Amendments proposed to the Energy Bill [Lords] - continued House of Commons

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Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     6,     page     5,     line     20,     leave out 'against the interests of' and insert 'constitutes a material risk to'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     7,     page     5,     line     43,     leave out 'treatment,'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     8,     page     6,     line     14,     leave out 'may' and insert 'will'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     8,     page     6,     line     15,     at end insert 'the details of which shall be set out by the Secretary of State and laid before Parliament'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     8,     page     6,     line     15,     at end insert 'commensurate with an estimate of the financial liability being adopted by the NDA'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     8,     page     6,     line     28,     leave out from 'itself' to end of line 29.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     8,     page     6,     line     29,     at end insert 'including the person in control of any installation, site or facility owned by British Energy'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     9,     page     7,     line     17,     at end insert 'provided' that this shall not be classified as intermediate-level waste or high-level waste'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Clause     10,     page     8,     line     4,     at end insert 'except that no monies shall be passed to those responsible for generating radioactive material'.


Mr Michael Weir


Clause     10,     page     8,     line     11,     leave out subsection (2).


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     10,     page     8,     line     21,     at end insert ', and the Secretary of State shall lay details of this requirement before Parliament.'.


Mr Michael Weir


Clause     12,     page     9,     line     30,     leave out from first 'the' to end of line 31 and insert 'paramount duty of the NDA, in carrying out its functions, to ensure—

      (a) the safety of the environment and the protection of the natural and built environment from any pollution or contamination from the release, spillage or escape of any nuclear or nuclear-related material into the air, waterways, sea or land, or from any contamination arising from the use, treatment, storage, transportation or disposal of hazardous waste (and in setting out its decommissioning strategy for any nuclear installation or site, nothing shall be done that would give rise to any such release, spillage or escape), and

      (b) the safety of the general population and of the workforce in any nuclear or nuclear-related facility who may be affected by the release, spillage or escape in any fashion of any nuclear or nuclear related material into the air, waterways, sea or land, or from activities involving the use, treatment, storage, transportation or disposal of hazardous material.

    (1A)   It shall be the further duty of NDA, so as far as it is not incompatible with the paramount duty under subsection (1), to have regard to—'.


Mr Stephen Timms


Clause     12,     page     9,     line     32,     leave out from 'policy' to end of line 39.


Mr Michael Weir


Clause     12,     page     9,     line     40,     leave out from beginning to 'and' in line 43.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     12,     page     9,     line     44,     at end insert—

      '(e) the need to preserve, where desirable, the possibility of the future use of the site for nuclear generation.'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     12,     page     10,     line     4,     at end insert 'and it shall publish details of how that skilled workforce is to be recruited, trained and maintained.'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     12,     page     10,     line     11,     after 'money', insert 'including the maximisation of income for the industry at the installations or sites whose operation it is to secure, pending the commencement of their decommissioning.'.


Mr Stephen Timms


Clause     12,     page     10,     line     18,     at end insert—

    '(3A)   In the case of each designated installation, designated site or designated facility, it shall be the duty of the NDA, in carrying out its function by virtue of section 10(1)(e)—

      (a) to have regard, in particular, to the extent to which the person with control of the installation, site or facility was doing anything falling within subsection (3B) prior to its designation; and

      (b) to consider what obligations in relation to the doing of anything falling within that subsection should be imposed on any person with whom the NDA is proposing, in connection with the discharge of any of its responsibilities in relation to the installation, site or facility, to enter into a contract for that person to provide services.

    (3B)   What falls within this subsection is anything that is done for the purpose of giving encouragement and other support to—

      (a) activities benefiting the social or economic life of communities living near the installation, site or facility; or

      (b) activities producing other environmental benefits for those communities.

    (3C)   Where the NDA is proposing, in connection with the discharge of any of its responsibilities in relation to a designated installation, designated site or designated facility, to enter into a contract with any person for him to provide any services, it shall be the duty of the NDA, before entering into that contract—

      (a) to require that person to produce his proposed strategy for the procurement of the goods and services that he will need to procure for the purpose of carrying out his obligations under the contract; and

      (b) to consider the likely effect of the implementation of that strategy on the economic life of communities living near the installation, site or facility.'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     13,     page     11,     line     3,     leave out from first 'the' to first 'to' in line 4 and insert 'Secretary of State may by order subject to the affirmative resolution procedure grant the NDA such powers (in addition to those contained in subsection (2)) as appear to him'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     13,     page     11,     line     6,     leave out 'include, in particular' and insert 'set out in this subsection are'.


Mr Michael Weir


Clause     13,     page     11,     line     7,     at end insert 'which are in operation at the time that this Act receives Royal Assent and subsequently acquired by the NDA'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     13,     page     11,     line     34,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   Where any BNFL installation is designated under section 6, in deciding how best to carry out its functions at that installation, site or facility, the NDA shall provide BNFL with the opportunity to bid for a contract to carry out any decommissioning, or any other, work which BNFL considers it to be competent and qualified to carry out, and the NDA shall give due consideration to such a bid.'.


Mr Stephen Timms


Clause     13,     page     11,     line     44,     leave out subsection (5).


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Clause     14,     page     12,     line     13,     at end insert—

    '(2A)   Where, as a result of consideration under subsection (2), the NDA decides that it requires powers additional to those conferred by section 13(2), it shall inform the Secretary of State of that decision immediately.'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Schedule     2,     page     158,     line     6,     after 'State', insert 'and such strategy has been laid before each House of Parliament'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Schedule     2,     page     159,     line     19,     at end insert—

    '(aa) Nirex;'.


Mr Laurence Robertson
Miss Anne McIntosh
Mr David Ruffley
Mr Robert Key
Mr Richard Page


*Schedule     2,     page     159,     line     36,     at end add—

      '(i) Nirex.'.


Mr Andrew Stunell
Norman Baker


*Schedule     2,     page     161,     line     9,     at end insert—

    '(aa) Nirex;'.

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