7. Defence
The Committee was nominated on Monday 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 44 Meetings. This included
3 "Quadripartite" meetings held concurrently with the
Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade and Industry
Committees (listed as concurrent meetings (CM) in the attendance
table below).
Members | Meetings
George, Mr Bruce (Chairman from 18.7.01)(including 3 CM)
| 44 |
Cran, Mr James (from 29.10.01) | 30
Crausby, Mr David 31 | |
Hancock, Mr Mike 30 | |
Howarth, Mr Gerald (including 1 CM) | 35
Jones, Mr Kevan | 35
Knight, Jim | 35
Lewis, Dr Julian (until 29.10.01) | 1
Mercer, Patrick (including 2 CM) | 33
Rapson, Syd | 41
Roy, Mr Frank | 30
Squire, Rachel (including 3 CM) | 37
Overall Attendance: | 83.04%
Number of Members added: | 1
Number of Members discharged: | 1
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
9% |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Paul Evans (until 08.10.01), Deputy
Principal Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2); Mr Mark Hutton (from
9.10.01), Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mrs Carol Oxborough (until 31.10.02), (Senior Clerk
Band A2); Second Clerk: Mr Steven Mark (from 1.11.02), (Senior
Clerk Band A2).
Committee Specialists: Mr Simon Fiander, (seconded from the National
Audit Office)(Band A2), Dr John Gearson (from 25.02.02) (Band
Committee Assistant: Ms Lis Partridge (until 3.12.01), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2), Mrs Fiona Channon, (from 26.11.01)
Higher Executive Officer (Band B2), Mrs Lisa Wrobel (from 23.5.02
until 29.10.02), Higher Executive Officer (Band B2).
Secretary: Miss Sue Monaghan, (from 9.10.01) Secretary (Band C)/Ms
Karen Watling, Secretary (Band C).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr James Broderick, Professor Michael Clarke, Mr Peter Clarke,
Rear Admiral Richard Cobbold CB, Dr Eric Dykes, Dr Jonathan Eyal,
Professor Malcolm Harrington, Dr Irina Isakova, Mr John Robbs,
Professor David Kirkpatrick, Mr Duncan Lennox, Air Vice-Marshal
Professor Tony Mason, Mr Andrew McDonald, Mr Mark Mildred, Sir
Michael Quinlan, Dr Michael Rance, Dr Andrew Rathmell, Mr Paul
Read, Brigadier Austin Thorpe, Ms Sue Ward and Professor Paul
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 4
Other Ministers | 6
Members of the House of Lords (of whom one was a Minister)
| 1 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Ministry of Defence | 21
Defence Procurement Agency | 2
Warship Support Agency | 2
other government departments | 11
Other witnesses | 35
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
2-3.7.01 | Brussels | 1A
| 1 | Parliamentary Dimension of the European Security and Defence Policy
| £1,072.36 |
21-25.10.01 | Oman | 9
| 2 | Visit Exercise Saif Sareea II
| £732.60 |
14-15.1.02 | Brussels | 11
| 2 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO
| £7,506.48 |
23-24.1.02 | Washington Congressional Visit
| 1A | 1
| Participation in American Congressional Hearing
| £9,478.80 |
3-7.2.02 | Washington | 9
| 2 | Inquiries into: Defence and Security in the UK, Missile Defence and The Future of NATO
| £49,037.25 |
2-4.4.02 | Afghanistan | 3
| 1 | Briefing: Role of HM Forces
| £14,084.69 |
12-16.5.02 | Bulgaria, Estonia
Latvia, Lithuania,
Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia
| 8 | 3
| Inquiry into the Future of NATO | £19,187.39
2-3.6.02 | Brussels | 1A
| 0 | Conference of European Union Foreign Affairs and Defence Committees
| £548.95 |
17-21.6.02 | Moscow | 8
| 2 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO
| £28,178.20 |
1-2.7.02 | Brussels | 3
| 1 | Inquiry into the Future of NATO
| £1,981.44 |
11-12.11.02 | Athens | 1A
| 1 | Conference of European Union Chairmen of Defence Committees
| £2,500.00
(estimated outturn)
ATravel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
21.11.01 | Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)
(Porton Down)
| 9 | 2
| Inquiry into Defence and Security in the UK
| £676.03 |
6.12.01 | Centre for Defence Medicine
| 5 | 2
| Briefing: Defence Medical Services | £879.00
22.1.02 | Atomic Weapons
| 7 | 2
| Inquiry into Defence and Security in the UK
| £356.20 |
28.2.02 | Defence Procurement Agency
(Abbey Wood,
| 5 | 1
| Inquiry into Major Procurement Projects |
£1,147.73 |
11-12.3.02 | HM Naval Base
Clyde (Faslane and Coulport)
Rosyth and the Scottish Executive
| 5 | 2
| Inquiry into Defence and Security in the UK
| £2,895.17 |
19.3.02 | RAF Coningsby
| 5 | 2
| Inquiry into Defence and Security in the UK
| £617.50 |
18-19.9.02 | Flag Officer Sea
Trials (FOST)
HM Naval Base Devonport
| 1 | 1
| Royal Navy Sea Trials | £47.00
28-29.10.02 | Northern Ireland
| 4 | 2
| Briefing: Role of HM Forces | £3,002.42
4.11.02 | King's College, London
| 6 | 4
| Seminar on SDR New Chapter | £225.00
(estimated outturn)
5.11.02 | RAF Marham
| 7 | 2
| Inquiry into SDR New Chapter | £572.00
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Ministry of Defence Police Changes in Jurisdiction proposed under the Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Bill 2001
| 382 | 6.12.01
| 26 | £11.00
| Response received
Published as Third Special Report , Session
Second Report: The Threat from Terrorism |
348 - I | 18.12.01
| 45 | £10.00
| Response received
Published as Fourth Special Report , Session
2001 -02
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: The Threat from Terrorism
| 348-II | 18.12.01
| 96 | £14.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: The Ministry of Defence Reviews of Armed Forces' Pension and Compensation Arrangements
| 666 | 9.05.02
| 141 | £20.50
| Response received 25.07.02
Published as Fifth Special Report , Session
2001 -02
Fourth Report: Major Procurement Projects |
779 | 10.7.02
| 205 | £20.50
| Response received 24.10.02
Published as Sixth Special Report , Session
2001 -02
Fifth Report: Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2000, Licensing Policy
and Prior Parliamentary Scrutiny. *
| 718 | 19.7.02
| 127 | £14.50
| Cm 5629, published 28.10.02
Sixth Report: Defence and Security in the UK.
