Information and statistics relating to European Union
documents (as defined in Standing Order No. 143 (European Scrutiny
Committee) paragraph (1) (i)-(vi))
A. Consideration by the
European Scrutiny Committee
No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee
| No. referred to European Standing Committee A
| No. referred to European Standing Committee B
| No. referred to European Standing Committee C
| No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House
| No. to which the attention of the House was drawn
1,860 | 29
| 40 | 16
| 11 | 26
B. Consideration on a Motion on the
floor of the House and in European Standing Committees
Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House
No. of documents considered on the floor of the House
| No. of documents debated on the floor of the House
| No. of documents on which the question was put forthwith
4 on 2 Motions | 4 on 2 Motions
| 76 on 32 Motions |
Consideration in European Standing Committee
Title of Document |
Date considered |
Sixth Environmental Action Programme of the European Community (2001-2010) (5771/01)
| 16th January 2002 |
Commission Green Paper on the Future of the Common Fisheries Policy (7262/01, 7263/01, 7377/01 and 737801)
| 27th February 2002 |
European Transport Policy for 2010 (11932/01) and Proposals for a Decision on Community Guidlines for the Development of the Trans-European Network (12597/01)
| 13th March 2002 |
Aircraft Noise (15014/01 and 5119/02) | 18th March 2002
Fisheries: total allowable catches and quotas 2002 (14130/01), Fisheries: total allowable catches for deep-sea stocks in 2002 (15238/01) and Fisheries: access requirements for deep-sea stocks (6918/02)
| 23rd April 2002 |
Promotion of the use of biofuels in road transport (1500/01)
| 1st May 2002 |
Railways (5721/02, 5744/02, 5723/02, 5724/02, 5726/02 and 5727/02)
| 8th May 2002 |
Rabies: Restrictions on the non-commercial movement of pet animals (11596/00 and 12488/01)
| 14th May 2002 |
Strategy for future chemicals policy (6671/01)
| 12th June 2002 |
Total no. of documents considered: 22
Total no. of meetings: 9
Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee A
Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's
panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European
Standing Committee A:
Mrs Irene Adams (1), Miss Anne Begg (1), Mr Joe Benton (1), Mr
James Cran (1), Mr Alan Hurst (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (1), Mr Edward
O'Hara (1), Mr David Taylor (1), Miss Ann Widdecombe (1)
Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members
were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing
Committee A:
Mr David Chaytor (0/7), Mrs Janet Dean (7/9), Mr Parmjit Dhanda
(0/2), Jim Dobbin (5/7), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Hastings
and Rye) (6/9), Mr Mark Francois (5/9), Dr Ian Gibson (6/9),
Matthew Green (6/9), Mr Mark Hoban (6/9), Norman Lamb (7/9), Rob
Marris (1/2), Sandra Osborne (2/2), Lawrie Quinn (8/9), Mr George
Stevenson (0/7), Mr Peter Viggers (3/9), Dr Rudi Vis (7/9).
Overall percentage attendance: 58.9%
Title of Document |
Date considered |
Unnumbered European Document, European Communities Draft Budget
| 19th November 2001 |
European Arrest Warrant and the Surrender Procedures between Member States (13425/01)
| 3rd and 10th December 2001 |
Broad Economic Policy Guidelines (8261/01 and 9326/01)
| 9th January 2002 |
Reinvigorating the Barcelona Process (11381/00) and Assistance to Palestinian Society (14778/00)
| 23rd January 2002 |
Court of Auditors Report 2000 and Sound Financial Management and Fighting Fraud (9208/01 and 9207/01)
| 12th February 2002 |
1976 Equal Treatment Directive (14492/01) |
13th February 2002 |
Enlargement and progress by applicants (14117/01 and Addenda 1-13), the Common financial framework 2004-2006 for accession negotiations (5745/02) and Agricultural issues related to enlargement (5638/02)
| 18th March 2002 |
Orders Freezing Assets or Evidence (6980/02)
| 9th May 2002 |
Reception of Asylum Applicants (8351/02) |
17th June 2002 |
Stability and Convergence Programmes of each Member State (SN 1107/02, SN 1108/02, SN 1109/02, SN 1111/02, SN 1112/02, SN 1113/02, SN1319/1/02, SN 1320/1/02, SN 1321/02, SN 1322/02, SN 1323/02,
SN 1324/1/02, SN 1325/1/02, OJ C51/7, SN 1361/02, SN 1382/1/02 and SN 1383/1/02 and 8389/02)
| 18th June 2002 |
Third-country Nationals (8237/01 and 11803/02)
| 1st July 2002 |
World Summit on Sustainable Devlopment (7727/2/02) and Aid for "Poverty Diseases" (6863/02)
| 8th July 2002 |
2003 Preliminary Draft Budget | 16th July 2002
EU Action Plan on Drugs 2000-2004 | 17th October 2002
Total no. of documents considered: 38
Total no. of meetings: 15
Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee B
Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's
panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European
Standing Committee B:
Mr David Amess (1), Mr Peter Atkinson (2), Mr Joe Benton (1),
Mr James Cran (1), Mr Win Griffiths (1), Mr Alan Hurst (1), Mr
Eric Illsley (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (1), Mr Edward O'Hara (2), Mrs
Marion Roe (1), Miss Ann Widdecombe (2)
Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members
were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing
Committee B:
John Barrett (7/15), David Cairns (15/15), Paul Farrelly (11/13),
Dr Hywel Francis (8/15), Jane Griffiths (9/15), Mr Fabian Hamilton
(0/2), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (15/15), Mr Boris Johnson (6/15), Mr
David Lepper (3/9), Dr Nick Palmer (13/15), Anne Picking (9/15),
Mark Tami (6/6), Mr Robert Walter (4/15), Mr John Wilkinson (4/15),
Hywel Williams (6/15).
