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House of Commons
Session 2003 - 04
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Summary Agenda 18 May 2004

Here you can browse the House of Commons Summary Agenda for 18 May 2004.

11.30 a.m.Prayers.
AfterwardsOral Questions to the Secretary of State for Transport.
12.20 p.m.Oral Questions to the Minister for the Cabinet Office.
12.30 p.m.Urgent Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any).
AfterwardsPresentation of Bill (without debate).
Doorstop Selling (Property Repairs)—Motion for leave to introduce a Bill under the Ten minute rule (Mr Gordon Marsden) (for up to 20 minutes).
Pensions Bill (Programme (No. 3) Motion) (for up to 45 minutes).
Pensions Bill: Report Stage and Third Reading [1st day] (may continue until 7.00 p.m.).
Delegated Legislation (Motion to refer) (no debate after 7.00 p.m.).
At the end of the sittingAdjournment Debate: Benefits system and the case of John Redman (Dr Vincent Cable) (until 7.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later).
Sitting in Westminster Hall
Adjournment Debates:
9.30 a.m.Access to extreme images on the internet (Mr David Lepper).
11.00 a.m.Sex offenders and hostel accommodation (Mrs Helen Clark).
The sitting will be suspended from 11.30 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
2.00 p.m.Funding for education of 16-19 year olds at schools and further education colleges (Norman Lamb).
3.30 p.m.Schools in Cornwall (Matthew Taylor).
4.00 p.m.Domestic violence support services (Vera Baird) (until 4.30 p.m.).

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Prepared 18 May 2004