| 518- I | 24.7.02
| 93 | £13.00
| Response received 28.10.02
Published as Seventh Special Report, Session
2001 -02
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Defence and Security in the UK
| 518 -II | 24.7.02
| 96 | £24.00
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: The Future of NATO. | 914
| 31.7.02 | 124
| £14.50 | Response received 24.10.02
Published as Eighth Special Report , Session
2001 -02
First Special Report: The Strategic Defence Review: The Reserve Forces Government Observations on the Sixth Report from the Defence Committee of Session 2000-01.
| 213 | 18.7.01
| 9 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Response: The MoD's Annual Reporting Cycle 2000-01.
| 214 | 18.7.01
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Response: The Ministry of Defence Police: Changes in Jurisdiction proposed under the Anti- terrorism Crime and Security Bill 2001.
| 621 | 14.2.02
| 6 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Government Response: The Threat from Terrorism.
| 667 | 7.3.02
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Government Response: The Ministry of Defence Reviews of Armed Forces Pensions and Compensations Arrangements.
| 1115 | 25.7.02
| 26 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Special Report: Government Response: Major Procurement Projects.
| 1229 | 24.10.02
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Special Report: Government Response: Defence and Security in the UK.
| 1230 | 24.10.02
| 24 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Eighth Special Report: Government Response: The Future of NATO.
| 1231 | 24.10.02
| 7 | £3.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: European Security and Defence
| 487 - i | 19.12.01
| 21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Defence and Security in the UK
| 518-i | 16.1.02
| 27 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Defence and Security in the UK
| 518-ii | 7.3.02
| 37 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Defence and Security in the UK
| 518-iii | 15.3.02
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Armed Forces Pension and Compensation Reviews
| 666-i | 6.3.02
| 36 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Armed Forces Pensions and Compensation Reviews
| 666 -ii | 13.3.02
| 37 | £10.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Missile Defence | 644-i
| 19.4.02 | 32
| £9.00 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Missile Defence | 644-ii
| 1.5.02 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: SDR New Chapter
| 1232-ii | 07.11.02
| |
| Not applicable |
* Joint publication with the Foreign Affairs, International
Development and Trade and Industry Committees.
Government replies to Reports for Session 2000-01
Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: The Draft Export
Control and Non-Proliferation Bill published as Cm 5218 (9.07.01).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings for the Committee Session 2001-02 will
be published as HC 1314, Session 2001-02.
The following Report was debated in the House:
Second Report, Session 2001-02, The Threat from Terrorism,
on a Estimates Day under Standing Order No.54 , 7.3.02
The following Reports were referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to debates in the House:
First Report, Session 2001-02, The Ministry of Defence Police:
Changes in Jurisdiction proposed under Anti-terrorism Crime and
Security Bill 2001, 22.11.01
Fourth Report, Session 2001-02, Major Procurement Projects, 17.7.02
Seventh Report, Session 2001-02, The Future of NATO, 17.10.02
Sixth Report, Session 2001-02, Defence and Security in the UK
and Seventh Special Report, Session 2001-02, Defence and Security
in the UK: Government Response, 31.10.02
Minutes of Evidence, Session 2001-02, Armed Forces Pensions and
Compensation Reviews, HC 666-i and -ii 27.3.02
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 31 of the Committee's 44 Meetings.
On 4 occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Armed Forces' Pensions and Compensation |
2 |
Defence and Security in the UK | 12
European Security and Defence | 1
Major Procurement Projects | 3
MDP changes in jurisdiction proposed under Anti -terrorism Crime and Security bill
| 1 |
Missile Defence | 2
SDR - The New Chapter | 2
Strategic Export Controls * | 1
The Future of NATO | 3
The Threat from Terrorism | 4
Total | 31
* Jointly with the Foreign Affairs, International Development
and Trade and Industry Committees.