Overall percentage attendance: 59.4%
Title of Document |
Date considered |
A Strategy for Energy Supply (5619/01 and 7218/01)
| 28th November 2001 |
Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum relating to Animal Testing and Cosmetic Products
| 13th March 2002 |
Food Hygiene (10427/00 and 15475/01) | 24th March 2002
Packaging and Packaging Waste (115194/01) |
15th May 2002 |
Authorisation of Human and Veterinary Medicines (13361/01 and 14591/01) and Authorisation of Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products (6240/02)
| 18th June 2002 |
Genetically Modified Food and Feed (11576/01 and 11496/01)
| 9th July 2002 |
Conditions for Temporary Workers (7430/02) |
10th July 2002 |
Waste from and Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (9923/01 and 10143/01 and two unnumbered Explanatory Memorandums)
| 17th July 2002 |
Total no. of documents considered: 16
Total no. of meetings: 8
Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee C
Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's
panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European
Standing Committee C:
Mr Peter Atkinson (1), Mr Joe Benton (2), Mr David Chidgey (2),
Mr Alan Hurst (1), Mr Bill O'Brien (1), Mr Bill Olner (1).
Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members
were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing
Committee C:
Mr David Borrow (0/1), Kevin Brennan (0/1), Tony Cunningham (6/7),
Jim Dobbin (1/5), Mr Dai Havard (5/7), Mr Ivan Henderson (7/8),
Stephen Hesford (6/8), Mr Michael Jack (4/8), Dr Stephen Ladyman
(8/8), Mr Iain Luke (7/8), Dr Andrew Murrison (8/8), Geraldine
Smith (0/3), The Reverend Martin Smyth (5/8), Mr Hugo Swire (8/8),
Mr Anthony D. Wright (7/8), Richard Younger-Ross (6/8).
Overall percentage attendance: 75%
Other Members: the following Members attended meetings
of European Standing Committees pursuant to Standing Order No.
Mr Bob Ainsworth (5), Hilary Benn (1), Mr John Bercow (2), Ms
Hazel Blears (2), Tom Brake (1), Richard Burden (1), Mr David
Cameron (1), Mr Ivor Caplin (28), Roger Casale (1), Paul Clark
(1), Mr Michael Connarty (2), Yvette Cooper (1), John Cryer (1),
Mr David Drew (2), Mr Alan Duncan (1), Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (2),
Mr Howard Flight (1), Jim Fitzpatrick (1), Paul Flynn (1), Mr
Barry Gardiner (1), Andrew George (2), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (1),
Paul Goggins (1), Mr John Grogan (1), Peter Hain (2), Mr Mike
Hall (1), Mr Philip Hammond (3), Dr Evan Harris (1), Mr Nick Hawkins
(6), Mr Oliver Heald (3), Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (2), Mr Ivan
Henderson (1), Beverley Hughes (1), Simon Hughes (4), Dr Brian
Iddon (1), Mr David Jamieson (3), Alan Johnson (1), Miss Melanie
Johnson (1), Ms Sally Keeble (1), Ruth Kelly (5), Mr Robert Key
(1), Mr Andrew Lansley (1), Mr Bob Laxton (2), Dr Julian Lewis
(1), Mr Tom Levitt (1), Mr David Lidington (1), Mr Andrew Love
(1), Mr Peter Luff (1), Mr Humfrey Malins (2), Mr John Maples
(2), Mr Michael Meacher (1), Mr Andrew Miller (1), Mr Austin Mitchell
(1), Mr Elliot Morley (4), Mr Malcolm Moss (1), Mr Ian Pearson
(1), Mr Eric Pickles (3), Mr Chris Pond (1), Dawn Primarolo (1),
Dr John Pugh (1), Mr Andy Reed (1), Mr Alan Reid (1), Angus Robertson
(1), Mrs Barbara Roche (1), Mr Terry Rooney (1), Mr Jonathan Sayeed
(2), Alan Simpson (1), Helen Southworth (1), Mr John Spellar (1),
Mrs Caroline Spelman (1), Mr Richard Spring (1), Ian Stewart (2),
Dr Howard Stoate (1), Mr Graham Stringer (1), Mr Desmond Swayne
(1), Matthew Taylor (1), Mr David Tredinnick (1), Mr Peter Viggers
(1), Claire Ward (1), Angela Watkinson (1), Mr Brian Wilson (3),
Ann Winterton (2) Mr Anthony D. Wright (1).