35. Trade and Industry
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 2001.
It had 11 Members and held 52 Meetings. These included
3 "Quadripartite" meetings held concurrently with the
Defence, Foreign Affairs and International Development Committees
(abbreviated to 'CM' in the attendance table below).
Members | Meetings
O'Neill, Mr Martin (Chairman from 17.7.01) |
47 (incl. 3 CM)
Berry, Mr Roger | 34 (incl. 3 CM)
Burden, Richard | 36
Chope, Mr Christopher (discharged 4.3.02) |
2 |
Djanogly, Mr Jonathan | 26
Hammond, Mr Philip (added 4.3.02) | 2
Hoyle, Mr Lindsay | 31
Kumar, Dr Ashok | 36
Lansley, Mr Andrew (added 29.10.01) | 38 (incl. 3 CM)
Lawrence, Mrs Jackie | 29
Perham, Linda | 38
Smith, Sir Robert | 42
Whittingdale, Mr John (discharged 29.10.01)
| 1 |
Overall Attendance: | 66.1 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
18.2 % |
Clerk of the Committee: Mrs Elizabeth Flood, Deputy Principal
Clerk (Senior Structure Band 2)
Second Clerk: Mr David Lees, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Ms Julia Gleig (Band B1) (until 8.5.02);
Dr Philip Larkin (Band B1) (from 8.4.02)
Committee Assistant: Mr Tony Catinella, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2) (until 14.9.01); Ms Clare Genis Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2) (from 17.9.01)
Secretary: Rowena Macdonald, Secretary Grade 3 (Band D1)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Robin Fears, Mr John Hodgson, Professor Peter Odell, Mr Roger
Quince and Professor Bert Whittington.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by: |
Cabinet Ministers | 4
Other Ministers | 4
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of Trade and Industry |
14 |
Public Bodies and non-Ministerial Departments
| 11 |
comprising: British Trade International |
6 |
Scottish Enterprise | 2
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
| 3 |
other departments | 5
comprising: Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
| 3 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
2 |
Appearances by other witnesses: | 180
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-15.5.02 | Geneva | 10
| 2 | World Trade Organisation
| £9,266.99 |
15-21.6.02 | Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Tai Pei
| 7 | 2
| Trade with China | £49,917.98
Visits to European Institutions
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
12-13.2.02 | Brussels | 9
| 2 | meetings at the European Commission
| £5,606.40 |
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
14-15.7.02 | Edinburgh | 5
| 6A | Biotechnology
| £4,999.48 |
7.11.02 | Cambridge | 7
| 6B | Biotechnology
| £731.32 |
AIncludes 2 specialist advisers and 1 Shorthand Writer
BIncludes 1 specialist adviser and 2 Shorthand Writers
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title | HC No. (2001-02)
| Date of publication | No. of pages
| Sale price | Government reply
First Report: End of Life Vehicles Directive
| 299 | 6.12.01
| 137 | £16.50
| Received 20.6.02; Published as Second Special Report, Session 2001-02
Second Report: Security of Energy Supply |
364-I | 7.2.02
| 85 | £13.00
| Received 8.5.02; Published as Third Special Report, Session 2001-02
Minutes of Evidence: Security of Energy Supply
| 364-II | 27.8.02
| 350 | £25.50
| Not applicable |
Third Report: The Competitiveness and Productivity of UK Manufacturing Industry
| 597 | 13.6.02
| 250 | £21.50
| Cm 5578, published 23.7.02
Fourth Report: Strategic Export Controls: Annual Report for 2000, Licensing Policy and Prior Parliamentary ScrutinyA
| 718 | 19.7.02
| 127 | £14.50
| Cm 5629, published 28.10.02
Fifth Report: Managing the Nuclear Legacy: Comments on the Government White Paper
| 1074-I | 24.7.02
| 22 | £6.00
| Received 18.10.02; Published as part of First Report, HC 86, Session 2002-03
Minutes of Evidence: Managing the Nuclear Legacy: Comments on the Government White Paper
| 1074-II | 12.8.02
| 62 | £12.00
| Not applicable |
Sixth Report: Fuel Poverty | 814
| 10.9.02 | 140
| £16.50 | Received 26.11.02; To be published as First Special Report, HC 152, Session 2002-03
First Special Report: Steel; Impact on Trade and Industry of Motor Fuel Taxation; Local Loop Unbundling; UK Online Reviewed: The First Annual Report of the E-Minister and E-Envoy; Industrial and Trade Relations with Turkey; Ilisu Dam
| 197 | 20.7.01
| 51 | £10.50
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: End of Life Vehicles Directive: Government Reply
| 678 | 7.3.02
| 9 | £2.50
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Security of Energy Supply: Government Reply
| 884 | 20.6.02
| 26 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Consignia | 453-i
| 12.2.02 | 27
| £7.50 | Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Reviews of DTI Structure and Business Support
| 454-i | 26.3.02
| 20 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Postcomm's Proposals for Opening the Postal Market
| 769 i-iii | 12.8.02
| 56 | £11.00
| Not applicable |
A Joint publication with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and International
Development Committees.
Government replies to Reports for Session 2000-01
Reply to the Committee's Seventh Report: Strategic Export Controls:
Annual Report for 1999 and Parliamentary Prior Scrutiny, published
as Cm 5141 (12.7.01).
Reply to the Committee's Tenth Report: Mobile Phone Masts, published
as Cm 5222 (31.7.01).
Reply to the Committee's Eleventh Report: Draft Export Control
and Non-Proliferation Bill, published as Cm 5218 (31.7.01).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 2001-02
will be published as HC 1339, Session 2001-02.
The following Reports and Special Reports were referred to on
the Order Paper as being relevant to a debate in the House:
First Report, Session 2001-02, End of Life Vehicles Directive
and Second Special Report, Session 2001-02, End of Life Vehicles
Directive: Government Reply, 9.5.02
Second Report, Session 2001-02, Security of Energy Supply and
Third Special Report, Session 2001-02, Security of Energy Supply:
Government Reply, 20.6.02
Oral Evidence
Oral Evidence was taken at 36 of the Committee's 52 Meetings.
On 1 occasion evidence was taken partly or wholly in private.
Inquiry | Number of oral evidence sessions
Biotechnology | 5
Company Law White Paper | 4
Competitiveness | 6
Consignia | 1
End of Life Vehicles Directive | 2
Fuel Poverty | 3
Manufacturing Strategy | 1
Nuclear Liabilities Management Authority |
2 |
Postcomm's proposals for opening the postal market
| 3 |
Reviews of DTI Structure and Business Support
| 1 |
Security of Energy Supply | 6
Strategic Export Controls A | 1
The use of retentions in the construction industry
| 1 |
Trade with China and Taiwan | 1
Total | 37
A[Jointly with the Defence, Foreign Affairs and International
Development Committees]