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11 Oct 2004 : Column 137W—continued

Continuing Care

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will reassess his estimate of the cost of providing free personal care with reference to (a) the latest Laing and Buisson survey for March 2003, (b) the current review of eligibility for NHS continuing care and (c) changes to the amount of funding for free nursing care since January 2004. [187861]

Dr. Ladyman: No, the estimate of the cost of providing free personal care will not be reassessed. None of these changes would materially affect our estimate of providing free personal care.

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will estimate the cost in each year until 2009–10 of providing NHS continuing care for those people previously denied it until the review of eligibility criteria this year. [187862]

Dr. Ladyman: My written statement of 22 June 2004 specified that the National Health Service expects to pay a total of over £180 million in restitution payments to those previously wrongly denied NHS continuing care, and that this amount has been added to NHS budgets. No data are held centrally on the proportion of these cases which relate to people living today, nor what the likely life expectancy might be of those who remain alive today. In the absence of this information, no meaningful estimate of costs can be made.

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what amount his Department has allocated to strategic health authorities (a) to cover the costs of reviewing their eligibility criteria for NHS continuing care and (b) for compensating those people who were wrongly denied continuing care over the past seven years. [187863]

Dr. Ladyman: My written statement of 22 June 2004 specified that the National Health Service expects to pay a total of over £180 million in restitution payments and that this amount has been added to NHS budgets. The review of eligibility criteria is part of the NHS' management of services and was managed within NHS budgets.

Contraceptive Services

Mr. Laurence Robertson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the rules are for the prescribing of contraceptives services for people under the age of 16; and if he will make a statement. [188907]

Miss Melanie Johnson: I refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave to the hon. Member for Witney (Mr. Cameron) on 4 October 2004, Official Report, column 1947W.
11 Oct 2004 : Column 138W


Mrs. Iris Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will estimate the annual cost of providing nursing and personal care for dementia sufferers in England. [187798]

Dr. Ladyman: Since April 2003, everyone who requires care from a registered nurse will have received free of charge either direct national health service nursing care from the community nursing service or NHS funded nursing care.

The estimated cost of providing free personal care in England for those with dementia would be in the region of £1 billion. The estimated cost of providing free personal care in England for everyone with a need for personal care would be about £1.5 billion. The total gross expenditure on means tested social services for all adults in 2002–03 was £9.5 billion; net expenditure (after deducting fees and charges) was £7.5 billion.


Mr. Brady: To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether it is his policy that dentists from other European Economic Area countries should be required to undertake a vocational training year in the same way as UK dentists before being permitted to practise in the UK. [188035]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Yes, and we take every opportunity to advocate the benefits of vocational training in our contacts with the European Commission and the health departments of those Member States which do not have schemes. The need arises because the Dentists Directive 78/686/EEC entitles holders of qualifications meeting the standards set out in the Directive to automatic recognition throughout the European Economic Area. Member States cannot impose additional training requirements.

We are currently recruiting additional dentists to improve access to National Health Service dentistry. Where they are to appoint overseas dentists, Primary care trusts offer induction training which covers key items within the vocational training curriculum.

Sue Doughty: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the total cost to the NHS of dental services was for each primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex strategic health authority in each year since 1997. [188174]

Ms Rosie Winterton: The cost to the national health service of general dental services (CDS) in Surrey and Sussex strategic health authority area is shown in the table. This covers payments to GDS dentists less patient charge contribution.
Cost 1 to the NHS of general service dentistry £ million

Adur, Arun and Worthing3.4403.5433.7013.8254.3664.7284.881
Bexhill and Rother1.2171.2991.2741.2731.3351.3671.618
Brighton and Hove City5.6935.8465.8895.9316.3406.8107.492
East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey3.6763.9113.9584.0594.7464.8515.187
East Surrey2.5702.7162.5682.6272.8923.0213.216
Eastbourne Downs2.6262.8832.8792.9963.4253.6213.572
Guildford and Waverley3.6383.7893.8203.9324.3724.5135.065
Hastings and St Leonards1.8731.9611.9482.1312.1862.2402.472
Horsham and Chanctonbury1.5901.6241.6621.7732.0372.1792.503
North Surrey2.9163.0873.2053.2843.5623.6193.914
Sussex Downs and Weald2.2642.3272.3932.7132.9863.1283.500
Western Sussex2.9793.1093.3713.5563.8003.7814.081
Woking Area3.2623.4943.5623.6084.2274.2954.598
SSSHA totals(41)43.78046.41847.66748.86554.05857.24760.587

(40) CDS fee payments only for 1997–98 to 2000–01. For 2001–02, 2002–03 and 2003–04 some other GDS costs are included. The other costs comprise: seniority payment; maternity, paternity, adoptive pay; long-term sick pay; continuing professional development allowance (CPDA); CPDA travel hours; business rates; training grant; clinical audit convenor; clinical audit secretarial support; clinical audit travel expenses; clinical audit payment; and vocational dental practitioner salary and national insurance contributions.
(41) SSSHA totals include some other GDS costs, which are not available at primary care trust level.
Dental Practice Board.

11 Oct 2004 : Column 139W

This expenditure does not include personal dental services expenditure.

Sue Doughty: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much was paid by NHS patients towards dental services in each primary care trust in the Surrey and
11 Oct 2004 : Column 140W
Sussex strategic health authority in each year since 1997. [188175]

Ms Rosie Winterton: Patient charges in the general dental services and personal dental services by primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex strategic health authority area are shown in the table.
General dental service and personal dental service patient charges in Sussex and Surrey Strategic health authority £000

Adur, Arun and Worthing2,045.82,165.42,147.82,275.22,345.52,414.72,472.2
Bexhill and Rother793.1811.2787.1797.2750.4757.5888.7
Brighton and Hove City2,114.62,316.22,357.22,625.92,617.12,828.33,053.5
East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey2,200.52,391.42,357.62,290.62,364.92,204.72,129.6
East Surrey1,444.61,631.91,519.31,654.61,738.81,754.01,760.1
Eastbourne Downs1,716.11,927.61,923.71,962.92,064.92,155.51,974.6
Guildford and Waverley1,858.41,922.31,919.61,893.51,921.91,951.92,034.2
Hastings and St. Leonards798.3840.0867.5965.3995.51,030.71,161.3
Horsham and Chanctonbury864.7877.2832.8946.51,030.81,090.81,135.8
North Surrey1,663.01,797.41,934.21,935.81,946.21,952.91,857.3
Sussex Downs and Weald1,535.41,553.71,605.81,845.21,918.71,999.22,109.3
Western Sussex1,862.12,022.32,234.32,384.42,330.72,292.12,382.4

Dental Practice Board

Personal dental services patient charges were introduced in October 1998. The first PDS patient charges in this area occurred in 1999–2000.

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