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House of Commons
Session 2002-03
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Health Committee Publications

Health - Minutes of Evidence[Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 May 2003.


Members present:
John AustinSandra Gidley
Andy BurnhamSiobhain McDonagh
Mr Simon BurnsDr Doug Naysmith
Jim DowdDr Richard Taylor
Julia Drown

In the absence of the Chairman, John Austin was called to the chair.


Memorandum submitted by the Health Development Agency (SH 34)

Memorandum submitted by the Sex Education Forum (SH 136)

Memorandum submitted by the Black Health Agency (SH 143)

Memorandum submitted by Nick Springham, Newcastle Primary Care Trust (SH 151)

Memorandum submitted by Mrs Lindsey Abbott, Deputy Headteacher, Slough and Eton Church of England School

Memorandum submitted by Kaye Wellings, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (SH 154)

Examination of Witnesses

MR NICK SPRINGHAM, Health Improvement and Commissioning Manager, Newcastle Primary Care Trust; MS EVELYN ASANTE-MENSAH, Chief Executive, Black Health Agency; PROFESSOR MIKE KELLY, Director, Research and Information, Health Development Agency; MS KAYE WELLINGS, Director, Sexual Health Programme, Health Promotion Research Unit, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; MR SIMON BLAKE, Assistant Director, Children's Personal Development Unit, National Children's Bureau; and MRS LINDSAY ABBOTT, Deputy Head Teacher, Slough and Eton Church of England School, examined.

Question Number







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Prepared 11 June 2003