Select Committee on Work and Pensions Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary note provided by the European Commission (ESF 19)


  The table describes, in a concise way, how the programming negotiations between the Member States and the Commission were organised for the 2000-06 programming period.

  On the options presented, The UK has chosen, for Objective 3, the option of a Community Support Framework (CSF) and three Operational Programmes (OPs) for England, Scotland and Wales.

Commission, in co-operation with the MS, draws up list of eligible regions for Objectives 1 & 2
Within four months after consultation with local and regional authorities and social and economic partners, Member States present to the Commission:
Development Plan(s) & Objective 3 policy frame of reference
Commission examines Development Plan(s) to ensure consistency with: (i) the aims of the Structural Funds and ESF Regulations (ii) the National Action Plans for Employment (iii) Objective 3 policy frame of reference.
Member States presents to the Commission either:
Draft Community Support Framework (CSF)
Draft Single Programming Document(s) (SPD)
MS negotiates CSF with the Commission
MS negotiates SPD(s) with the Commission
Parallel to or following the adoption of the CSF, a number of thematic or regional Operational Programmes are presented to, negotiated with and approved by the Commission in the same manner
Commission decision in principle on CSF/OPs/SPD(s)
Structural Funds Committee (for the ESF: the ESF committee) gives opinion on CSF/OOs/SPD(s)
Within five months of the submission of the Development Plan/SPD Commission gives final decision
Within three months of Commission approval of CSF/OPs/SPDs Member State submits a Programme Complement per OP/SPD to the Commission for information only (ie no formal approval is necessary)
Managing authorities inform potential project promoters and launch call for project proposals
Projects are selected, approved and monitored by managing authority and money reaches people on the ground

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