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House of Commons
Session 2002-03
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Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing, Planning,Local Government and the
 Regions Committee Publications

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: Housing,
 Planning,Local Government and the Regions - Written Evidence

Here you can browse the Written Evidence ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 14 July 2003.



Memorandum by the London Borough of Hounslow (SOC 01)

Memorandum by Bristol City Council (SOC 02)

Memorandum by Living Streets (SOC 03)

Memorandum by the National Secular Society (SOC 04)

Memorandum by Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council (SOC 05)

Memorandum by the National Housing Federation (NHF) (SOC 06)

Memorandum by UNISON (SOC 07)

Memorandum by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (SOC 08)

Memorandum by the Urban Design Alliance (SOC 09)

Memorandum by the Local Government Information Unit (LGIU) and the Local Authority and Social Exclusion network (LASE) (SOC 10)

Memorandum by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) (SOC 11)

Memorandum by Bexley Council (SOC 12)

Memorandum by the Newcastle Multi Agency Group on Community Cohesion (MAGCC) (SOC 13)

Memorandum by Groundwork (SOC 14)

Memorandum by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) (SOC 15)

Memorandum by the Redcar & Cleveland Community Cohesion Programme (SOC 16)

Memorandum by Manchester City Council (SOC 17)

Memorandum by Camden Council (SOC 19)

Memorandum by Haringey Council (SOC 20)

Memorandum by the NorthWest Development Agency, Yorkshire Forward, ONE North East and the East of England Development Agency (SOC 21)

Memorandum by the Community Cohesion Group of Burnley Action Partnership (SOC 22)

Memorandum by First Choice Homes Oldham (SOC 23)

Memorandum by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) (SOC 24)

Memorandum by the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) (SOC 25)

Memorandum by the Home Office (SOC 26)

Memorandum by Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (SOC 27)

Memorandum by Martin O'Connell, Community Safety Co-ordinator Oldham (SOC 28)

Memorandum by Mr Mazin Zeki (SOC 29)

Memorandum by MigrationwatchUK (SOC 30)

Memorandum by Gateshead Council (SOC 31)

Memorandum by Mr Alan Armitage (SOC 32)

Memorandum by Connexions Oldham (SOC 33)

Memorandum by Age Concern Oldham (SOC 34)

Memorandum by Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council, Education and Cultural Services Department (SOC 35)

Memorandum by Coppice Community Centre (SOC 36)

Memorandum by Mrs Dorothy Townend, Churchwarden, Holy Trinity Church, Dobcross (SOC 37)

Memorandum by N B Flint, Environmental Society (Coppice Area) (SOC 38)

Memorandum by Canon John Sykes, Vicar of Oldham (SOC 39)

Memorandum by the Learning and Skills Council, Greater Manchester (SOC 40)

Memorandum by Oldham Fire Station (SOC 41)

Memorandum by Oldham and Rochdale Jobcentre Plus (SOC 42)

Memorandum by the West Pennine Housing Association (SOC 43)

Memorandum by Lorna Phillips (SOC 44)

Memorandum by Rodger Petch (SOC 45)

Memorandum by Nicola Ingham (SOC 46)

Memorandum by Oldham Credit Union (SOC 47)

Memorandum by Oldham Community Broadcasting (SOC 48)

Memorandum by Citizens Advice (SOC 49)

Memorandum by J F Dale (SOC 18)

Memorandum by the Oldham United Campaign (SOC 50)

Oldham United Charter

Memorandum by the Manchester Diocesan Board for Ministry and Society (SOC 51)

Oldham Inter-Faith Forum

Memorandum by Groundwork Oldham & Rochdale (SOC 52)

Memorandum by Reverend D W Joynes (SOC 53)

Memorandum by Councillor Christine Wheeler, Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council (SOC 54)

Memorandum by the Greater Manchester Fire Service (SOC 55)

Memorandum by Marriage Care Oldham (SOC 56)

Memorandum by the Home Office (SOC 57)

Memorandum by PeaceMaker (SOC 58)

A selection of articles from the Oldham Evening Chronicle submitted to the Chairman as evidence to the inquiry into Social Cohesion (SOC 59)

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