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House of Commons
Session 2002-03
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Work and Pensions Committee Publications

Work and Pensions - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 22 October 2003.

Taken before the Work and Pensions Committee


Members present:

Sir Archy Kirkwood, in the Chair
Miss Anne BeggMr Paul Goodman
Ms Karen BuckAndrew Selous
Mr Andrew DismoreMr David Stewart


Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Mr Karl-Johan Lönnroth, Deputy Director-General of the Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission and Mr Paul Vandermeeren, UK ESF Desk Officer at the Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission, examined.

Question Number

1 - 19

20 - 40

Supplementary note provided by the European Commission (ESF 19)

Supplementary note provided by the European Commission (ESF 19K)

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19B)

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19C)

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19D)

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19E)

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19F)

Supplementary graph provided by the European Commission (ESF 19G)

Memorandum submitted by the Learning and Skills Council (ESF 15)

Annex 1

Examination of Witnesses

Witnesses: Mr Ken Pascoe, National Director of Operations, Learning and Skills Council, National Office, Ms Chris Minett, Assistant Director, Structural and Learner Support Funds, Learning and Skills Council, National Office and Mr David Cragg, Executive Director, Learning and Skills Council for Birmingham and Solihull, examined.

Question Number

41 - 59

60 - 77

Letter to the Clerk of the Committee from Andrew Dismore MP (ESF 16)

E-mail sent to Andrew Dismore MP from the Clubhouse, Woodstock Avenue

Letter to Andrew Dismore MP from the Executive Director of North London Learning and Skills Council (ESF 15A)

Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from the Learning and Skills Council (ESF 15B)

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Prepared 18 November 2003