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5 Jan 2004 : Column 180W—continued


Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many dental practices in (a) England and (b) each strategic health authority there were in each of the last six years; and how many (i) registered adults exempt from charges and (ii) registered children from nought to 18 years there were in each of the last six years. [144320]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Table 1 shows the available information for the number of general dental service (GDS) practices in England and each strategic health authority in each of the last six years.

Adult patient registrations are not available separately for patients exempt from charges because no charge is made for patients' registrations. The number of registered children at 30 September in each of the last six years is shown in Table 2.

Table 1: General Dental Service—Number of GDS dental practices by strategic health authority at 31 August each year

Number of dental practices
Strategic Health Authority199819992000200120022003
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire SHA407412397379375382
Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire SHA281294296304300303
Birmingham and The Black Country SHA371376375368370372
Cheshire and Merseyside SHA442435432411399396
County Durham and Tees Valley SHA176178179179176176
Coventry, Warwickshire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire SHA231228232226224227
Cumbria and Lancashire SHA326331328323328324
Dorset and Somerset SHA220218223219221230
Essex SHA238244247247246248
Greater Manchester SHA475469471459450451
Hampshire and Isle of Wight SHA309317315316317313
Kent and Medway SHA279281279267271276
Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland SHA233240242234234237
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire SHA338342346346346343
North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire SHA264266265256255251
North Central London SHA280283285283285287
North East London SHA242243243235236239
North West London SHA440440444431420421
Northumberland, Tyne and Wear SHA237240242238234228
Shropshire and Staffordshire SHA233235237232233238
South East London SHA273248253251246248
South West London SHA275282281276279274
South West Peninsula SHA293294304292285289
South Yorkshire SHA219219218214209213
Surrey and Sussex SHA518523536544553559
Thames Valley SHA354368375371376381
Trent SHA359364369360368361
West Yorkshire SHA368366370363361356

5 Jan 2004 : Column 181W

Table 2: General Dental Service—England Registration of children aged under 18

September each yearNumber


Dental Practice Board

Bob Spink: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of Castle Point residents were registered with an NHS dentist in each of the last five years. [145161]

Dr. Ladyman: Registration rates are shown in the table for the health administration areas, South Essex Health Authority area for September in the years 1999 to 2001, Castle Point and Rochford Primary Care Trust (PCT) area for September in the years 2002 and 2003.

General Dental Service: Proportion of the population registered with a dentist 1999 to 2003 in health areas containing Castle Point

At 30 SeptemberPercentage of population registered with a GDS dentist
South Essex HA area
Castle Point and Rochford PCT area

(50) 1998–2000 ONS mid year population estimates based on the 1991 census.

(51) 2001 ONS mid year population estimates based on the 2001 census

The registration rates are calculated by dividing the number of patients registered with a dentist who is located in the area by the estimate of the total population for that area. Some patients attend a dentist in a different area from the one in which they live and so the registration and population numbers do not cover the same people.

Registrations lapse if patients do not return to their dentist within 15 months and so the registration figures exclude patients who have not been to their general dental service dentist within the past 15 months. Also excluded from the figures are patients who receive dental treatment from other national health service dental services including dental access centres.

5 Jan 2004 : Column 182W

Departmental Policies

Ms Buck: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will make a statement on the impact of his Department's policies on the Regent's Park and Kensington, North constituency since 1997. [145417]

Mr. Hutton: Detailed information on the impact of departmental policies nationally is set out in the Department of Health Annual reports. A copy of the most recent report "Department of Health—Government Expenditure Plans 2003/2004" is available in the Library and on the Department's website.

The impact of policies is not examined by constituency and statistics collected centrally by the Department are not collected on a constituency basis.

My hon. Friend's constituency falls within the geographical area covered by Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea Primary Care Trusts (PCT), Chelsea and Westminster National Health Service Trust, St. Mary's NHS Trust and the former Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority (HA).

Allocations to Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster HA

AllocationCash increaseReal terms increase


1. Figures for 1997–98 and 1998–99 are not comparable to the later figures, as these are for Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) only.

2. From 1999–2000 allocations have included HCHS, GMS cash limited and prescribing components (2002–03 saw the addition of HIV/Aids and GMS non cash limited components).

5 Jan 2004 : Column 183W

Kensington and Chelsea PCT will receive allocations of £202.06 million in 2003–04, £221.87 million in 2004–05 and £243.04 million in 2005–06. These represent a cash increase of £57.71 million or 31.14 per cent. over the three years, compared to a national average of 30.83 per cent. Kensington and Chelsea PCT will be 15.37 per cent. over target by 2005–06.

Westminster PCT will receive allocations of £263.88 million in 2003–04, £289.44 million in 2004–05 and £316.79 million in 2005–06. These represent a cash increase of £74.58 million or 30.79 per cent. over the three years, compared to a national average of 30.83 per cent. Westminster PCT will be 29.88 per cent. over target by 2005–06.

Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster HA and the trusts within it have also received additional funding for certain policies. This includes:

I am informed by North West London Strategic Health Authority that in 2002–03, the Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea PCT's overall allocation included the following earmarked funding for certain policies (there has been no earmarked funding in 2003–04):

One of the public's principal concerns about the NHS has been waiting times. Waiting list information for St. Mary's and Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trusts is shown in the tables.

Patients waiting for elective admission: St. Mary's NHS Trust

Month endTotal waiting listPatients waiting over nine monthsPatients waiting over12 months
March 19975,801539149
October 20033,726870


Department of Health form KH07 and Monthly Monitoring.

5 Jan 2004 : Column 184W

Waiting times for first consultant out-patient appointment St. Mary's NHS Trust

GP written referrals
Patients seenPatients still waiting
QuarterTotalPercentage seen within 13 weeksMore than 13 weeksMore than 26 weeks
Q4 1996–979,903863,8711,884
Q2 2003–0410,370791,1060


Department of Health form QM08.

Patients waiting for elective admission: Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust

Month endTotal waiting listPatients waiting over nine monthsPatients waiting over12 months
March 19971,8886722
October 20033,108880


Department of Health form KH07 and Monthly Monitoring.

Waiting times for first consultant out-patient appointment Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust

GP written referrals
Patients seenPatients still waiting
QuarterTotalPercentage seen within 13 weeksMore than 13 weeksMore than 26 weeks
Q4 1996–979,055931,138310
Q2 2003–047,459835030


Department of Health form QM08.

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