Select Committee on Work and Pensions Minutes of Evidence

Supplementary note submitted by the European Commission (ESF 19E)


  The annexed text describes the calendar for the mid-term review. This refers to the re-examination of all programming documents and, if necessary, adapted at the initiative of the Member State or the Commission in agreement with the Member State. This re-examination shall be done in the light of the mid-term evaluation, which examines the initial results of the assistance, their relevance and the extent to which the targets have been achieved, as well as the use made financial resources.

  Four per cent of the commitment appropriations ("performance reserve") shall be allocated after the assessment of the performance of each programme on the basis of a limited number of monitoring indicators, reflecting effectiveness, management and financial implementation, measuring the mid-term results in relation to their specific initial targets. This allocation of the performance reserve shall be done by the Commission at mid-term and not later than 31 March 2004, in close consultation with the Member State concerned, under each objective, on the basis of proposals from the Member State.

1.  Legal base in Regulation 1260/99

    —  Article 10: "subsequently before the mid-term review referred to in Article 42, after consulting the Member States, Commission shall publish broad indicative guidelines on relevant and agreed Community policies in relation to the Objectives."

    —  Article 11: "Additionality shall be verified:  (b) A mid-term verification no later than three years after the approval of the Community Support Framework or single Programming Document and as a general rule, no later than 31 December 2003."

    —  Article 14 §2: "Community Support Frameworks, operational programmes and single programming documents shall be re-examined and if necessary adapted at the initiative of the Member states or the Commission in agreement with the Member state, in accordance with this title following the mid-term evaluation referred to in Article 42."

    —  Article 42: "Mid-term evaluation shall be carried out under the responsibility of the managing authority, . . . And then sent to the Commission, as a general rule, three years after the adoption of the assistance and no later than 31 December 2003, with a view to the revision referred to in Article 14(2).

      The Commission shall examine the relevance and quality of the evaluation on the basis of criteria defined beforehand by the Commission and the Member State, with a view to reviewing the assistance and allocating the reserve."

    —  Article 44: "Each Member State in close consultation with the Commission, shall asses under each objective and no later than 31 December 2003 the performance of each operational programmes . . . At the mid-term and no later than 31 March 2004, the Commission shall allocate, in close consultation with the Member State, on the basis of proposals from each Member state, taking into account its specific institutional features and their corresponding programming, the commitments appropriations referred to in article 7(5) to the operational programmes or single programming documents or their priorities which are considered to be successful. The operational programmes of single programming documents shall be adapted in accordance with articles 14 and 15."

2.  Calendar

    —  The Commission will publish the first semester of 2003 broad indicative guidelines for the MTR.

    —  The Commission will follow continuously throughout 2003 the evolution of the mid-term evaluation (in evaluation meetings and in PMCs where the evaluation is discussed).

    —  During the annual meetings: first official talks with the Member State on their first ideas on the mid-term evaluation and on the allocation of the performance reserve. These meetings will have to be organised in September or October 2003.

    —  The result of the mid-term evaluation and the assessment of the Member State of the performance of the programme in question, should be received by the Commission before 31 December 2003.

    —  The Commission will examine (on the basis of criteria defined beforehand by the Commission and the Member State) the relevance and quality of the evaluation and the Member States' proposals for reviewing the programmes and allocating the performance reserve.

    —  Review the assistance and allocate the reserve before 31 March 2004.

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