Amendments proposed to the Human Tissue Bill - continued House of Commons

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Dr Evan Harris


Clause     24,     page     16,     line     3,     at end insert—

    '(8A)   Once appropriate consent under sections 2, 3 or 4 and this section has been given in relation to the body of a deceased person, a human body, relevant material from the body of a deceased person or relevant material from a human body for an activity specified in Schedule 1, such consent endures until—

      (a) the person from whose body the relevant material came specifically revokes it in writing;

      (b) where consent was given on behalf of a child, the child reaches 18 and specifically revokes it in writing; or

      (c) the person who gave such consent specifically revokes it in writing.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     24,     page     16,     line     4,     at end add—

    '(10)   For the purposes of this section "organs" means any part of the human body consisting of a structured arrangement of tissues which, if wholly removed, cannot be replicated by the body.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     27,     page     17,     line     8,     at end insert 'and

      (iii) is transferring to or using the specimen for the purposes given in Part 1 of Schedule 1 in licensed premises.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     28,     page     17,     line     45,     leave out 'former'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     28,     page     18,     line     18,     leave out 'decent' and insert 'safe and lawful'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     18,     line     39,     after 'if', insert 'in England, Wales or Northern Ireland'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     18,     line     41,     at end insert 'whether in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or elsewhere'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     18,     line     43,     at end insert 'whether in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or elsewhere'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     2,     at end insert 'whether in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or elsewhere'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     5,     at end insert 'whether in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or elsewhere'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     8,     at end insert 'whether in England, Wales or Northern Ireland or elsewhere'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     10,     at end insert 'in England, Wales or Northern Ireland'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     19,     leave out from 'activity' to end of line 21.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois
Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     21,     at end insert—

      '(c) he pays an intermediary to locate and obtain relevant bodily material for purposes under paragraphs 3 and 7 of Schedule 1, providing that this shall not apply in relation to offering or giving of any reward that relates specifically to relevant bodily material or to the body of a deceased person.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     29,     page     19,     line     47,     at end insert—

      '(c) any expenses incurred in adding value to, or increasing the utility of, relevant material.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     29,     page     20,     line     8,     after 'hair', insert ', teeth'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     20,     line     9,     leave out paragraph (d).


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois
Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     20,     line     10,     at end insert—

      '(e) material necessary for the conduct of clinical trials of pharmaceutical preparations or products (including diagnostics and medical devices).'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois
Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     20,     line     16,     at end add—'that relates specifically to relevant bodily material or to the body of a deceased person'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois
Dr Evan Harris


Clause     29,     page     20,     line     16,     at end add—

    '(11)   References in subsections (1) and (2) to reward, in relation to the supply of the body of a deceased person or the supply of relevant bodily material, do not include payment in money or money's worth for services provided in relation to—

      (a) preserving the body of a deceased person supplied or the relevant bodily material supplied for use in a purpose specified in Schedule 1;

      (b) preparing the body of a deceased person supplied or the relevant bodily material supplied for use in a purpose specified in Schedule 1; or

      (c) generating data relating to the body of a deceased person supplied or to the relevant bodily material supplied in carrying out a purpose specified in Schedule 1.'.


Dr Richard Taylor
Dr Evan Harris


Clause     30,     page     20,     line     41,     leave out from 'shall' to end of line 45 and add—

      '(a) set out the circumstances in which decisions of the Authority in relation to matters which fall to be decided by it under the regulations shall be subject to reconsideration, and

      (b) prescribe the procedure to be followed for such reconsideration.'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     33,     page     23,     line     6,     leave out subsection (3).


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     35,     page     24,     line     6,     after 'blood', insert 'blood precursors'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Schedule     4,     page     49,     line     38,     at end insert—

    '(3)   Subject to sub-paragraph (2) above, the Authority shall exercise its power to appoint at least one member of the Board whom it believes to be representative of the interests of the Royal College of Pathologists.'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     44,     page     27,     line     41,     leave out from beginning to 'has' and insert 'appropriate consent for the use of the relevant part for the purpose of transplantation in accordance with the provisions of Part 1'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     44,     page     27,     line     41,     leave out 'consent' and insert 'permission'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     45,     page     28,     line     17,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   Insofar as it would be impracticable to obtain appropriate consent in relation to material to which subsections (2) or (3) apply, it will not be unlawful to make such material available for scheduled purposes.'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     45,     page     28,     line     17,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   Subsections (2) and (3) shall continue to apply after the person from whose body the material has been removed has died.'.


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     45,     page     28,     line     18,     leave out subsection (4).


Dr Evan Harris


Clause     46,     page     28,     line     22,     after 'material', insert 'not covered under section 7'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     46,     page     28,     line     23,     after 'DNA', insert 'or RNA'.


Mr Andrew Lansley
Dr Andrew Murrison
Mr Mark Francois


Clause     46,     page     28,     line     23,     after 'material', insert 'or derived from that material'.


Ms Rosie Winterton


Clause     46,     page     28,     line     25,     leave out 'excepted purposes (see section 47)' and insert 'an excepted purpose'.


Ms Rosie Winterton


Clause     46,     page     28,     line     32,     after 'death,' insert —

      '( ) it is an existing holding and the person who has it is not in possession, and not likely to come into possession, of information from which the individual from whose body the material has come can be identified,'.


Ms Rosie Winterton


Clause     46,     page     29,     line     1,     leave out from 'Schedule' to 'has' in line 2 and insert '(Section 46: Supplementary) (which makes provision for the interpretation of "qualifying consent" and "use for an excepted purpose" in subsection (1)(a))'.


Ms Rosie Winterton


Clause     46,     page     29,     line     3,     after 'section', insert '(and Schedule (Section 46: Supplementary))'.

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