16. Home Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 52 Meetings.
Members | Meetings
Mullin, Mr Chris (Chairman from 18.7.01) |
52 |
Cameron, Mr David | 42
Dean, Mrs Janet | 46
Malins, Mr Humfrey | 27
Prentice, Bridget | 48
Prosser, Mr Gwyn | 47
Russell, Bob | 46
Singh, Mr Marsha | 22
Watkinson, Angela | 40
Watson, Mr Tom | 23
Winnick, David | 46
Overall Attendance: | 76.7 %
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
0 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Andrew Kennon, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2)
Second Clerk: Tracey Garratty (until 31.10.01), Assistant Clerk
(Band A3); Sarah Ioannou (from 1.11.01), Assistant Clerk (Band
Committee Assistant: Mrs Pam Fisher (from 17.8.01 until 1.3.02),
Senior Executive Officer (Band B1); Mr Ian Thomson (from 4.3.02),
Senior Executive Officer (Band B1)
Committee Specialist: Amy Baker (from 1.10.01) (Band B1)
Committee Secretary: Liz Booth (until 23.11.01), Secretary Grade
3 (Band D1); Miss Jenny Cowan (from 19.11.01 until 22.2.02), Secretary
Grade 3 (Band D1); Mara Bulf (from 23.2.02 until 14.4.02) (temporary);
Mrs Melanie Barklem (from 15.4.02), Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Angus McIntosh QPM.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 3
Other Ministers | 5
Members of Parliament | 1
Members of the House of Lords | 2
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Lord Chancellor's Department | 3
Home Office | 9
other departments comprising: |
Department of Health | 1
Executive Agencies comprising: |
Court Service | 1
Prison Service | 3
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments comprising:
| |
HM Customs and Excise | 1
Crown Prosecution Service | 3
Criminal Cases Review Commission |
4 |
Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses | 92
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
3-4.12.01 | BrusselsA | 1
| 1 | Conference of representatives from EU national Parliamentary Committees concerned with immigration issues.
| £1,109.12 |
24-27.1.02 | Trier, GermanyA |
0 | 1
| Seminar on "The Anti-Terrorism Package: New Legislation in the EU" by the Academy of European Law.
| £532.36 |
25-26.2.02 | MadridA | 1
| 1 | Conference of Chairpersons of Justice and Home Affairs Committees from the Parliaments of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Parliaments of candidate countries.
| £1,871.12 |
18-21.9.02 | Arrabida, PortugalA
| 1 | 0
| Conference on European Drug Policy. | £832.25
ATravel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
8-9.7.02 | Brussels | 7
| 3 | Briefing on Justice and Home Affairs issues.
| £5,270.74 |
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
12-13.11.01 | Manchester |
8 | 2
| Inquiry into "The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?"
| £3,789.69 |
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill 2001
| 351 | 19.11.01
| 76 | £14.50
| Not required |
Second Report: Police Reform BillA | 612
| 7.5.02 | 197
| £20.50 | Received 3.7.02: published as First Special Report Session 2001-02
Third Report: The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?
| 318-I | 22.5.02
| 99 | £14.50
| Cm 5573, published 10.7.02
Memoranda: The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?
| 318-II | 20.12.01
| 208 | £20.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?
| 318-III | 22.5.02
| 285 | £22.50
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes
| 836-I | 31.10.02
| 213 | £16.50
| Awaited |
Memoranda: The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes
| 836-II | 31.10.02
| 137 | £6.50
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Police Reform Bill: Government Response to the Committee's Second Report
| 1052 | 8.7.02
| 18 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Lord Chancellor's Department
| 269 | 10.12.01
| 19 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of the Home Office
| 302 | 21.1.02
| 18 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: The Work of the Prison Service
| 428 | 5.12.01
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: Home Office Annual Report 2001-02
| 1122-i | 18.7.02
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: Lord Chancellor's Department Annual report 2001-02
| 1143-i | 26.7.02
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: Asylum and Immigration Removal
| 1185-i | 19.9.02
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: Home Office Issues
| 1186-i | 19.9.02
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: The Draft Extradition Bill
| 1268-i | 1.11.02
| |
| Not applicable |
Uncorrected Minutes of Evidence published on the Internet: The Criminal Justice Bill
| 1299-i | 12.11.02
| |
| Not applicable |
AIncorporates HC 601 (Evidence of Metropolitan Police Commissioner)
Government replies to Reports for Session 2000-01
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2000-01
were published on 19.7.01 as HC 491, Session 2000-01. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02 will be published
as HC 1322, Session 2001-02.
Date | Subject
15.11.01 | Two, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill 2001
25.4.02 | Three, on amendments proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on the Police Reform Bill
9.5.02 | Sixteen, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?
22.10.02 | Two, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes
The following Reports and Special Report were referred to on the
Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Second Special Report, Session 2000-01, Drugs and the Law: Government
Response to the Police Foundation's Independent Inquiry into the
Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, Debate on Drugs Strategy on a Motion
for the Adjournment of the House, 9.11.01
First Report, Session 2001-02, The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security
Bill 2001, Debate on Second Reading of the Anti-Terrorism, Crime
and Security Bill 2001, 19.11.01
First Report, Session 2000-01, Border Controls, Debate on Second
Reading of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Bill, 24.4.02
Second Report, Session 2001-02, Police Reform Bill, Debate on
Second Reading of the Police Reform Bill [Lords], 7.5.02
The following Report was the subject of a Statement:
Third Report, Session 2001-02, The Government's Drugs Policy:
Is it Working? Statement on the Government Reply to the Report,
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 37 of the Committee's 52 Meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Asylum and Immigration: RemovalsA | 1
Home Office Annual Report 2001-02 | 1
Home Office Issues | 1
Lord Chancellor's Department Annual Report 2001-02
| 1 |
Police Reform Bill | 5
The Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Bill 2001
| 2 |
The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes
| 7 |
The Criminal Justice BillA | 1
The Draft Extradition BillA | 1
The Government's Drugs Policy: Is it Working?
| 11 |
The Work of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
| 1 |
The Work of the Crown Prosecution Service |
1 |
The Work of the Home Office | 1
The Work of the Lord Chancellor's Department
| 1 |
The Work of the Metropolitan Police Commissioner
| 1 |
The Work of the Prison Service | 1
Total | 37
AThe Committee did not complete this Inquiry in Session 2001-02.