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House of Commons
Session 2003 - 04
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business 18 December 2003

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for 18 December 2003.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 11.30 a.m.      Prayers
Oral Questions to Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
*1 Mr Nigel Beard (Bexleyheath & Crayford):    What progress is being made in settling new international arrangements for banking regulation through the Basel II accords.
( 144716 )
*2 Tony Cunningham (Workington):    If he will make a statement on levels of public spending in West Cumbria.
( 144717 )
*3 Angela Watkinson (Upminster):    What plans he has to change stamp duty land tax on leases.
( 144718 )
*4 Mr Mark Todd (South Derbyshire):    What representation he has received on measures promoted by his Department to help people into work.
( 144719 )
*5 Mr Bill Wiggin (Leominster):    What discussions he has had with representatives of licensees regarding the case for reform of stamp duty land tax.
( 144720 )
*6 Mr David Borrow (South Ribble):    What recent discussions he has had on financial incentives for private healthcare.
( 144721 )
*7 Alan Simpson (Nottingham South):    If he will make a statement on the implications of the pre-Budget statement for the energy efficiency implementation plan to be proposed in the forthcoming Energy White Paper.
( 144722 )
*8 Mr Tom Harris (Glasgow Cathcart):    What measures his Department is taking to tackle child poverty.
( 144723 )
*9 Rob Marris (Wolverhampton South West):    If he will make a statement on his policy for public expenditure to 2008 in relation to the NHS.
( 144724 )
*10 Mr Neil Turner (Wigan):    What assessment he has made of the effect of proposals to change the level of investment in public services in the Wigan Borough.
( 144725 )
*11 Mr Paul Tyler (North Cornwall):    What the average proportion of income paid in council tax by low-income households is in England in 2003-04; and if he will make a statement.
( 144726 )
*12 Mr Colin Challen (Morley & Rothwell):    What his assessment is of the effectiveness of the Climate Change Levy.
( 144727 )
*13 Lawrie Quinn (Scarborough & Whitby):    What assessment he has made of the effects on investment in infrastructure in Yorkshire of reducing public spending to 35 per cent. of GDP.
( 144728 )
*14 Sue Doughty (Guildford):    How many respondents to the recent Treasury consultation on economic instruments to improve household energy efficiency supported a rate of VAT of 5 per cent. for the supply and installation of energy efficient products or materials in non-grant schemes when householders employ contractors.
( 144729 )
*15 Brian White (North East Milton Keynes):    How many respondents to the recent Treasury consultation on economic instruments to improve household energy efficiency supported capital allowances and enhanced capital allowances for companies to write off investments in energy saving equipment provided to social landlords and households.
( 144730 )
*16 Mr Win Griffiths (Bridgend):    If he will make a further statement on progress towards achieving the millennium development goals.
( 144731 )
*17 Norman Lamb (North Norfolk):    If he will make a statement on Equitable Life.
( 144732 )
*18 Michael Fabricant (Lichfield):    What assessment he has made of current fund flows between the United Kingdom and (a) the European Union and (b) the United States; and if he will make a statement.
( 144733 )
*19 Mr Tony McWalter (Hemel Hempstead):    What mechanisms are available to him to ensure that the resources he makes available to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for the 2004-05 settlement for local authorities will generate council tax rises in that year no higher than the rate of inflation.
( 144734 )
*20 Mr Richard Bacon (South Norfolk):    Until what date and for how much money his Department has given financial commitments in relation to the funding of the National Programme for information technology in the health service.
( 144735 )
*21 Mr Stephen Hepburn (Jarrow):    What action his Department is taking to promote wealth creation in the North East.
( 144736 )
*22 Mr Edward Leigh (Gainsborough):    What recent discussions he has had with officials from the Inland Revenue regarding the introduction of child trust funds.
( 144737 )
*23 Sandra Gidley (Romsey):    If he will make a statement on Equitable Life.
( 144738 )
*24 Mr Wayne David (Caerphilly):    What representations he has received about the funding of healthcare through (a) charges and (b) private medical insurance.
( 144739 )
*25 David Taylor (North West Leicestershire):    If he will make a statement on the proposed conditionalities to be applied to the proposed International Finance Facility.
( 144740 )

At 12.30 p.m.Urgent Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)

