8. Draft Communications Bill (Joint Committee)
[Extract from the Votes and Proceedings of the
House of Commons, 1 May 2002: "Ordered, That a
Select Committee of six honourable Members be appointed to join
with the Committee appointed by the Lords to consider any draft
Communications Bill presented to both Houses by a Minister of
the Crown."]
The Committee was nominated on 1 May 2002.
It had 6 Commons Members and held 22 Meetings.
Members | Meetings
Farrelly, Paul | 18
Grogan, John | 21
Lansley, Mr Andrew | 18
Harvey, Nick | 18
Picking, Anne | 21
White, Brian | 20
Overall Attendance: | 87.9 %
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Colin Lee, Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior
Structure Band 2)
Second Clerk: Mr Mick Hillyard, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Pam Fisher, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2), assisted by Mr John Kittle, Senior Office Clerk (Band
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Sir Bryan Carsberg, Ms Paula Carter, Mr Tom Gibbons and Mr Phil
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories
of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Cabinet Ministers | 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Executive Agencies, comprising |
Radiocommunications Agency | 1
Public bodies and non-Ministerial Departments, comprising:
| |
British Broadcasting Corporation | 4
Broadcasting Standards Commission | 3
Channel 4 | 4
Competition Commission | 1
Independent Television Commission | 3
National Consumer Council | 2
Office of Fair Trading | 2
Office of Telecommunications | 1
Radio Authority | 3
Appearances by other witnesses | 89
Overseas Visits
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Draft Communications Bill |
876-I | 31.7.02
| 170 | £18.50
| Government Response, Cm 5646, published 29.10.02
Minutes of Evidence: Draft Communications Bill
| 876-II | 5.8.02
| 644 | £44.50
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 2000-01
Not applicable.
Date | Subject
25.7.02 | Six, On amendments to Chairman's draft report
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 10 of the Committee's 22 Meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Draft Communications Bill | 10
Total | 10