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House of Commons
Session 2003 - 04
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Order of Business 1 April 2004

Here you can browse the House of Commons Order of Business for 1 April 2004.

* indicates a question for oral answer.
[R] indicates that the Member has declared a relevant interest.
Questions for oral answer not reached receive a written answer.
Supplementary questions will also be asked. Other Ministers may also answer.

+ indicates Government business.
Timings are indicative only.

At 11.30 a.m.      Prayers


      Mr Secretary Murphy
        That an humble Address be presented to Her Majesty, That she will be graciously pleased to give directions that there be laid before this House a Return of the Cory Collusion Inquiry Reports on Patrick Finucane, Robert Hamill, Billy Wright and Rosemary Nelson.

No Debate.

+indicates Government Business. Afterwards
Oral Questions to Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer
*1 Mr Tim Boswell (Daventry):    What recent discussions he has held with Civil Service unions about securing cost savings in the public service.
( 164980 )
*2 Mr Russell Brown (Dumfries):    What assessment he has made of how an international finance facility would contribute to tackling poverty in developing countries.
( 164981 )
*3 Julia Drown (South Swindon):    What steps for further debt relief he will be pressing for at the spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank.
( 164983 )
*4 Mr Mark Hendrick (Preston):    How an international finance facility would contribute to tackling poverty in developing countries.
( 164984 )
*5 Mr Barry Gardiner (Brent North):    Pursuant to his announcement in the Budget on the extension of the New Deal for Skills, if he will assess the benefits of developing short-term loans for those on low incomes seeking to move into better jobs.
( 164985 )
*6 Ms Oona King (Bethnal Green & Bow):    How much extra money he is making available for childcare in the next spending review period.
( 164986 )
*7 Mr Nigel Beard (Bexleyheath & Crayford):    What assessment he has made of the impact on United Kingdom exporters of the value of the pound against the dollar and levels of growth in the Eurozone.
( 164987 )
*8 Mr David Kidney (Stafford):    What arrangements he has made for the transfer of responsibility for the regulation of mortgages from the Mortgage Code Compliance Board to the Financial Services Authority.
( 164988 )
*9 Annabelle Ewing (Perth):    What representations he has received from the First Minister on whisky strip stamps.
( 164989 )
*10 Huw Irranca-Davies (Ogmore):    If he will make a statement on the effects of poverty in Ogmore of (a) the measures introduced by his Department since 1997 and (b) the measures announced in the recent Budget.
( 164990 )
*11 Mr Iain Luke (Dundee East):    If he will make a statement on his aim to achieve full employment.
( 164991 )
*12 Linda Gilroy (Plymouth, Sutton):    If he will make a statement about the fiscal incentives he gives to encourage public and private investment in science and innovation.
( 164992 )
*13 Helen Jones (Warrington North):    How many pensioners in Warrington North will benefit from the £100 allowance announced in the Budget; and if he will make a statement.
( 164993 )
*14 Kevin Brennan (Cardiff West):    If he will make a statement on his policy towards the cancellation of debt in the world's poorest countries.
( 164994 )
*15 Mr David Stewart (Inverness East, Nairn & Lochaber):    What recent discussions he has had with other Ministers on financing the Millennium Development Goals.
( 164995 )
*16 Mr Kevan Jones (North Durham):    If he will make a statement on progress with his aim to achieve full employment in the North East.
( 164996 )
*17 Mr Hugo Swire (East Devon):    What discussions he has had with Sir Peter Gershon regarding the total savings in public sector employment within the Department for Transport as a result of his efficiency review.
( 164997 )
*18 Mrs Betty Williams (Conwy):    If he will make a statement on his policy towards the cancellation of debt in the world's poorest countries.
( 164998 )
*19 Paul Flynn (Newport West):    What the expected cost to the National Insurance Fund is in 2003-04 of reductions in contributions by employers to compensate them for the cost of environmental taxes.
( 164999 )
*20 Mr David Chaytor (Bury North):    What fiscal measures he plans to introduce to encourage energy efficiency; and if he will make a statement.
( 165000 )
*21 Mr Paul Goodman (Wycombe):    What recent representations in relation to the Inland Revenue he has received from groups representing people with disabilities.
( 165001 )
*22 Dr Alan Whitehead (Southampton, Test):    What plans he has to recycle the proceeds of the Landfill Levy.
( 165002 )
*23 Mr Mohammad Sarwar (Glasgow Govan):    If he will make a statement on his plans to increase the UK's contribution to the Global Fund.
( 165003 )
*24 David Cairns (Greenock & Inverclyde):    What steps HM Customs and Excise has taken to prepare for the expected increase in the flow of heroin from Afghanistan.
( 165004 )

At 12.30 p.m.Urgent Questions (if any)
Ministerial Statements (if any)
        Note:      Provision has been made for a Business Motion to be moved at 6.00 p.m. (Standing Order No. 15).

Main Business

        Note:      The House may be asked to consider any Lords Message which may be received.