Preliminary Business

+  1  


[No debate]

      Mr Secretary Murphy
      Mr Peter Hain

      (1)   The proposal for a draft Rates (Amendment) (Northern Ireland) Order 2004 be referred to the Northern Ireland Grand Committee;

      (2)   the Committee shall meet at Westminster on Thursday 15th January at half-past Two o'clock; and

      (3)   at that sitting—

      (a)   the Committee shall consider the legislative proposal referred to it under paragraph (1) above; and

      (b)   the Chairman shall interrupt proceedings at Five o'clock; and

      (c)   at the conclusion of those proceedings, a motion for the adjournment of the Committee may be made by a Minister of the Crown, pursuant to paragraph (5) of Standing Order No. 116 (Northern Ireland Grand Committee (sittings)).

To be decided without debate (Standing Orders Nos. 114 and 116).

Main Business

+  2  


[Until 6.00 p.m.]

      The Prime Minister
        That this House do now adjourn.

        Proposed subject for debate: Matters to be considered before the forthcoming adjournment.

Debate may continue until 6.00 p.m.

At the end of the sitting:



        Proposed subject:      Handling by the Highways Agency of illegal camping (Mr Mark Todd).

        Debate may continue until 6.30 p.m., or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9 and Order of 29th October 2002).



1Treasury9.15 a.m.

9.30 a.m.
The Thatcher Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: Pre-Budget Report.
Witnesses: Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr Ed Balls, Chief Economic Adviser, Mr Nicholas Holgate, Director, Welfare Reform, Mr Jon Cunliffe, Managing Director, Macroeconomic Policy and International Finance, and Mr Andrew Lewis, Head of Tax Policy Team, HM Treasury.
2Health10.00 a.m.

10.30 a.m.
The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: Obesity.
Witnesses: National Obesity Forum, Dr Colin Waine, Dr Nick Finer, British Obesity Surgery Society, and British Dietetic Association; Counterweight Project, Ms Louise Mann, Ms Amanda Avery, Ms Sally Hayes, and Ms Emma Croft (at approximately 11.20 a.m.); WeightWatchers, Slimming World, The Obesity Awareness and Solutions Trust, and Dr Helen Truby (at approximately 12.10 p.m.)


3Draft Gambling Bill9.30 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
Room 5 (private)
Witnesses: The Gaming Board for Great Britain, and Mr Elliot Grant, Head of the Gambling and National Lottery Licensing Division, Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Deputy Prime Minister:      Consultation on the regional and local referendum rules, registration and spending limits.

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today

1    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Newton Committee: publication of report.
2    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Corruption Bill: publication of the response to the Joint Committee.
3    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Yarl's Wood.
4    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Inquiry into events leading to the employment of Ian Huntley in Soham.
5    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:      Overseas Territories Consultative Council.
6    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      The outcome of the World Trade Organisation General Council, 15th December 2003.
7    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      Competition law and the Common Agricultural Policy.
8    Secretary of State for Trade and Industry:      Government response to the consultation on the WTO General Agreement on Trade in Services.
9    Secretary of State for Education and Skills:      Higher Education Research Forum membership.
10    Secretary of State for Defence:      Missile Defence—Signature of Memorandum of Understanding on Fylingdales Upgrade.
11    Secretary of State for Defence:      Future Attack Submarine Programme (Astute).
12    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Combined heat and power targets.
13    Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:      Publication of the Purpose and Aims of the Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland.
14    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      Housing benefit performance statistics.
15    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      Measuring child poverty.
16    Secretary of State for Transport:      Local Transport Settlement for 2004-05.

Standing Committee Notices

     The Programming Sub-Committee of Standing Committee A in respect of the Child Trust Funds Bill will meet on Monday 5th January at 5.30 p.m.

     Standing Committee A will meet on Tuesday 6th January at 8.55 a.m. to consider the Child Trust Funds Bill.

     The Programming Sub-Committee of Standing Committee B in respect of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill will meet on Wednesday 7th January at 6.00 p.m.

     Standing Committee B will meet on Thursday 8th January at 8.55 a.m. to consider the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Bill.

     The First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Wednesday 7th January at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Solvent Emissions (England and Wales) Regulations 2004.


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Prepared 18 December 2003