Select Committee on Work and Pensions Minutes of Evidence

Letter to the Chairman of the Committee from the Learning and Skills Council (ESF 15B)

  I am writing with reference to a commitment given at the Select Committee inquiry into ESF on the 7 May 2003, to inform you of progress with the Learning and Skills Council's ESF Co-Financing System.

  I am pleased to be able to inform you that the two main components of this system have now been successfully implemented, and the system are currently live and available to all of the Local LSC offices.

  The contract management component of the system was implemented and went live on the l9 May. This provides the functionality for Local Offices to manage the Measure Level Activities which have been agreed with their local Government Offices, in addition to the management of the Provider Contracts through which the activities are delivered.

  The second main component of the system contains the Match functionality, and this was implemented and available for use by all local LSCs with effect from 2 June 2003. This part of the system enables the local LSCs to identify the Match element required for ESF activities, by searching and then selecting relevant Individual Learner Records held on the LSC's databases where the activities undertaken by the individual beneficiary learners meets specific criteria for each Measure Level Activity.

  As the system is a new development for the LSC, it will continue to undergo a number of improvements in the coming weeks and months, including the entry of additional contract data, extra reports, and changes to aid end users in the use of the system.

  Phase 2 of the system development is planned to commence in the next month, and this will focus on the completion of the system, including:

    —  functionality to provide a mechanism for the on-line collection of provider data;

    —  functionality for MLA and Provider Contract Closure reports;

    —  the production of reports and standard letters;

    —  the maintenance of static data; and

    —  the management of the systems housekeeping and database administration activities.

  If you have any other queries on the system development, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ken Pascoe
Director of Operations
National Office

2 June 2003

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