Register of Members' Interests Contents


RAMMELL, Bill (Harlow)
RANDALL, John (Uxbridge)
1.Remunerated directorships
Randalls of Uxbridge Ltd.; family retail business.
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Sponsorship as a Member of Parliament by Uxbridge Portcullis Club (private business club).
8.Land and Property
Residential rented property in Uxbridge, from which rental income is received.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Randalls of Uxbridge Ltd.
Aquila Termeszetvedelmi Es Idegenforgalmi KFT (Aquila Nature Conservation and Tourist Ltd.); Hungarian eco-tourism company.
RAPSON, Syd (Portsmouth North)
6.Overseas visits
20-27 August 2003, with my wife to Cyprus. Fares and accommodation paid for by the House of Representatives of Cyprus. (Registered 9 September 2003)
RAYNSFORD, Rt. Hon. Nick (Greenwich and Woolwich)
8.Land and Property
Two-bedroomed flat in Greenwich, from which rental income is received.
REDWOOD, Rt. Hon. John (Wokingham)
1.Remunerated directorships
Non-executive Chairman of Mabey Securities Ltd.; investment company.
BNB Resources PLC (non-executive); recruitment and recruitment advertising.
Non-executive director of Blue Planet Financials Investment Trust PLC.
Non-executive chairman, from 1 October 2003, of Concentric plc (an engineering company).
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of the Advisory Board of Intelligent Engineering Holdings Ltd; a company developing a sandwich plate system for steel fabrication uses. Remunerated by payment in unquoted shares in the company.
Visiting Professorship to Middlesex University Business School, lecturing on financial subjects related to my previous career.
Lectures for Updates Sixth Form Conferences. (Up to £5,000)
Articles for The Business newspaper. (Up to £5,000)
Speech to business course at Templeton College, Oxford. (Up to £5,000)
Pension Trustee of the BNB Resources PLC pension fund (see Category 1 above).
Fee for two lectures on privatisation to Adam Smith Conferences on 25 November 2002 and 4 December 2002 (Up to £5,000). (Registered 5 December 2002)
Business adviser to Rembrandt Consulting; a consultancy advising companies on cost reduction, marketing, strategy and other main business issues.
Chairman of Advisory Board of Corporate Services Group, which offers personnel services to companies. I advise them on trends in the UK economy and transport markets.
Lectures on the state of the world's economies and markets to: Threadneedle Investments, Schroders Investment Management and Solus. Fee and travelling expenses paid in each case. (Registered 27 May 2003)
27 November 2003, fee, travel, and accommodation for speech to Freight Forwarderps Conference on the Euro in Amsterdam. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 1 December 2003)
3 December 2003, fee for speech to Threadneedle Investments on pensions. (Up to £5,000) (Registered 1 December 2003)
8.Land and Property
Share of freehold house in Fulham.
REED, Andrew (Loughborough)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)
6.Overseas visits
31 March-3 April 2003, to Ethiopia. Travel and accommodation paid for by Oxfam. (Registered 30 April 2003)
25 September-12 October 2003, visit to Australia with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union Football Club to participate in Third Parliamentary World Cup Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade, Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. My family accompanied me at my own expense. (Registered 12 November 2003)
REID, Alan (Argyll and Bute)
REID, Rt. Hon. Dr. John (Hamilton North and Bellshill)
6.Overseas visits
23-24 April 2003, to Portugal for a match between Boavista and Celtic, expenses paid by Celtic Football Club. (Registered 10 July 2003)
20 May 2003, to Seville, with my wife, for UEFA Cup Final, expenses paid by Celtic Football Club. (Registered 10 July 2003)
8.Land and Property
Rental income received from flat in London.
RENDEL, David (Newbury)
ROBATHAN, Andrew (Blaby)
6.Overseas visits
2-11 May 2003, to Angola, paid for by Oxfam, Save the Children, Tearfund and Cafod and supported by the British Embassy and the Royal Institute of International Affairs. (Registered 21 May 2003)
23 September-2 October 2003, to India with Conservative Friends of India to Mumbai, Jammu, Kashmir and Dehli to discuss economic and political issues on international development and security in Kashmir. Travel and accommodation expenses met by the Government of India. (Registered 15 October 2003)
8.Land and Property
Farm in Leicestershire, from which rental income is received.
ROBERTSON, Angus (Moray)
6.Overseas visits
13-20 September 2003, to Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan to hold preparatory discussions with parliamentarians about peace talks to be held in Scotland. Travel and accommodation paid for by the London Information Network on Conflicts and State-building. (Registered 5 November 2003).