+  1  


[Until any hour]

      Mr Peter Hain
        That, at today's sitting, the Speaker shall not adjourn the House until any Lords Messages have been received or until any Committee to draw up Reasons which has been appointed at this sitting has reported or until he has reported the Royal Assent to any Act agreed upon by both Houses.

        Debate may continue until any hour, if the 6.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to.

+  2  


[Until 6.00 p.m.]

      The Prime Minister
        That this House do now adjourn.

         Proposed subject for debate: Matters to be considered before the forthcoming adjournment.

Debate may continue until 6.00 p.m.

        Note:      The House may be asked to consider any Lords Message which may be received.

At 6.00 p.m.


BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE        [No debate]

      The Prime Minister
        That, at this day's sitting, the Motion in the name of Mr Peter Hain relating to the Sittings of the House, and consideration of any Lords Message that may be received, may be proceeded with, though opposed, until any hour.

To be decided without debate (Standing Order No. 15).


DEFERRED DIVISIONS        [No debate]

      The Prime Minister
        That, at this day's sitting, the Orders of the House of 28th June 2001 and 6th November 2003 relating to deferred Divisions shall not apply to the Question on the Motion in the name of Mr Peter Hain relating to Sittings of the House.

        To be decided without debate (Paragraph 3 of Orders of 28th June 2001 and 6th November 2003 relating to deferred Divisions).

At the end of the sitting:



        Proposed subject: Transport in Pudsey (Mr Paul Truswell).

        Debate may continue until 6.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later (Standing Order No. 9 and Order of 29th October 2002).



1Standing Committee B9.30 a.m.
2.00 p.m.
Room 11 (public)
Further to consider the Pensions Bill.
2Standing Committee D9.10 a.m.
2.30 p.m.
Room 10 (public)
Further to consider the Justice (Northern Ireland) Bill [Lords]


3Treasury9.15 a.m.The Wilson Room, Portcullis House (private)
4Scottish Affairs2.00 p.m.
2.15 p.m.
Room 15 (private)
Subject: The Proposed Whisky Strip Stamp.
Witnesses: The Wine and Spirit Association; Mr John Healey MP, Economic Secretary, HM Treasury (at 3.30 p.m.).
5Public Administration2.15 p.m.

2.30 p.m.
The Grimond Room, Portcullis House (private)
Subject: The Work of the Cabinet Office.
Witnesses: Sir Andrew Turnbull KCB CVO, Secretary of the Cabinet and Head of the Home Civil Service, Sir David Omand KCB, Permanent Secretary and Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator, and Mr Colin Balmer CB, Managing Director, Cabinet Office.

[The decision of a Committee to sit in public may be rescinded without notice.]

Written Ministerial Statements to be made today

1    Secretary of State for Transport:      Review of Road Safety Strategy.
2    Secretary of State for Transport:      The Maritime and Coastguard Agency Ministeral Targets 2004-05.
3    Secretary of State for the Home Department:      Independent Police Complaints Commission and the new complaints system.
4    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      New Local Authority Fees and Charges Scheme 2004-05.
5    Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs:      Government response to the report of the Farm Animal Welfare Council on the welfare of farmed animals at slaughter or killing.
6    Parliamentary Under Secretary, Department for Constitutional Affairs:      HM Land Registry: Key Performance Indicators and Targets 2004-05.
7    Secretary of State for Defence:      Call-out of reservists to the Former Yugoslavia.
8    Secretary of State for Defence:      Veterans Agency—performance targets for financial year 2004-05.
9    Secretary of State for Defence:      Deepcut—Surrey Police Final Report.
10    Secretary of State for Health:      Implementation of clinical trials directive.
11    Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:      Pathways to work.
12    Deputy Prime Minister:      Arms length management organisations for 2004-05 and 2005-06 Round 1 Allocations.
13    Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer:      EU enlargement: quantitative restrictions on tobacco products.
14    Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs:      Cyprus.

Standing Committee Notices

     Standing Committee B will meet on Tuesday 20th April at 9.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. and Thursday 22nd April at 9.30 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. further to consider the Pensions Bill.

     European Standing Committee B will meet on Wednesday 21st April at 2.00 p.m. to consider European Union Document No. 10243/03, relating to Asylum Systems.

     The First Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 20th April at 9.55 a.m. to consider the draft Sexual Offences Act 2003 (Travel Notification Requirements) Regulations 2004.

     The Second Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Tuesday 20th April at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Offensive Weapons) (Amendment) Order 2004.

     The Third Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Wednesday 21st April at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Merchant Shipping (Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims) (Amendment) Order 2004.

     The Fourth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 22nd April at 9.55 a.m. to consider the draft Limitation of Council Tax and Precepts (Alternative Notional Amounts) Report (England) 2004-05.

     The Fifth Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation will meet on Thursday 22nd April at 2.30 p.m. to consider the draft Value Added Tax (Buildings and Land) Order 2004 (S.I., 2004, No. 778).


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Prepared 1 April 2004