AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
BHIVA | British HIV Association
BMA | British Medical Association
BMJ | British Medical Journal
BPAS | British Pregnancy Advisory Service
DfES | Department for Education and Skills
EIA | Enzyme immuno-assay test
FET | Family Education Trust
FPA | Family Planning Association
GU | Genito-Urinary |
GUM | Genito-Urinary Medicine
HAART | Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment
HDA | Health Development Agency
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HPV | Human Papilloma Virus |
MEDFASH | Medical Foundation for AIDS and Sexual Health
NATSAL | National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
NICE | National Institute for Clinical Excellence
NSF | National Service Framework
OFSTED | Officie for Standards in Education
PACT | National Association of NHS Providers of AIDS Care and Treatment
PCR | Polymerase Chain Reaction test
PCT | Primary Care Trust |
PHLS | Public Health Laboratory Service (now the Health Protection Agency)
PID | Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PSHE | Personal, Social and Health Education
RCP | Royal College of Physicians
SAFF | Service and Financial Framework
SRE | Sex and Relationships Education
STI | Sexually Transmitted Infection