ROBERTSON, Hugh (Faversham and Mid-Kent)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Consultant to Schroder Property Investment Management Limited. (Up to £5,000)
6.Overseas visits
23-30 May 2003, to Syria. Travel paid for by British Syrian Society, hospitality provided by Government of Syria. (Registered 4 June 2003)
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Reserve Officer in the Regular Army.
ROBERTSON, John (Glasgow Anniesland)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Part of the salary of my research assistant is paid by Connect trade union.
My web site as a Member of Parliament is sponsored by Connect trade union.
6.Overseas visits
6-14 October 2002, to New York and Los Angeles in the United States with Commons and Lords Rugby team. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was also received from Halewood International, Chase de Vere, Halcrow, GEM Construction, Volt Europe, GlaxoSmithKline. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 4 December 2002)
25 September-12 October 2003, visit to Australia with the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Commons and Lords Rugby Union Football Club to participate in Third Parliamentary World Cup Tournament. Members contributed to the cost of flights and hotels. Financial support was secured from Halewood International, the Australian Hotels Association, Canberra Tourism, Aus Trade, Acumen Alliance, AMP and Eurest Supply Services. Rugby kit was provided by Nike. (Registered 12 November 2003)
25-27 June 2003, to Finland with All-Party Group on Nuclear Energy. Travel and accommodation paid for by BNFL and Nirex Ltd. (Registered 3 November 2003)
ROBERTSON, Laurence (Tewkesbury)
ROBINSON, Geoffrey (Coventry North West)
1.Remunerated directorships
New Statesman Limited.
8.Land and Property
Freehold cottage in Hampshire, from which rental income is received.
Apartment in Cannes, France, from which rental income is received.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)TransTec PLC; specialised engineers (in liquidation).
New Statesman Ltd.
10.Miscellaneous and unremunerated interests
Close members of my family (all over 18 years old) have an interest in the Robinson Family No. 2 Trust (administered in Guernsey).
Unremunerated consultant to Marketing Artistic Management, based in Madrid and engaged in musical promotions, to which I have made a modest loan.
Smart Technology Group Limited (non-executive); company specialising in high technologies involving materials and control processes and in traditional machine tool activities.
Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd. (non-executive).
Football Investors Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Coventry Football Club Holdings Ltd.
Coventry City Football Club Ltd. (non-executive).
Arena 2001 Ltd. (non-executive); 100% owned subsidiary of Coventry City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd., set up to establish a stadium and arena in conjunction with Coventry City Council as part of the regeneration of the North East of Coventry.
ROBINSON, Iris (Strangford)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Castlereagh Borough Council.
Member of Northern Ireland Assembly.
ROBINSON, Peter (Belfast East)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Member of Castlereagh Borough Council.
Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Bronze bust given by Castlereagh Borough Council on the occasion of my becoming a Freeman of the Borough. (Registered 4 July 2003)
4 November 2003, football match in Manchester. Belfast Harbour Commission paid my travel expenses, ticket and overnight accommodation. (Registered 6 November 2003)
8.Land and Property
I own my constituency office in Belfast.
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Union Arch; property development.
ROCHE, Barbara (Hornsey and Wood Green)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
My constituency Labour Party received in September 2003 a donation of £5,000 from Amicus MSF, of which I am a Member. (Registered 27 October 2003)
ROE, Mrs. Marion (Broxbourne)
9.Registrable shareholdings
Shares held by myself:
(b)J.P. Morgan Fleming Managed Growth plc (formerly Fleming Managed Growth plc)
J.P. Morgan Fleming Managed Income (formerly Fleming Managed Income)
J.P. Morgan Fleming Income and Capital Investment Trust PLC
J.P. Morgan Chase common shares
Shell Transport and Trading Co. PLC
Boots Co. PLC
De Le Rue PLC
Diageo PLC
Imperial Tobacco Group PLC
Next PLC
RIT Capital Partners PLC
Kingfisher PLC
ROONEY, Terry (Bradford North)
ROSINDELL, Andrew (Romford)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
I receive sponsorship and financial support for various political campaigning and constituency projects from:
The Westminster Club
The Romford Conservative Support Club.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
5-8 July 2003, to Isle of Man for Tynwald Ceremony as guest of the Tynwald and Isle of Man Government, who paid for hotel accommodation and meals. (Registered 17 September 2003)
6.Overseas visits
6-8 November 2002, to Gibraltar as an official observer of their recent referendum, all at the cost of the Government of Gibraltar. (Registered 2 December 2002)
18-22 April 2003, to Gibraltar. Funding of hotel and additional hospitality paid for by the Gibraltar Federation of Small Business. I paid for my own flights. (Registered 21 May 2003)
14-20 August 2003, to Canada as guest of Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, who paid for my flights and accommodation, for a training conference. (Registered 17 September 2003)
7-13 September 2003, to Gibraltar with All-Party Parliamentary Group for National Day Celebrations. Flights, accommodation and meals paid for by the Government of Gibraltar. (Registered 17 September 2003)
ROSS, Ernie (Dundee West)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Free use of Dundee District Council premises for fortnightly surgery, available to all elected representatives.
