The Defence Committee is appointed by the House of
Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy
of the Ministry of Defence and its associated public bodies.
Current membership
Mr Bruce George MP (Labour, Walsall South) (Chairman)
Mr James Cran MP (Conservative, Beverley and Holderness)
Mr David Crausby MP (Labour, Bolton North East)
Mr Mike Hancock CBE MP (Liberal Democrat, Portsmouth South)
Mr Gerald Howarth MP (Conservative, Aldershot)
Mr Kevan Jones MP (Labour, North Durham)
Jim Knight MP (Labour, South Dorset)
Patrick Mercer OBE MP (Conservative, Newark)
Syd Rapson BEM MP (Labour, Portsmouth North)
Mr Frank Roy MP (Labour, Motherwell and Wishaw)
Rachel Squire MP (Labour, Dunfermline West)
The Committee is one of the departmental select committees,
the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders,
principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet
The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by
The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications
of the Committee
(including press notices) are on the Internet at
_committee.cfm. A list of Reports of the Committee in the present
Parliament is at the back of this volume.
Committee staff
The current staff of the Committee are Mark Hutton (Clerk),
Steven Mark (Second Clerk), Simon Fiander (Audit Adviser), Dr
John Gearson (Committee Specialist), Fiona Channon (Committee
Assistant), Sue Monaghan (Secretary).
All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerks of the
Defence Committee, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. The telephone
number for general enquiries is 020 7219 5745; the Committee's
email address is
In the footnotes of this Report, references to oral evidence
are indicated by 'Q' followed by the question number. References
to written evidence are indicated by the page number as in 'Ev