Register of Members' Interests Contents


McAVOY, Thomas (Glasgow Rutherglen)
1.Remunerated directorships
County Pub Company Limited, trading as The County Inn Public House.
8.Land and Property
Land in Cambuslang on which County Inn is situated (see Category 1).
Residential flat in London SW1, from which rental income is received.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)County Pub Company Ltd.
McCABE, Stephen (Birmingham, Hall Green)
McCAFFERTY, Christine (Calder Valley)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Parliamentary Patron, Women in Business (unremunerated).
McCARTNEY, Rt. Hon. Ian (Makerfield)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
14 and 15 October 2003, to Prague to attend North West European Conference. Flight and one night's accommodation paid for by the North West Regional Agency. (Registered 19 November 2003)
6.Overseas visits
22-25 July 2003, to Washington to meet counterparts in the Democratic Party. Cost of trip (approximately £1,100) met by Philip Gould of Philip Gould Associates. (Registered 16 July 2003)
McDONAGH, Siobhain (Mitcham and Morden)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
I won a raffle prize of one month's use of a Land Rover provided by Clean Fleet Alliance who had sponsored a draw for MPs at the Labour Party Conference in October 2002. (Registered 9 January 2003)
MACDONALD, Calum A. (Western Isles)
8.Land and Property
Residential rented property in London, from which rental income is received.
McDONNELL, John (Hayes and Harlington)
MACDOUGALL, John (Fife Central)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
31December 2002-2 January 2003, accommodation and hospitality at New Year celebrations for my wife, two children and me at the St. Andrew's Bay Hotel, Fife, provided at the personal invitation of the hotel owners. (Registered 12 May 2003
McFALL, John (Dumbarton)
6.Overseas visits
17-26 May 2003, to Zambia, at the invitation of the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (SCIAF) to visit development projects in Shangombo district and meet NGOs and goverment in Lusaka. (Registered 3 June 2003)
McGRADY, Eddie (South Down)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession, etc.
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
Member of the Police Board for Northern Ireland.
McGUINNESS, Martin (Mid Ulster)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Northern Ireland Assembly for Mid Ulster.
McGUIRE, Anne (Stirling)
McINTOSH, Anne (Vale of York)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Non-practising Advocate; member of Faculty of Advocates, Edinburgh.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
In my position as a member of the Public Policy Advisory Committee of the RAC I receive complimentary membership of the RAC Club at Pall Mall for me, and membership of their breakdown services for me and my husband.
6 June 2003, attended Yorkshire International Business Convention at the Harrogate Showground as a guest of Yorkshire Forward. (Registered 5 June 2003)
8.Land and Property
Half-share in smallholding in Teesdale, Co. Durham.
McISAAC, Shona (Cleethorpes)
MACKAY, Rt. Hon. Andrew (Bracknell)
6.Overseas visits
2 and 3 July 2003, to Cannes for the launch of the new '5 Series'. Travel and accommodation expenses met by BMW (GB) Ltd, who are based in my constituency. (Registered 4 July 2003)
12-16 October 2003, to Bahrain at the invitation and expense of the Bahrain Government. (Registered 28 October 2003)
McKECHIN, Ann (Glasgow, Maryhill)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Solicitor (non-practising).
McKENNA, Rosemary (Cumbernauld and Kilsyth)
6.Overseas visits
20-27 October 2002, to Taiwan, on fact-finding visit and to encourage investment in the UK. All costs were paid for by the Government of Taiwan. (Registered 6 December 2002)
MACKINLAY, Andrew (Thurrock)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Three months attachment/internship of a television producer from Kyrgyzstan sponsored by BBC World Service, beginning late September 2002.
MACLEAN, Rt. Hon. David (Penrith and The Border)
McLOUGHLIN, Patrick (West Derbyshire)
McNAMARA, Kevin (Kingston upon Hull North)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Political Science Speaker Coordinator for Drew University's London Semester. (Up to £5,000)
6.Overseas visits
16-20 November 2002, to Singapore to attend a conference entitled "Dialogue of Cultures - Towards a Global Civic Identity". Airfare and hotel accommodation provided by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. (Registered 27 November 2002)
McNULTY, Tony (Harrow East)
MACSHANE, Denis (Rotherham)
MACTAGGART, Fiona (Slough)
8.Land and Property
Office and retail premises in Glasgow (held on my behalf by trustees).
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Mactaggart Heritable Holdings Ltd.; property investment and management.
Sole beneficiary of Newnham and Gore Trust, a UK trust which manages investments on my behalf.
McWALTER, Tony (Hemel Hempstead)
McWILLIAM, John (Blaydon)
6.Overseas visits
October 2002, to Azerbaijan. Travel and three nights' accommodation paid for by the Azerbaijan Government. (Registered 22 November 2002)
17-18 June 2003, to Paris Air Show at Le Bourget with the Parliamentary Space Committee (an Associate Parliamentary Group). Travel and one night's accommodation provided by UK Industrial Space Committee, hospitality provided by EADS/Astrium. (Registered 19 July 2003)
MAHMOOD, Khalid (Birmingham Perry Barr)
MAHON, Alice (Halifax)
8.Land and Property
House in Halifax.

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Prepared 4 December 2003