| | | Time spent
(hours and minutes)
| | In total
| After moment of interruption
Addresses other than Motions to annul or revoke Statutory Instruments
| 39.49 | 0.58
Government Bills: |
0 | Read a second time and committed to a Standing Committee
| 126.43 | 2.54
| Read a second time and committed to a Committee of the whole House
36.18 |
| Read a second time and not committed
| - | -
| Committee of the whole House
| 48.47 | 3.57
| Consideration | 149.56
| 7.07 |
| Third Reading | 34.58
| 2.54 |
| Lords Amendments | 65.56
| 5.49 |
| Allocation of Time | 13.17
| 4.52 |
| Committal Motions | -
| - |
Private Members' Bills: |
| Second Reading and all stages
| 35.09 | 0.10
| Other stages | 28.10
| 0.24 |
Private Business at Seven o'clock
| 12.31 | 1.10
Government Motions: |
| European Union Documents |
3.04 | 0.23
| Business Motions | 6.38
| 3.34 |
| General | 50.02
| 4.32 |
Opposition Days | 126.57
| 7.39 |
Opposition Motions in Government time
| |
| (other than Motions to annul or revoke Statutory Instruments)
| 12.16 | 0.47
Private Members' Motions: |
| Substantive | 9.23
| - |
| Ten Minute Rule | 13.36
| - |
Adjournment: |
| Government | 188.12
| 2.28 |
| Daily | 93.23
| 78.37 |
| Standing Order No. 24 debate
| 3.00 | -
| Last day before recess |
24.26 | 3.33
Estimates (debates on Select Committee reports under Standing Order No. 54)
| 14.32 | 0.17
Money Resolutions |
| 0.59 | 0.43
Ways and Means |
| 28.50 | 1.18
Motions for approval of Statutory Instruments
| | 20.53 |
2.26 |
Motions to annul or revoke Statutory Instruments
| | 4.05 |
- |
No Question before the House:
| Questions to Ministers |
151.48 | -
| Private Notice Questions |
8.33 | -
| Statements | 96.26
| - |
| Business Statements | 33.10
| - |
| Standing Order No. 24 Applications
| 0.31 | -
| Points of Order | 7.47
| 0.30 |
| Public Petitions | 2.26
| 2.11 |
| Miscellaneous | 31.42
| 9.24 |
| (including suspensions of the proceedings of the House[13]
| 13.05 | 8.21)
Daily Prayers | 16.35
| - |
TOTAL | 1,540.46
| 150.25 |