I am a member of the Commission of Inquiry which was established by the joint Middle East Councils of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties to inquire into the status of the Palestinian refugees under United Nations Resolution 194. The Commission undertakes visits to the region to take evidence and meet with academics and international lawyers and publishes its findings. Donations of more than £1000 towards the funding of the Commission have been received from:
Mr A Qattan
The Council of Arab Ambassadors in London
The Al Maktum Foundation.
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Complimentary invitation from Dundee United F.C. to attend home games during the season.
Complimentary invitation from Dundee F.C. to attend home games during the season.
6.Overseas visits
15-20 September 2002, to Bahrain, on study tour, accompanied by my spouse, at the invitation and expense of the Gulf Centre for Strategic Studies and the Bahrain Government. (Registered 31 October 2002)
20-25 October 2002, to Dubai as member of Dundee City Council delegation visit to Dubai Municipality, travel and accommodation paid by Dubai Municipality. (Registered 31 October 2002)
12-17 April 2003, return air travel between Heathrow and Qatar and accommodation in Doha, to attend the Third Qatar Conference on Democracy and Free Trade as the guest of the Gulf Centre for Studies at the University of Qatar and Qatar's Chamber of Commerce and Industry. (Registered 23 July 2003)
7.Overseas benefits and gifts
October 2002, gift of a watch from H.H. Shaikh Hamdam Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. (Registered 31 October 2002)
ROY, Frank (Motherwell and Wishaw)
4.Sponsorship or financial or material support
Sums over £1,000 were contributed at the Red Rose Dinner of March 2002 by Brandon Homes, Choices Community Care, City Facilities Limited, Mrs A McElroy and Mr William Clark. This money was paid into a trust (the Red Rose Dinner Fund) which supports me, the local MSP and local charities. (Registered 30 October 2002)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
June 2002-June 2003, I have received hospitality from Associated Newspapers Limited at Scottish football matches. (Registered 13 March 2003)
6.Overseas visits
20-27 October 2002, to Taiwan. All flights and accommodation were paid for by the Government of the Republic of China. (Registered 21 November 2002)
RUANE, Christopher (Vale of Clwyd)
6.Overseas visits
4-13 January 2003, to India with a delegation of MPs, sponsored by Labour Friends of India. Airline tickets and hospitality in India provided by the Confederation of Indian Industry and the Government of India. (Registered 23 January 2003)
RUDDOCK, Joan (Lewisham, Deptford)
RUFFLEY, David (Bury St. Edmunds)
2.Remunerated employment, office, profession etc
Solicitor (non-practising).
Consultant (strategic adviser) to Proquote Ltd from January-November 2003. (Registered 26 September 2003)
5.Gifts, benefits and hospitality (UK)
Honorary membership of the Suffolk Golf and Country Club.
6.Overseas visits
3-7 October 2002, to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to discuss economic and social policy issues, as a guest of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office. (Registered 20 November 2002)
3-23 May 2003, participant on the International Visitor Program studying economic and trade development in the United States (meetings and briefings in Washington DC, Seattle, San Jose, Columbus and Akron, Ohio, and New York City). Travel costs and accommodation within the US were met by the US State Department, the sponsors of the programme. (Registered 9 July 2003)
20-24 September 2003, to Singapore with the All-Party Singapore Group for discussion with ministers and officials. Flights paid for by Singapore Airlines and accommodation provided by the Government of Singapore. (Registered 14 October 2003)
RUSSELL, Bob (Colchester)
9.Registrable shareholdings
(a)Magdalen Hall Company Limited; company formed to facilitate the purchase of the former St. Mary Magdalen Church Hall, Colchester, by Colchester Liberal Democrats.
RUSSELL, Christine (City of Chester)
RYAN, Joan (Enfield North)

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