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House of Commons
Session 2002-03
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Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards Committee Publications

Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards - Annual Report 2002-03

Here you can browse the report which was ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 16 July 2003.




1. Regulating Standards of Conduct

Brief History


The Key Elements in the System

1. The Code of Conduct

2. The Register of Members' Interests

3. The Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards

4. The Committee on Standards and Privileges

Does the System Work?

2. Strengthening the System

The Committee on Standards in Public Life

Simplifying and Clarifying the Rules for Members

Codifying Procedures

3. Emphasising Prevention

Forming a Strategy for Prevention

1. Simplifying and Clarifying what is expected of Members

2. Providing Training

3. Offering Written Advice and Guidance

4. Working with Other Agencies

4. Investigating Complaints

Complaints in 2002-03

Reports to the Committee in 2002-03

5. The Other Registers

Brief History of the Registers

1. Members' Staff Register

2. Journalists' Register

3. All-Party Groups' Register

4. Access to the Registers

5. Complaints

6. Ensuring Accountability

7. Resourcing the Work

8. Conclusion and Forward Look

Appendix 1: The Rectification Prcedure

Appendix 2: Parliamentary Standards: policy on the disclosure of information about the handling of complaints against Members of Parliament

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Prepared 17 July 2003