32. Standards and Privileges
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 27 Meetings.
Members | Meetings
Young, Sir George (Chairman, from 18.7.01) |
27 |
Baldry, Tony (discharged, 5.11.01) | 2
Bottomley, Peter (discharged, 4.3.02) | 17
Brown, Mr Russell | 16
Chidgey, Mr David (discharged, 5.11.01) |
0 |
Cranston, Ross | 23
Dismore, Mr Andrew | 21
Foster, Mr Michael Jabez | 25
Heath, Mr David (added, 5.11.01) | 22
Levitt, Mr Tom | 24
Mackay, Mr Andrew (added, 4.3.02) | 8
McNamara, Mr Kevin | 16
Ottaway, Richard (added, 5.11.01) | 18
Williams, Mr Alan | 24
Overall Attendance: | 81.8 %
Number of Members added: | 3
Number of Members discharged: | 3
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
27.3 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mr Alan Sandall, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2) (until 31.10.02); Dr Christopher Ward,
Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2) (from 1.11.02)
Second Clerk: Mr Mike Clark, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Secretary: Miss Lisa Hasell, Secretary (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories
of witnesses:
Number of appearances by:
Members of Parliament 1
Appearances by other witnesses 3
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
13-16.10.02 | Ottawa | 2A
| 0 | Global Conference of Parliamentarians Against Corruption
| £6,748.48 |
ATravel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: Complaint against Mr Geoffrey Robinson: Supplementary Report
| 297 | 24.10.01
| 14 | £4.50
| Not required |
Second Report: Complaint against Mr Roy Beggs
| 319 | 31.10.01
| 33 | £9.00
| Not required |
Third Report: Complaint against Mr John Maxton
| 320 | 31.10.01
| 23 | £6.00
| Not required |
Fourth Report: Restrictions on the Initiation of Parliamentary Proceedings: A Consultation Paper
| 478 | 19.12.01
| 10 | £4.50
| Not required |
Fifth Report: Complaints against Mr Keith Vaz - Volume I
| 605-I | 8.2.02
| 342 | £25.00
| Not required |
Fifth Report: Complaints against Mr Keith Vaz - Volume II
| 605-II | 8.2.02
| 147 | £16.50
| Not required |
Sixth Report: Registration of Interests by Members who have not taken their seat
| 624 | 13.2.02
| 8 | £3.50
| Not required |
Seventh Report: Complaints against Mr Nigel Griffiths
| 625 | 13.2.02
| 41 | £10.00
| Not required |
Eighth Report: Complaints against Mr Archy Kirkwood
| 755 | 24.4.02
| 32 | £7.50
| Not required |
Ninth Report: A new Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules
| 763 | 30.4.02
| 52 | £11.00
| Not required |
Tenth Report: Complaint against Mr Peter Brooke
| 1147 | 24.7.02
| 17 | £6.00
| Not required |
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2000-01
were published on 25.7.01 as HC 503, Session 2000-01. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02 will be published
as HC 1336, Session 2001-02.
Date | Subject
30.10.01 | One, on consideration of the Chairman's draft Report on Complaint against Mr John Maxton.
The following Reports were debated in the House:
First Report, Session 2001-02, Complaint against Mr Geoffrey Robinson:
Supplementary Report, 31.10.01
Fifth Report, Session 2001-02, Complaints against Mr Keith Vaz,
Sixth Report, Session 2001-02, Registration of Interests by Members
who have not taken their seat, 26.3.02
Ninth Report, Session 2001-02, A new Code of Conduct and Guide
to the Rules, 14.5.02
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 2 of the Committee's 27 meetings.
On all occasions evidence was taken wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Complaints against Mr Keith Vaz | 2
Total | 2 |