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House of Commons
Session 2003 - 04
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament

Civil Contingencies Bill

Civil Contingencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Minor and Consequential Amendments and Repeals
Part 1 — Amendments and Repeals Consequential on Part 1



Schedule 2

Section 31


Minor and Consequential Amendments and Repeals

Part 1

Amendments and Repeals Consequential on Part 1

Civil Defence Act 1939 (c. 31)



The Civil Defence Act 1939 shall cease to have effect.

Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 (c. 15 (N.I.))


The Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1939 shall cease to have effect.

Civil Defence Act 1948 (c. 5)


The Civil Defence Act 1948 shall cease to have effect.


Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 (c. 11 (N.I.))


The Civil Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1950 shall cease to have effect.

Defence Contracts Act 1958 (c. 38)


In section 6(1) of the Defence Contracts Act 1958 (interpretation, &c.), in the

definition of “defence materials” omit paragraph (b).


Public Expenditure and Receipts Act 1968 (c. 14)


Section 4 of the Public Expenditure and Receipts Act 1968 (compensation to

civil defence employees for loss of employment, &c.) shall cease to have


Civil Protection in Peacetime Act 1986 (c. 22)



The Civil Protection in Peacetime Act 1986 shall cease to have effect.

Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52)


In section 65A(5) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (light passenger vehicles and

motor cycles not to be sold without EC certificate of conformity) omit

paragraph (c).


Metropolitan County Fire and Rescue Authorities

9     (1)  

The bodies established by section 26 of the Local Government Act 1985

(c. 51) and known as metropolitan county fire and civil defence authorities

shall be known instead as metropolitan county fire and rescue authorities.


So far as necessary or appropriate in consequence of sub-paragraph (1), a


reference in an enactment, instrument, agreement or other document to a

metropolitan county fire and civil defence authority shall be treated as a

reference to a metropolitan county fire and rescue authority.



Civil Contingencies Bill
Schedule 2 — Minor and Consequential Amendments and Repeals
Part 3 — Minor Amendments




In the following provisions for “(fire services, civil defence and transport)”

substitute “(fire and rescue services and transport)”—


paragraph 29 of Schedule 1A to the Race Relations Act 1976 (c. 74),


sections 21(1)(i), 39(1)(g), 67(3)(k) and 152(2)(i) of the Local

Government and Housing Act 1989 (c. 42),



section 1(10)(d) of the Local Government (Overseas Assistance) Act

1993 (c. 25),


paragraph 19 of Schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act 2000

(c. 36), and


sections 23(1)(k) and 33(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 2003 (c.



Part 2

Amendments and Repeals Consequential on Part 2

Emergency Powers Act 1920 (c. 55)


The Emergency Powers Act 1920 shall cease to have effect.


Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 (c. 8)


The Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 shall cease to have


Northern Ireland Act 1998 (c. 47)


In paragraph 14 of Schedule 3 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998 (reserved


matters) for “the Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926” substitute

“Part 2 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004”.

Part 3

Minor Amendments

Energy Act 1976 (c. 76)



After sections 1 to 4 of the Energy Act 1976 (powers to control production

and supply of fuel, &c.) insert—

“5     Sections 1 to 4: territorial application


A power under sections 1 to 4 may be exercised in relation to

anything which is wholly or partly situated in, or to activity wholly


or partly in—


the United Kingdom,


the territorial sea of the United Kingdom, or


an area designated under the Continental Shelf Act 1964

(c. 29).



Subsection (1) is without prejudice to section 2(2)(b).”



Civil Contingencies Bill
Schedule 3 — Repeals and Revocations



Schedule 3

Section 31


Repeals and Revocations


Short title and chapter

Repeal or revocation


The Emergency Powers Act

The whole Act.


1920 (c. 55).




The Emergency Powers Act

The whole Act.


(Northern Ireland) 1926 (c. 8).


The Air-Raid Precautions Act

The whole Act.


(Northern Ireland) 1938 (c. 26






The Civil Defence Act 1939

The whole Act.


(c. 31).


The Civil Defence Act

The whole Act.


(Northern Ireland) 1939 (c. 15






The Civil Defence Act 1948

The whole Act.


(c. 5).


The Civil Defence Act

The whole Act.


(Northern Ireland) 1950 (c. 11






The Criminal Justice Act

In Schedule 2, the entry relating to the Civil


(Northern Ireland) 1953 (c. 14

Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1950.




The Civil Defence (Armed

The whole Act.


Forces) Act 1954 (c. 66).




The Defence Contracts Act 1958

In section 6(1), in the definition of “defence


(c. 38).

materials”, paragraph (b).


The Emergency Powers Act

Section 1.


1964 (c. 38).


The Lands Tribunal and

In Schedule 1, the entry relating to the Civil




Compensation Act (Northern

Defence Act (Northern Ireland) 1939.


Ireland) 1964 (c. 29 (N.I.)).


The Emergency Powers

The whole Act.


(Amendment) Act (Northern


Ireland) 1964 (c. 34 (N.I.)).




The Public Expenditure and

Section 4.


Receipts Act 1968 (c. 14).


The Land Charges Act 1972

In Schedule 2, paragraph 1(f).


(c. 61).


The Drainage (Northern

In Schedule 8, paragraphs 3 and 4.




Ireland) Order 1973 (S.I.


1973/69 (N.I. 1)).


The Statute Law (Repeals) Act

In Schedule 2, in Part II, the entry relating to the


1976 (c. 16).

Civil Defence Act 1939.



Civil Contingencies Bill
Schedule 3 — Repeals and Revocations



Short title and chapter

Repeal or revocation


The Road Traffic (Northern

Article 31G(5)(c).


Ireland) Order 1981 (S.I.


1981/154 (N.I. 1)).


The Civil Aviation Act 1982

In Schedule 2, paragraph 2.




(c. 16).


The Criminal Justice Act 1982

Section 41.


(c. 48).


The Police and Criminal

In Schedule 2, the entry relating to section 2 of


Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60).

the Emergency Powers Act 1920.




The Fines and Penalties

Article 12.


(Northern Ireland) Order


1984 (S.I. 1984/703 (N.I. 3)).


The Civil Protection in

The whole Act.


Peacetime Act 1986 (c. 22).




The Road Traffic Act 1988

Section 65A(5)(c).


(c. 52).


The Water Act 1989 (c. 15).

In Schedule 25, paragraph 1(4).


The Electricity Act 1989 (c. 29).

In Schedule 16, paragraph 1(3) and paragraph 4.


The Police and Criminal

In Schedule 2, the entry relating to the




Evidence (Northern Ireland)

Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland)


Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/1341



(N.I. 12)).


The Local Government Finance

In Schedule 13, paragraph 6.


Act 1992 (c. 14).




The Local Government etc.

In Schedule 13, paragraph 24.


(Scotland) Act 1994 (c. 39).


The Gas Act 1995 (c. 45).

In Schedule 4, paragraph 2(5).


The Police Act 1997 (c. 50).

In Schedule 9, paragraphs 2 and 17.


The Greater London Authority

Section 330.




Act 1999 (c. 29).


The Transport Act 2000 (c. 38).

In Schedule 5, paragraph 3.


The Civil Defence (Grant) Act

The whole Act.


2002 (c. 5).



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