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11 Dec 2003 : Column 549Wcontinued
Tim Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much funding the Government has contributed towards research and development into affordable anti-malarial drugs in 200304; and how much it plans to spend in (a) 200405 and (b) 200506. [141191]
Mr. Gareth Thomas: DFID is supporting public-private partnerships to develop the new generation of affordable drugs required for malaria control in developing countries. In 20034, we are contributing £1 million in support of the work of Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV). We will also contribute £1 million to MMV in 20045 and a further £1 million in 20056.
We are working in partnership with GlaxoSmithKline, the World Health Organisation and the University of Liverpool to develop an effective, safe and affordable drug called Lapdap, for treating drug resistant malaria. DFID is currently funding compliance and pharmacovigilance trials of Lapdap. Our funding in 20034 will be £213,000 and in 20045 it will be £286,000.
DFID contributes to the Medical Research Council whose activities include funding research projects to develop medicines for resistant strains of malaria. We provide a core contribution to WHO, some of which is used to support the WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease (TDR) to develop new approaches for treating infectious diseases, including malaria.
Future funding plans beyond current commitments to September 2006 are under review.
11 Dec 2003 : Column 550W
Mrs. Dunwoody: To ask the Solicitor-General what discussions she has had in relation to (a) the decision in the High Court on bicycle rickshaws and their ability to convey passengers safely, and (b) clarifying (i) licensing, (ii) insurance and (iii) safety rules in relation to the carrying of the public by bicycle rickshaws. [142908]
Llew Smith: To ask the Solicitor-General if she and the Attorney-General will examine the lecture by Lord Steyn of 25 November on the legal status of British citizens at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. [142901]
The Solicitor-General: The Attorney-General and I have already read a transcript of the lecture given by Lord Steyn on 25 November on the subject of Guantanamo Bay.
Harry Cohen: To ask the Solicitor-General what has been the Government's response to the recent inquest decision that the death of Roger Sylvester amounted to an unlawful killing; and if she will make a statement. [141210]
The Solicitor-General: On 3 October 2003, an inquest jury returned a verdict that Roger Sylvester was unlawfully killed. Lawyers from the Crown Prosecution Service were present throughout the inquest hearing and have commenced a fresh review of the case. The review will include the evidence given at the inquest once the relevant transcripts have been received. It will be for the reviewing crown prosecutor to decide, in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors, whether any criminal proceedings should be instituted.
Simon Hughes: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what his estimate is of the number of adults living on an income of less than (a) £5,000, (b) £7,500, (c) £10,000, (d) £15,000, (e) £20,000, (f) £30,000, (g) £35,000, (h) £40,000, (i) £50,000, (j) £75,000, (k) £100,000, (l) £150,000, (m) £200,000, (n) £500,000, (o) £1 million and (p) £10 million in London in each of the last six years for which information is available. [140853]
Mr. Pond: The information requested is provided for households and is set out in the table.
Number of households with net equivalised income, before housing costs, of less than:
Notes:1. Figures in the table compares reported household incomes uprated by inflation, to equivalent 2001/02 prices, against the income levels (a) to (p).2. Estimates are for London and are rounded to the nearest 0.1 million.3. The estimates are sample counts, which have been adjusted for non-response using multipurpose grossing factors that, in the case of the Family Resources Survey, control for tenure, Council Tax band and a number of other variables. Estimates are subject to both sampling error and to variability in non-response. The income measure used is weekly net (disposable) equivalised household income (that is to say income that is adjusted to reflect the composition of the household).
4. Income is adjusted or equivalised to take into account variations in both size and composition of the household. This process reflects the notion that a family of several people needs a higher income than a single person in order for both households to enjoy a comparable standard of living. Incomes of larger families are adjusted downwards and incomes of smaller households adjusted upwards. The equivalence scales used takes a couple with no children as the reference point, and increases relatively the income of single persons households, and reduces relatively the incomes of households with larger consumption capabilities.
5. The estimates are presented on a Before Housing Costs (BHC) basis. Figures are provided including the self-employed
Family Resources Survey (FRS).
11 Dec 2003 : Column 551W
Malcolm Bruce: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many (a) deaf, (b) blind and (c) deaf-blind people have applied for the Access to Work scheme in each year since its introduction; and how many have been successful in their application; how many appeals against refusals were lodged; how many were found in favour of the claimant since the introduction of the scheme; and how many people are receiving support under the Access to Work scheme. [140513]
Maria Eagle: The information requested is not routinely collected and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost. The total number of people receiving Access to Work support in 200203 was 36,606; of these 15,199 were new applicants.
Malcolm Bruce: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what initiatives he is planning to increase (a) awareness and (b) uptake of the Access to Work scheme. [140515]
Maria Eagle: Information on all our disability services is available from Jobcentre Plus offices, and is also available on the Jobcentre Plus web site ( The web address is included in our publicity material.
Jobcentre Plus invests around £300,000 each year on marketing and publicising its specialised services and programmes for disabled people, including Access to Work. Promotional material is available in a range of media such as leaflets, audiotapes and videos.
Disability Employment Advisers meet regularly with local employers to promote the full range of services available to disabled people, including Access to Work. In addition, many organisations for disabled people
11 Dec 2003 : Column 552W
actively promote Access to Work to their members, and some also include information about the programme on their website.
The number of people helped through Access to Work has increased year on year since 1996. In 199798, 12,825 people received support; that had risen to 36,606 in 200203.
Mr. Goodman: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what administrative reasons might prevent parents with care from receiving the child maintenance premium. [143535]
Mr. Pond: The child maintenance premium is a key feature of the new child support scheme. It relies on links with Jobcentre Plus IT systems to match up individuals on benefit with payments received. The new IT system is designed to do this and by the end of November 7,500 of the poorest families were already benefiting from the new premium. However to apply the premium to old scheme cases would require redesigning and rebuilding both the new and old IT systems.
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