Wednesday 7 May 2003
Mr Karl-Johan Lönnroth and Mr Paul Vandermeeren, Directorate General for Employment and Social Affairs, European Commission.
| Ev 1 |
Mr Ken Pascoe, Ms Chris Minett and Mr David Cragg, Learning and Skills Council
| Ev 25 |
Wednesday 21 May 2003
Ms Jane Henderson and Mr Phil McVey, Government Office, South West.
Ms Alison Biddulph, Government Office, Yorkshire and the Humber.
| Ev 45 |
Ms Tamara Flanagan, Third Sector European Network. Ms Sandra Turner, Community Service Volunteers. Mr Ray Phillips, London Voluntary Sector Training Consortium. Ms Barbara Love, The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations.
| Ev 73 |
Wednesday 25 June 2003
Mr Chris Pond MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Ms Jane Evans and Mr Gordon Pursglove, Department for Work and Pensions.
| Ev 101 |