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20 Oct 2004 : Column 699W—continued

Intermediate Collection Centres

Mr. Gray: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many intermediate collection centres have so far been licensed under the Animal By-Products Regulation in each of her Department's regions; and how many have applied for registration. [190712]

Mr. Bradshaw: 87 intermediate plants have sought approval under the Regulation, three have been rejected, 76 have been approved and eight are awaiting assessment by the State Veterinary Service as to whether or not an approval can be issued. The breakdown by region is as follows:
Intermediate plants

North Region42401
West Region15141
East Region30221

The information contained in the table was obtained from the Animal By-Product Regulations Information System (ABPRIS), which is currently undergoing development. This information will be subject to change as/when the database has undergone a full and complete data cleansing exercise.

Water Framework Directive

Nick Harvey: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs what steps the Government are taking to ensure that the UK complies with the European Commission's Water Framework Directive. [191806]

Mr. Morley: The Water Framework Directive sets out a staged timetable up to 2015 for member states to transpose it into national law and implement its requirements.

The Directive has been transposed throughout the UK, and notification of the UK competent authorities was sent to the European Commission on 22 June 2004.

The next key stage is the characterisation of river basin districts. The competent authorities must complete an analysis of the pressures and impacts of human activity on the water environment by 22 December 2004, and a report on each of the river basin districts must be sent to the European Commission by 22 March 2005. The Environment Agency, the competent authority for England and Wales, is working hard to ensure timely delivery of this analysis. They published initial characterisation results for public review on 1 September 2004.

Nick Harvey: To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs when the Government plans to transpose the EU's Water Framework Directive into UK law. [191807]

Mr. Morley: The Government laid the regulations to transpose the Water Framework Directive in England and Wales in December 2003 and they entered into force on 2 January 2004. Two further sets of regulations covering the two river basin districts which cross the Scottish border (Northumbria and the Solway Tweed) came into force on 10 February 2004. The directive has
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also been transposed by the relevant administrations in Scotland, Northern Ireland and most recently in Gibraltar.


Census (Household Facilities)

Ms Buck: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) what percentage of all households in England were sharing the use of a WC according to the (a) 1981, (b) 1991 and (c) 2001 census; [192031]

(2) what percentage of all households in England were sharing the use of a bathroom according to the (a) 1981, (b) 1991 and (c) 2001 census; [192033]

(3) what percentage of all households in England were living at a density of (a) more than two persons per room, (b) one and a half persons per room and (c) one person per room according to the (i) 1981, (ii) 1991 and (iii) 2001 census; [192034]

(4) what percentage of all households in England were lacking the use of a bathroom according to the (a) 1981, (b) 1991 and (c) 2001 census; [192035]

(5) what percentage of all households in England had the use of central heating in their dwelling according to the (a) 1981, (b) 1991 and (c) 2001 census; [192036]

(6) what percentage of all households were lacking the use of a hot water supply according to the (a) 1981, (b) 1991 and (c) 2001 census. [192037]

Mr. Timms: The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.

Letter from Len Cook to Ms Karen Buck, dated 20 October 2004:

20 Oct 2004 : Column 701W

1. Shared use of WC—England

Percentage of all households
Shared inside WC1.24
Lacking or sharing use of inside WC1.07
Without sole use of bath/shower and toilet0.49

Table 7 Census 1981 Housing and households for England and Wales, Table 8 Census 1991 Household Composition for Great Britain and Table UV60 Census 2001 Census Area Statistics for England and Wales

2. Shared use of Bath—England

Percentage of all households
Shared bath1.35
Lacking or sharing use of bath/shower1.00
Without sole use of bath/shower and toilet0.49

Table 7 Census 1981 Housing and households for England and Wales, Table 8 Census 1991 Household Composition for Great Britain and Table UV60 Census 2001 Census Area Statistics for England and Wales

3. Number of people per room—England

Percentage of all households
Over 1.5 persons per room(7)0.630.500.57
Over 1 and up to 1.5 persons per room2.761.611.32
Up to 1 person per room96.6197.8998.11

(7) Please note the census does not produce figures for over 2 persons per room.
Table 5 Census 1981 Housing and households for England and Wales, Table 5 Census 1991 Household Composition for Great Britain and Table UV58 Census 2001 Census Area Statistics for England and Wales

4. Lacking the use of a Bath—England

Percentage of all households
No bath1.78
Lacking or sharing use of bath/shower1.00
Without sole use of bath/shower and toilet0.49

Table 7 Census 1981 Housing and households for England and Wales, Table 8 Census 1991 Household Composition for Great Britain and Table UV60 Census 2001 Census Area Statistics for England and Wales

5. Had the use of central heating—England

Had the use of central heating(8)81.4791.47

(8) This question was first asked in 1991
Table 8 Census 1991 Household Composition for Great Britain and Table UV60 Census 2001 Census Area Statistics for England and Wales

20 Oct 2004 : Column 702W

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