27. Public Administration
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 41 Meetings.
Members | Meetings
Wright, Tony (Chairman from 18.7.01) | 41
Brennan, Kevin | 37
Brooke, Annette | 36
Chapman, Sir Sydney (added 4.3.02) | 20
Heyes, Mr David | 30
Hopkins, Mr Kelvin (added 16.10.02) | 4
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian | 34
Lyons, Mr John | 25
Prentice, Mr Gordon | 37
Steen, Mr Anthony (discharged 4.3.02) | 1
Trend, Hon Michael | 25
White, Brian | 37
Wright, Mr Anthony D. (discharged 16.10.02)
| 23 |
Overall Attendance: | 77.6 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
18.2 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Philip Aylett, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2)
Committee Specialist: Mr Chris Carrington (Band B1)
Committee Assistant: Ms Clare Genis (until 17.9.01), Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2); Miss Jackie Recardo (from 3.10.01), Higher
Executive Officer (Band B2)
Secretary: Miss Jenny Cowan, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1) (until
17.7.02); Ms Jennifer Nelson (from 18.3.02), Secretary Grade 3
(Band D1) (from 18.7.02)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Professor Robert Hazell, Sir Nicholas Monck KCB, Professor Colin
Talbot, Mr Tony Travers and Professor Stuart Weir.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 4
Other Ministers | 7
Members of Parliament | 9
Members of the House of Lords | 13
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Cabinet Office | 12
HM Treasury | 1
Home Office | 2
Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions
| 1 |
Public bodies and non-Ministerial departments:
| |
Commission for Racial Equality |
1 |
Disability Rights Commission | 1
Equal Opportunities Commission |
1 |
Information Commission | 3
Legal Services Commission | 1
Office of the Civil Service Commissioners
| 1 |
Office of the Commissioner for Public Appointments
| 1 |
Executive agencies: | |
Child Support Agency | 1
The following officials also attended meetings of the Committee:
| |
Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration and Health Service Commissioner
| 2 |
Deputy Health Service Commissioner |
1 |
Deputy Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses: | 45
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
17-18.6.02 | Netherlands |
8 | 2
| Inquiry into Public Service Reform | £8,810.98
(estimated outturn)
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Public Participation: Issues and Innovations: The Government Response to the Committee's Sixth Report Session 2000-01
| 334 | 7.11.01
| 16 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Second Report: The Ministerial Code: Improving the Rule Book: The Government Response to the Committee's Third Report of Session 2000-01
| 439 | 11.12.01
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: Special Advisers: Boon or Bane: The Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2000-01.
| 463 | 18.12.01
| 20 | £6.00
| Not applicable |
Fourth Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions: The Government Response to the Committee's Second Report of Session 2000-01
| 464 | 20.12.01
| 12 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: The Second Chamber: Continuing the Reform
| 494-I | 14.2.02
| 55 | £11.00
| Lord Chancellor's Department Response, received 18.4.02: published as Sixth Report, Session 2001-02
Minutes of Evidence: The Second Chamber: Continuing the Reform
| 494-II | 25.2.02
| 177 | £18.50
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: The Second Chamber: Continuing the Reform: The Government Response to the Committee's Fifth Report
| 794 | 30.4.02
| 11 | £4.50
| Not applicable |
Seventh Report: The Public Service Ethos |
263-I | 23.6.02
| 34 | £9.00
| Cabinet Office Response, received 20.11.02: published as First Special Report Session 2002-03
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-i | 4.12.01
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-ii | 19.12.01
| 11 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-iii | 10.1.02
| 30 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-iv | 7.6.02
| 48 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-v | 21.2.02
| 36 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-vi | 1.3.02
| 22 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Public Service Ethos
| 263-vii | 6.3.02
| 32 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Memoranda: The Public Service Ethos | 263-II
| 21.6.02 | 325
| £16.50 | Not applicable
Eighth Report: "These Unfortunate Events": Lessons of Recent Events at the former DTLR
| 303 | 19.7.02
| 27 | £7.50
| Awaited |
Ninth Report: Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions[15]
| 1086 | 23.7.02
| 99 | £14.50
| Awaited |
Minutes of Evidence: The New Centre | 262-i
| 20.11.01 | 25
| £7.00 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The New Centre | 262-ii
| 18.1.02 | 17
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The New Centre | 262-iii
| 29.7.02 | 23
| £7.00 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The New Centre | 262-iv
| 2.8.02 | 18
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Government Information and Communication
| 303-i | 25.3.02
| 34 | £9.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government Information and Communication
| 303-ii | 28.3.02
| 19 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Government Information and Communication
| 303-iii | 1.5.02
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ombudsman Issues
| 563-i | 14.3.02
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Ombudsman Issues | 563-ii
| 13.5.02 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Ombudsman Issues | 563-iii
| 17.7.02 | 12
| £4.00 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Ombudsman Issues | 563-iv
| 25.7.02 | 15
| £5.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Annual Report of the Health Service Ombudsman
| 564-i | 8.3.02
| 12 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-i | 28.3.02
| 20 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-ii | 1.5.02
| 16 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-iii | 7.5.02
| 14 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-iv | 31.5.02
| 15 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-v | 26.6.02
| 28 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-vi | 26.6.02
| 11 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-vii | 3.7.02
| 19 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-viii | 17.7.02
| 27 | £7.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-ix | 26.11.02
| 26 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Public Appointments and Patronage
| 686-x | 26.11.02
| 13 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Civil Service Issues |
1049-i | 24.7.02
| 16 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Freedom of Information
| 1085-i | 29.7.02
| 10 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2000-01
were published on 23.7.01 as HC 499, Session 2000-01. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02 will be published
as HC 1332, Session 2001-02.
Date | Subject
13.12.01 | One, on an Amendment proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on Special Advisers: Boon or Bane: The Government Response to the Committee's Fourth Report of Session 2000-01.
13.6.02 | One, on an Amendment proposed to the Chairman's draft Report on The Public Service Ethos.
The following Reports were debated in Westminster Hall:
Sixth Report, Session 2000-01, Public Participation: Issues and
Innovations, 29.11.01
Second Report, Session 2000-01, Ministerial Accountability and
Parliamentary Questions, and Fourth Report, Session 2001-02,
HC 464, 15.10.02
The following Report was referred to on the Order Paper as being
relevant to a debate in the House:
Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, The Second Chamber: Continuing
the Reform, 19.6.02
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 35 of the Committee's 41 Meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Civil Service Issues | 1
Freedom of Information | 1
Government Information and Communication |
3 |
House of Lords Reform | 3
Ombudsman Issues | 4
Public Appointments and Patronage | 10
Public Service Reform | 7
Public Service Targets | 1
The Annual Report of the Health Service Ombudsman
| 1 |
The New Centre | 4
Total | 35
Government Response received on 14.11.02. To be published in
Session 2002-03.