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Index of Amendments


Amendment Paper as at
Thursday 29th January 2004


New Amendments handed in are marked thus *



The Amendments have been arranged in accordance with the Order of the Committee (27th January).


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     5,     after 'authority', insert '(which shall not include the body corporate known as Transport for London established under the Greater London Authority Act 1999)'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     7,     after first 'objectives', insert 'including safety and environmental objectives'.


Brian White


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     8,     after 'the', insert 'safe'.


Brian White


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     10,     after 'the', insert 'safe and'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     11,     at end insert '; and

      (c) securing compliance with provisions of the Highway Code and road traffic legislation'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     11,     at end insert—

    '(ba)   improving safety on the authority's road network both for vehicular traffic and for pedestrians

    (bb)   enhancing the environment on and around the authority's road network in terms of reducing the levels of noise and pollution

    (bc)   facilitating overall transport policy objectives set out in relevant Local Transport Plans and Regional Transport Strategies

    (bd)   facilitating overall transport policy objectives set out in relevant Local Transport Plans, in London the Mayor's Transport Strategy and Local Implementation Plans, and Regional Transport Strategies;'.


Brian White


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     14,     after 'the', insert 'safe and'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight


Clause     16,     page     7,     line     20,     at end insert—

      '(2A)(i) The local traffic authority shall not reduce the width or number of carriageways or introduce any permanent restriction on motor vehicle traffic flows on their road network without first conducting a consultation exercise thereon to ascertain that any measures proposed have clear majority support amongst local residents, shopkeepers and those businesses likely to be affected.

      (ii) The manner, nature and period of such mandatory consultation shall be determined by the Secretary of State.'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     17,     page     7,     line     28,     after 'manager)', insert 'for a period not exceeding 5 years'.


Brian White


Clause     17,     page     7,     line     29,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   The arrangements must ensure that the authority—

      (a) takes into account and has regard to the importance of street works in connecting, maintaining, repairing and replacing essential services such as gas, electricity, water and telecommunications; and

      (b) in implementing the arrangements does not discriminate between its own works and street works.'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     17,     page     7,     line     30,     after 'an', insert 'existing or new'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     17,     page     7,     line     30,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   The traffic manager shall ensure that prior to the commencement of any work on the highway other than emergency work, by, or on behalf of the local authority which appointed him, a reasonable period is agreed and publicised within which the work should be carried out.'.


Brian White


Clause     17,     page     7,     line     43,     at end insert 'subject to guidance from the appropriate national authority.'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     17,     page     8,     line     1,     after 'the', insert 'efficiency and'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     17,     page     8,     line     4,     at end insert—

    '(iii)   the performance of their Traffic Manager.'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     17,     page     8,     line     7,     at end insert—

    '(6A)   No arrangements made in pursuance of the duties specified in this section shall take precedence over wider transport and community policy objectives set out in relevant Local Transport Plans and Regional Transport Strategies.'.


Brian White


Clause     18,     page     8,     line     9,     leave out 'may' and insert 'will'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     19,     page     8,     line     16,     after 'period', insert 'not exceeding 3 months'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     19,     page     8,     line     28,     leave out subsection (4).


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Page     8,     line     14,     leave out Clause 19.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     20,     page     8,     line     32,     leave out 'considers' and insert 'has reasonable grounds to believe'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     20,     page     8,     line     39,     after 'period', insert 'not exceeding three months'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     20,     page     9,     line     5,     after 'authority', insert 'reasonably'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     20,     page     9,     line     6,     leave out subsection (5).


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     12,     leave out from 'order")' to end of line 13.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     13,     at end insert—

    '(1A)   An intervention order must specify the failures of the local traffic authority properly to perform a duty under sections 16 and 17 and require the authority to comply with that duty within the stated period of time.

    (1B)   An intervention order may make provision for or in connection with the replacement of the local traffic authority's traffic manager appointed under section 17(2)'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     14,     leave out subsections (2) to (9).


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     22,     leave out 'and'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     24,     at end insert—

    '(da)   give particulars of the expected period for which the traffic officer will be appointed

    (db)   set out details of the process by which the intervention order will be removed'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     38,     at end insert—

    '(5A)   All reports produced in furtherance of subsection (5) above must be published in full within 3 months.'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     21,     page     9,     line     44,     at end insert 'provided that they do not exceed the powers capable of being conferred on a traffic manager under the provisions of this Act.'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     21,     page     10,     line     16,      leave out subsection (10).


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     22,     page     10,     line     25,     after 'appropriate', insert—

      '(ba) the appointment shall be revoked no later than six months after commencement unless a new order is made in accordance with the provisions set out in sections 20 and 21'.


Mr Christopher Chope
Mr Greg Knight
Mr David Wilshire


Clause     22,     page     10,     line     25,     after 'appropriate', insert 'provided that it does not allow for a term exceeding five years'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Page     10,     line     17,     leave out Clause 22.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     23,     page     10,     line     36,     after 'powers', insert 'for the national authority'.


John Thurso
Mr Paul Marsden


Clause     23,     page     10,     line     41,     leave out from 'about' to end of line 43.

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Prepared 29 Jan 2004