w
Land use, Regulatory impact assessments 138w
Livestock, Transport 875w
Livestock, Waste disposal 645w
Mineral waters, Consumption 7-8w
Noise, Pollution control 373-4w
Official residences, Lord Chancellor's Dept 986w
Prosecutions, Animal welfare 427-8
Radioactive wastes, Pollution 692-3w
Renewable energy, Dept for Work and Pensions 856w
Seas and oceans, Pollution control 872w
State Veterinary Service, Manpower 648w
Sustainable development 151w
Taxation, Environment protection 379w
Trapping, Animal welfare 136w
Travel, Lord Chancellor's Dept 481w
UN Security Council, Voting behaviour 216w
Water supply, Pipelines 266w
Water supply, Private sector 265w
Baldry, Tony
Chamber Debates
Iraq conflict (17.03.03) 709
Contingency reserve, Dept for International Development 37w
Iraq, International assistance 945-6
Iraq, Reconstruction 761w
Jaguar aircraft, India 434w
Ballantyne, David
Banbridge Academy
Bank services
Banks, Mr Tony
Chamber Debates
Hares, Northern Ireland 653-4w
Barghouti, Marwan
Barker, Gregory
Chamber Debates
Flood control (13.03.03) 457-8
Iraq, Points of order (13.03.03) 445
Iraq conflict (17.03.03) 716
Municipal Waste Recycling Bill, 2R (14.03.03) 550, 554-5
Asylum, Applications 967w
Higher education, Student numbers 80-1w
Pensions, Lord Chancellor's Dept 154-5w
Roads, Southern region 122w
Terrorism, Voluntary organisations 703w
Barnes, Mr Harry
Chamber Debates
Fire services (20.03.03) 1107
Iraq conflict (18.03.03) 884, 888, (21.03.03) 1214
Pensioners, Derbyshire 858w
Post offices, Rural areas 1070
Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust
Baron, Mr John
Chamber Debates
Greenbelt Protection Bill, 2R adjourned (21.03.03) 1259-60, 1262
Iraq conflict (18.03.03) 834-6
Nurses, Foreign workers 950w
Barrett, John
Chamber Debates
Iraq conflict (17.03.03) 712
Dental services, Mercury 416w
Barron, Rt Hon Kevin
Chamber Debates
Industrial health and safety, Smoking (11.03.03) 264, 269
Education maintenance allowance 78-9w
Battle, Rt Hon John
Bayley, Hugh
Chamber Debates
Antisocial behaviour orders, York 819w
Iraq, International assistance 950
National Lottery, York 429w
New deal for young people, York 721w
North Yorkshire Police, Manpower 829-30w
Pensioners, North Yorkshire 605-7w
Unemployment benefits, York 673w
Welfare tax credits, York 283w