Select Committee on Defence Minutes of Evidence


Letter from Parliamentary Under Secretary to the Chairman (4 March 2003) (D)

  Shortly before Christmas, I announced to Parliament that we had signed a deal to sell a minority stake in QinetiQ to The Carlyle Group. I also wrote in similar terms to parliamentary colleagues with QinetiQ sites in their constituencies and to those who had previously expressed an interest in the DERA PPP process. As I made clear, final completion of the transaction was subject to the satisfactory fulfilment of a number of conditions. This has now been achieved and I am pleased to inform you that the sale has been formally executed in accordance with the terms of my previous announcement.

  At the point of signing we made public our estimate that The Carlyle Group would pay us between £140-150 million. I am pleased to confirm that the final amount will be at the top end of this range, and we will receive just over £149 million. This is in addition to £50 million already received directly from QinetiQ as part payment for the company's assets. Overall we will have received nearly £200 million from the PPP process so far and we continue to own around 62% of QinetiQ's shares.

  I believe that this is a good result for the taxpayer, QinetiQ, its staff and its MoD customers. We now look forward to period of strategic partnership with The Carlyle Group culminating in the sale of our remaining stake in the company. Whilst the precise timing and choice of transaction route will depend on value for money considerations, I anticipate that the sale will occur through a flotation of QinetiQ in around three to five years.

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Prepared 9 April 2003