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8 Dec 2003 : Column 220W—continued

Dairy Farming

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many dairy farmers left the industry in the last 10 years for which records are available in (a) Cornwall and (b) Devon. [140714]

Mr. Bradshaw : The figures show the number of farmers, partners, directors and spouses on holdings in Cornwall and Devon where the predominant activity is dairy. These figures show the net change in the labour force over the last 10 years. Data for the total number of farmers, partners, directors and spouses (if working on the holding) combined are collected annually from the June Agricultural and Horticultural Census as a total. Figures are not available for each item.

Cornwall & the Isles of ScillyPlymouthTorbayDevon CC



(9) denotes that the data have been treated to avoid disclosure of information relating to individual holdings.

(b) Figures for 1998 and 1999 show main holdings only, from 2000 onwards minor holdings are also included.

(c) Due to a register improvement exercise in 2001 labour figures prior to this are not directly comparable with later results


June Agricultural Census

8 Dec 2003 : Column 221W

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent discussions she has had with farming industry representatives about farmgate prices for milk. [140812]

Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 1 December 2003]: The Secretary of State has had no formal meetings with representatives of the farming industry to discuss farmgate milk prices. However, Ministers frequently meet with representatives from all parts of the dairy supply chain and are therefore aware of the issues. Matters affecting the whole dairy sector are regularly discussed at the Dairy Supply Chain Forum chaired by my noble Friend Lord Whitty.

Mr. McLoughlin: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many dairy farms there were in 1997 in West Derbyshire; how many of them have closed since; and how many remain. [141458]

Mr. Bradshaw: Constituency level data are available from 1998 onwards. The figures below show the number of holdings in West Derbyshire where dairy is the predominant activity. They reflect the position in the June of each year and therefore represent the net change.

YearDairy Holdings

Notes:Figures for 1998 show main holdings only, in 2002 minor holdings are also included.


June Agricultural Census

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (1) how many (a) farmers and (b) farmers' spouses were engaged in dairy farming in (i) Cornwall and (ii) Devon in each of the last five years; [140778]

Mr. Bradshaw: The following figures show the number of farmers, partners, directors and spouses on holdings in Cornwall and Devon where the predominant activity is dairy. Data for the total number of farmers, partners, directors and spouses (if working on the holding) combined are collected annually from the June Agricultural and Horticultural Census as a total. Figures are not available for each item.

Cornwall and the Isles of ScillyPlymouthTorbayDevon CC

(10) Denotes that the data have been treated to avoid disclosure of information relating to individual holdings.


1. Figures for 1998 and 1999 show main holdings only, from 2000 onwards minor holdings are also included.

2. Due to a register improvement exercise in 2001 labour figures prior to this are not directly comparable with later results.


June Agricultural Census

8 Dec 2003 : Column 222W

Farm Subsidies (CAP)

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what assessment she has made of the impact of opting for (a) regionalised average and (b) individual historical claims for decoupled payments under the reformed Common Agricultural Policy in respect of (i) small livestock farms, (ii) medium livestock farms, (iii) larger livestock farms, (iv) small mixed farms, (v) large mixed farms, (vi) small arable farms and (vii) large arable farms. [140811]

Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 1 December 2003]: Responses to our recent consultation exercise are helping to develop our understanding of the range of economic, social and environmental issues surrounding the options for allocating entitlements under the new Single Payment Scheme. A note focusing on the important but narrow issue of the redistributive consequences of adopting each of the main options has been placed in the Library of the House.


Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs if she will make a statement on the latest figures published by her Department on the number of farmers and farm workers who left the industry in England in the 12 months to June. [141112]

Mr. Bradshaw: Figures from the Agricultural and Horticultural Census indicate the labour on agricultural holdings in June each year. These figures show the net change in the labour force. The total labour force fell by nearly 5 per cent. in the year to June 2003 continuing falls seen over recent years.

Farmers, partners, directors and their spouses working on holdings
June 2002225.0
June 2003219.1
All other workers including salaried managers and casual labour
June 2002146.6
June 2003135.3


1. Includes estimates for minor holdings.

2. Estimates have been made for non-respondents.

3. Figures exclude school children but include trainees employed under an official youth training scheme and paid at Agricultural Wages Board rates or above.


June Agricultural Census

8 Dec 2003 : Column 223W


Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what historical entitlements are held by UK-registered vessels to fish within the six mile zone of other EU member states. [140842]

Mr. Bradshaw: UK-registered vessels do not hold any historical entitlements to fish within the six mile zone of any EU member state.

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what recent assessment she has made of the effectiveness of Government enforcement authorities in monitoring fishing activity in the six to 12 mile zone. [140843]

Mr. Bradshaw: The monitoring of fishing activity in British Fishery Limits adjacent to England and Wales, including the six 12 mile zone, is the responsibility of the Department's Sea Fisheries Inspectorate using aerial and satellite surveillance and fishery protection vessels on task from the Royal Navy.

The level of surveillance is kept under review by the Sea Fisheries Inspectorate and is considered to be proportionate to the fishing activity occurring within British Fishery Limits.

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what progress has been made in (a) setting up, (b) agreeing the membership of, (c) setting the agenda for, (d) agreeing plans to improve fisheries conservation by (e) setting up and funding the necessary budget for and (f) developing proposals for the development of a sustainable fishing industry for advisory councils for each of the regions relevant to the UK fishing industry as part of the revised Common Fisheries' Policy. [140848]

Mr. Bradshaw: Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) will increase the involvement of those affected by the Common Fisheries Policy in fisheries management decisions. They will bring together fishermen, scientists and all with an interest in the fish stocks and their exploitation. They will help develop ways forward to which all parties can subscribe.

The European Commission has announced its proposal for a Council Decision Establishing Regional Advisory Councils (13702/03). The European Parliament is considering the proposal, and formal consultations are being held by Defra and the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department. We are working with interested parties, the Commission and the other member states to develop the proposal. The draft Decision is intended to fix basic principles including those relating to membership, working arrangements and criteria for establishment. Individual RACs will determine how they manage themselves: thus they will be bottom-up organisations, developed and run by their members.

It will take time for effective RACs to develop, but fishermen and other interests active in international fisheries partnerships in the North sea, the Irish sea and the south west, the Baltic and the Mediterranean have already made good progress. Unless the Commission's

8 Dec 2003 : Column 224W

proposal meets with unexpected problems, we can expect a Council Decision establishing the first Regional Advisory Councils in 2004.

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what assessment she has made of the impact of the UN's Law of the Sea on (a) the UK fishing industry and (b) the activities of non-UK-registered fishing vessels operating within UK territorial waters. [140849]

Mr. Bradshaw: No assessment has been made of the impact of the UN's Law of the Sea on the UK fishing industry. The activities of non-UK registered vessels operating within UK territorial waters are governed by access rules established under the Common Fisheries Policy. As regards third country vessels, access is determined under the terms of bilateral fisheries agreements with certain third countries which have limited access to certain stocks in EU waters.

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what legal and other advice her Department has sought in response to representations she has received from the fishing industry seeking to (a) achieve the unilateral withdrawal of the UK from the Common Fisheries Policy, (b) genuinely lessen the UK's accountability to the CFP and (c) restrict access of foreign vessels from UK territorial waters. [141538]

Mr. Bradshaw [holding answer 2 December 2003]: The Department routinely bases its assessments of representations, and responses to them, on advice from its policy experts and, where necessary, on legal advice.

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