Select Committee on Public Accounts Thirtieth Report

List of Reports from the Committee of Public Accounts Session 2002-03

First ReportCollecting the television licence fee HC 118 (Cm 5770)
Second Report Dealing with pollution from ships HC 119 (Cm 5770)
Third ReportTobacco Smuggling HC 143 (Cm 5770)
Fourth ReportPrivate Finance Initiative: redevelopment of MOD Main Building HC 298 (Cm 5789)
Fifth ReportThe 2001 outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease HC 487 (Cm 5801)
Sixth ReportMinistry of Defence: Exercise Saif Sareea II HC 502 (Cm 5801)
Seventh ReportExcess Votes 2001-02 HC 503 (N/A)
Eighth ReportExcess Votes (Northern Ireland) 2001-02 HC 504 (N/A)
Ninth ReportThe Office for National Statistics: outsourcing the 2001 Census HC 543 (Cm 5801)
Tenth ReportIndividual Learning Accounts HC 544 (Cm 5802)
Eleventh ReportFacing the challenge: NHS emergency planning in England HC 545 (Cm 5802)
Twelfth ReportTackling pensioner poverty: encouraging take-up of entitlements HC 565 (Cm 5802)
Thirteenth ReportMinistry of Defence: progress in reducing stocks HC 566
Fourteenth ReportRoyal Mint Trading Fund 2001-02 Accounts HC 588 (Cm 5802)
Fifteenth ReportOpra: tackling the risks to pension scheme members HC 589 (Cm 5802)
Sixteenth ReportImproving public services through innovation: the Invest to Save Budget HC 170
Seventeenth ReportHelping victims and witnesses: the work of Victim Support HC 635
Eighteenth ReportReaping the rewards of agricultural research HC 414
Nineteenth ReportThe PFI contract for the redevelopment of West Middlesex University Hospital HC 155
Twentieth ReportBetter public services through call centres HC 373
Twenty-first ReportThe operations of HM Customs and Excise in 2001-02 HC 398
Twenty-second ReportPFI refinancing update HC 203
Twenty-third ReportInnovation in the NHS—the acquisition of the Heart Hospital HC 299
Twenty-fourth ReportCommunity Legal Service: the introduction of contracting HC 185
Twenty-fifth ReportProtecting the public from waste HC 352
Twenty-sixth ReportSafety, quality, efficacy: regulating medicines in the UK HC 505

The reference number of the Treasury Minute to each Report is printed in brackets after the
HC printing number
Twenty-seventh ReportThe management of substitution cover for teachers HC 473
Twenty-eighth ReportDelivering better value for money from the Private Finance Initiative HC 764
Twenty-ninth ReportInland Revenue: Tax Credits and tax debt management HC 332
Thirtieth ReportDepartment for International Development: maximising impact in the water sector HC 446

The reference number of the Treasury Minute to each Report is printed in brackets after the
HC printing number

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Prepared 3 July 2003