Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended |
| |
Age Discrimination No. 2 [113] | prorogation
Age Equality Commission [10] | Second Reading negatived
Air Weapons [198] | prorogation
Alcohol Services [124] | dropped
Animal Sanctuaries (Licensing) [22] | dropped
Animal Sanctuaries (Licensing) No. 2 [168] |
dropped |
Area Child Protection Committees [142] |
dropped |
Borough Freedom (Family Succession) [Lords] [200]
| prorogation |
Broadcasting Act 1990 (Amendment) [110] |
dropped |
Children with Disabilities (Play Areas) [19]
| dropped |
Christmas Day Trading [Lords] [118] | dropped
Companies Act 1989 (Amendment) [104] | dropped
Compulsory Voting [58] | dropped
Control of Fireworks [78] | dropped
Control of Fireworks [No. 2] [172] | dropped
Corporate Responsibility [145] | dropped
Criminal Evidence (Prohibition of Sale) [109]
| dropped |
Criminal Evidence (Prohibition of Sale) (No. 2) [181]
| dropped |
Data Protection (Amendment) [146] | dropped
Disability Discrimination (Amendment) [Lords] [129]
| dropped |
Domestic Combined Heat and Power (Reduction in VAT) [192]
| prorogation |
Endangered Species (Illegal Trade) [84] |
dropped |
Endangered Species (Offences) [185] | prorogation
Energy-saving Materials (Reduced Rate of VAT) [206]
| prorogation |
Environmental Audit [30] | dropped
Environmental Audit (No. 2) [173] | dropped
Euro and Sterling Choice [70] | dropped
Firearms (Amendment) [27] | dropped
Firearms (Amendment) (No. 2) [179] | dropped
Firearms (Replica Weapons) [41] | dropped
Fixed-term Parliaments [134] | dropped
Food Labelling [15] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Food Poverty (Eradication) [69] | dropped
Food Safety (Amendment) [161] | dropped
Football Spectators [21] | dropped
Health (Air Travellers) [42] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Health (Air Travellers) (No. 2) [165] | dropped
Health Reform (Education and Public Involvement) [99]
| dropped |
Home Energy Conservation (No. 2) [174] |
prorogation |
Housing (Wales) [18] | dropped
Legalisation of Cannabis [16] | adjourned debate on Second Reading, dropped
Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs [53] |
dropped |
Litter and Fouling of Land by Dogs (No. 2) [170]
| dropped |
Local Sustainability [188] | prorogation
Members of Parliament (Employment Disqualification) [81]
| dropped |
Motor Vehicles (Prohibition on Use of Hand-held Mobile Telephones) [50]
| prorogation |
Museums [92] | dropped |
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) [114]
| dropped |
Organ Donation (Presumed Consent and Safeguards) (No. 2) [169]
| dropped |
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) [9] | withdrawn
Patents Act 1977 (Amendment) (No. 2) [126] |
withdrawn |
Patients Without Legal Capacity (Safeguards) [94]
| dropped |
Prescriptions (Chronic Diseases) [151] |
prorogation |
Prime Minister (Office, Role and Functions) [60]
| dropped |
Public Right of Planning Appeal [20] | dropped
Rape (Consent) [182] | dropped
Regulation of Child Care Providers [140] |
dropped |
Relationships (Civil Registration) [36] |
dropped |
Religious Discrimination and Remedies [80] |
dropped |
Right to Self-employment [79] | dropped
Road Safety and Speed [85] | dropped
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) [66] | dropped
Sex Discrimination (Amendment) (No. 2) [Lords] [148]
| dropped |
Shops [160] | dropped |
Telecommunications Transmitters (Restrictions on Planning Applications) [56]
| dropped |
Telecommunications Transmitters (Restrictions on Planning Applications) (No. 2) [166]
| dropped |
Tobacco Disclosure [24] | dropped
Travel Concessions (Young Persons) [82] |
dropped |
Traveller Law Reform [171] | dropped
Treason Felony, Act of Settlement and Parliamentary Oath [77]
| dropped |
Trespassers on Land (Liability for Damage and Eviction) [116]
| dropped |
Vaccination of Children (Parental Choice) [122]
| dropped |
Waste [128] | dropped |
Waste (No. 2) [162] | dropped
| |
Total: 74 | |
| |
Title of Bill | Stage at which progress ended
| |
Age Discrimination | Withdrawn
Animal Welfare (Journey to Slaughter) | Order lapsed
Annuities (Competition) | Order lapsed
Auctions | Order lapsed |
Child Abuse Deaths | Order lapsed
Children (Safeguards for Unaccompanied Travel)
| Order lapsed |
Committal to Prison in Default of Fines, Local Taxes, etc (Abolition)
| Order lapsed |
Corporate Responsibility (Environmental, Social and Financial Reporting)
| prorogation |
Dignity at Work [Lords] | not taken up
Duty Free Imports (Personal Use) | prorogation
Elections (Entitlement to Vote at Age 16) |
Order lapsed |
Emergency Services Personnel (Protection) |
Order lapsed |
Extradition (Amendment) | Order lapsed
Fireworks | Order lapsed |
Foreign Exchange Transactions Tax Commission
| Order lapsed |
Health (Patients' Rights) | Order lapsed
Home Safety | Order lapsed |
Hospital Inspectorate | Order lapsed
Indirect Taxes (Disclosure) | Order lapsed
Movement of Farm Animals | Order lapsed
National Cancer | Order lapsed
National Nutrition | prorogation
Patient Choice | Order lapsed
Performance of Private Hospitals | Order lapsed
Planning (Publication and Infrastructure) |
Order lapsed |
Political Parties (Funding) | Order lapsed
Port Protection Authority | Order lapsed
Prime Minister (Office, Role and Functions) (No. 2)
| Order lapsed |
Protection of Property (Static Devices) |
Order lapsed |
Public Services (Disruption) [Lords] | not taken up
Redundancy Payments | prorogation
Respite Care (Children) | Order lapsed
Selective Schools (Transitional Arrangements)
| Order lapsed |
Single European Language | prorogation
Sunday Working (Scotland) | prorogation
Waiting Time for Discharge from Hospital |
Order lapsed |
Waste Management Licences | Order lapsed
| |
Total: 37 | |