Select Committee on Defence Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum submitted by the Defence Manufacturers Association (10 January 2003)

  I am aware, via the Secretary to the DIC, that you are open to receiving unsolicited comments from representatives of the defence industry in preparation for the Committee's next investigation into the privatisation of QinetiQ.

  The position of the Defence Manufacturers Association is to accept that the current and planned status of QinetiQ as a fait accompli. There is nothing to be gained at this point in tilting at the windmill of the principle of privatisation, or indeed the selection of Carlyle as the partner. The Government is set on a course and we will do best for our members by working with the grain of that reality.

  Some companies have IPR issues outstanding and we see our most effective role here as being to ensure that as many companies as possible know that they should check as to whether they apply to them and are a matter of concern. If they do and have trouble resolving them directly with QinetiQ then we are happy to intercede on their behalf. In our experience to date, direct negotiations have resolved most of them.

  We have welcomed the intention of the MoD to place (albeit more slowly than industry would prefer) an increasing amount of non-Dstl defence research to open competition whilst noting that, to date, QinetiQ have won some 50% by value of contracts so awarded. This should nevertheless present new and, over the years, increasing opportunities for companies. We also welcome the clear statement by the MoD that such work will only be open to UK companies/universities etc (except where no appropriate UK capability exists). There is some concern that QinetiQ itself, however, is currently placing less of its own work outside than it previously did and this is counter-balancing the benefit to industry of the MoD`s action. We hope and acknowledge that this will probably be a short term situation driven by the immediate wish to prepare QinetiQ for final flotation.

  The consensus view of the DMA Council is that the quicker that QinetiQ becomes close to being a true member of industry (given that that is the ineluctable aim) the better. QinetiQ and the rest of industry would then be operating on a level playing field of financing, overheads, business opportunities and other factors that all involved would understand. As the Committee may know QinetiQ became a member of the DMA some time ago after a vigorous debate within both organisations. This relationship has proved to be very helpful during recent developments, whilst not stifling the expression of strong opinions at times.

  On a separate but related note, we believe that it is helpful for future developments if Industry is as aware as possible of future MoD research programmes and aspirations. This helps them to prepare for future competitive opportunities. With the strong support of the MoD Defence Equipment Capability community the DMA arranges regular briefings along these lines and we would be pleased if the Committee could commend the MoD and encourage them to continue to support such activities.

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