Select Committee on Public Administration Fifth Report


This annex sets out the results of research undertaken by the Committee to determine progress against each performance target contained in the 1998 public service agreements. Detailed results from this exercise appear in the main table below (table 1.1). It was compiled by examining each individual department's reporting on achievement against its PSA targets, which can be found in departmental reports and autumn performance reports each year (and sometimes in smaller departments' annual reports). Most departments reported the final out-turn against their 1998 targets in their 2002 departmental or autumn performance reports. However, the smaller departments stopped reporting on their 1998 targets once these were superseded by their service delivery agreement (SDA) targets formulated as part of the 2000 Spending Review. As a consequence, some results were determined by looking at previous years' reports. In some cases, where it was unclear whether targets were finally reported on or not, the relevant departments were contacted to check whether final reporting had occurred.

The figures in the table, particularly the totals of targets met, not met and so on, should be read with a caveat. Due to the inconsistency of performance reporting among departments, and the absence of a mechanism for independently verifying departments' reporting, the figures should be taken as indicative ones only. In effect, the results in the table are a best estimate of departments' achievement against their targets, given the sometimes limited information provided in departments' reports and the lack of independent external validation of performance information.

The categories used to classify achievement against targets are as follows:

  • 'Number of targets met' and 'Number of targets not met' are self-explanatory.
  • 'Number of targets partially met' refers to targets which consisted of two or more sub-targets, where at least one, but not all, sub-targets were met.
  • 'Number of targets where there was a lack of data on achievement' refers to situations where there was a lack of information on whether the target had been achieved or not; for instance, where a target had been set for achievement by 2002 but where the 2002 data were not yet available due to time lags in data collection. This is also the category used for cases where departments did not indicate whether a target had been fully met or not, and no relevant supporting data had been provided to ascertain the target's actual status.
  • 'Number of targets where there was no final reporting on achievement' refers to those instances where departments did not publish their final assessments on achievement against their targets. This was more common among the smaller departments than the main ones.

Table 1.1: Reported achievement against 1998 PSA performance targets, for all departments


Total number of PSA performance targets in 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review Number of targets met Number of targets not met Number of targets partially met Number of targets where there was a lack of data on achievement Number of targets where there was no final reporting on achievement
Agriculture, Fisheries and Food 126 31 20
Cabinet Office (1) 1311 20 00
Central Office of Information 33 00 00
Charity Commission 88 00 00
Culture, Media and Sport 2120 01 00
HM Customs and Excise 74 21 00
Defence (2) 167 22 50
Education and Employment (3) 114 41 11
Environment, Transport and the Regions 4135 21 30
Export Credits Guarantee Department 30 00 03
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 107 12 00
Forestry Commission (4) 72 20 30
Government Actuary's Department 30 00 03
Health 148 31 20
Home Office (5) 3021 11 70
Inland Revenue 86 10 10
International Development 42 01 10
Intervention Board (MAFF) 41 00 03
HM Land Registry (6) 22 00 00
Law Officers' Departments 139 10 30
Lord Chancellor's Department 93 21 30
National Savings 65 10 00
Northern Ireland Court Service (7) 53 00 02
Offices of Electricity Regulation and Gas Supply (OFFER and OFGAS) 104 00 06
Office of Fair Trading 110 00 011
Office for National Statistics 32 00 10
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) (8) 65 10 00
Office of Telecommunications (OFTEL) 93 20 13
Office of Water Services (OFWAT) 85 00 21
Public Record Office (9) 21 00 01
Social Security 1710 02 50
Trade and Industry 124 24 20
HM Treasury 3324 11 70
Action against Illegal Drugs (10) 40 00 04
Criminal Justice System (11) 93 10 50
Sure Start (12) 124 50 30
Interim totals 386232 3920 5738
Less instances of shared PSA targets 2011 31 50
Final totals 366221 3619 5238
Percentages 100%60.4% 9.8% 5.2%14.2% 10.4%

Source: Compiled from 2000, 2001 and 2002 departmental and annual reports, and 2002 autumn performance reports


(1) Responsibility for one target (on Government Estate surplus buildings) was transferred from the Cabinet Office to the Treasury during the reporting period.

(2) Achievement against Ministry of Defence targets is reported in its annual performance report.

(3) Responsibility for three targets (on employment) was transferred to the Department of Work and Pensions following the reorganisation of government Departments after the June 2001 general election.

(4) Responsibility for one target (on Welsh forests) was transferred from the Forestry Commission to the Welsh Assembly during the reporting period.

(5) Responsibility for three targets (on fire safety) was transferred from the Home Office to the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions during the reporting period.

(6) HM Land Registry has three targets listed in its 1998 PSA, but only two are reported here as these were the performance targets (the other was an efficiency target).

(7) Reported achievement against the Northern Ireland Court Service's targets is recorded as at the end of September 2002.

(8) Reported achievement against OFSTED's targets relates to its revised PSA targets, as OFSTED updated its targets a year after they appeared in the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review.

(9) The Public Record Office has four targets listed in its 1998 PSA, but only two are reported here as these were the performance targets (the other two were efficiency targets).

(10) Reporting on this area appeared in the Anti-Drugs Co-ordinator's annual reports. The targets in the 1998 Action Against Illegal Drugs PSA were not finally reported on as they were superseded the following year by targets contained in the government's anti-drugs strategy (and which were replicated in the 2000 Action Against Illegal Drugs PSA).

(11) Achievement against these targets (which were replicated in the Criminal Justice System strategic plan 1999-2002) is reported in the Criminal Justice System annual report.

(12) Achievement against Sure Start targets is reported in the Department for Education and Skills' departmental report.

Table 1.2: Summary of main Departments' reported achievement against 1998 PSA performance targets
Department Total number of PSA performance targets in 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review Number of targets met Number of targets not met Number of targets partially met Number of targets where there was a lack of data on achievement Number of targets where there was no final reporting on achievement
Interim totals of main Departments' reported achievement against PSA targets 264176 2720 401
Less instances of shared PSA targets 159 21 30
Final totals of main Departments' reported achievement against PSA targets 249167 2519 371
Percentages 100%67.1% 10.0%7.6% 14.9%0.4%

Source: Derived from Table 2.1 above

Table 1.3: Summary of main Departments' reported achievement against 1998 PSA performance targets, where final performance information was available
Department Total number of PSA performance targets in 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review Number of targets met Number of targets not met Number of targets partially met
Totals of main Departments' reported achievement against PSA targets, where final performance information was available 211167 2519
Percentages 100%79.1% 11.8%9.0%

Source: Derived from Table 2.2 above

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Prepared 22 July 2003