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Angela Watkinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what competencies he expects will remain under the control of national Governments under Article 15a of the Constitutional Treaty for the European Union, column 6289, relating to union law. [193229]
Mr. MacShane: Article 15a (Article 16 in the final version of the Treaty, CIG 87/1/04) states that EU law has primacy over the national law of the member states. This is simply a restatement of the current position and, as noted in the declaration to be made on this provision, reflects existing ECJ case law. Articles 19 to 116 (Articles 1117, CIG 87/1/04) set out, for the first time, a clear catalogue of the EU's competences. Article 19 paragraph 2 (Article 11 paragraph 2, CIG 87/1/04) makes clear that competences not conferred by the member states upon the EU in the Constitution remain with the member states.
Sir Menzies Campbell: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which Minister and officials represented the Government at the ASEM Summit meeting in Hanoi from 7 to 9 October; and if he will make a statement. [191945]
Mr. Straw
[holding answer 20 October 2004]: My right hon. Friend the Deputy Prime Minister and two officials from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office represented the UK at the Summit and its preparatory meetings.
25 Oct 2004 : Column 1012W
I also refer the right hon. Gentleman to the answer I gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Wirral, South (Mr. Chapman) on 18 October 2004, Official Report, columns 46566W.
Mr. Rosindell: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the total population of (a) the Turks and Caicos Islands, (b) Anguilla, (c) Akrotiri and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus, (d) Bermuda, (e) the British Indian Ocean Territory, (f) the British Virgin Islands, (g) the Cayman Islands, (h) the Falkland Islands, (i) Guernsey, (j) Gibraltar, (k) the Isle of Man, (l) Jersey, (m) Montserrat, (n) Pitcairn Island, (o) the British Antarctic Territory and (p) South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands is; what the total number entitled to vote is in each case; what the date of the most recent parliamentary or assembly election was in each case; what the turnout at that election was in each case; and what the results were in each case. [191181]
Mr. Rammell: The details are as follows:
Akrotiri and Dhekelia Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus
The total Cypriot population of the Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) at the time of the last full census in 2001 was 6,967. In addition, approximately 7,800 military and UK-based civilian personnel and their dependents work or live on the Sovereign Base Areas.
Approximately 4,762 Cypriots in the SBAs are eligible to vote in the Republic of Cyprus. UK citizens are eligible to vote in UK elections.
Neither parliamentary nor assembly elections are held in the SBAs. Residents vote either in the Republic of Cyprus, or the UK.
Total population: 12,200 (2003 estimate)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 7,558 (in next election, due 2005)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 3 March 2000 (House of Assembly Elections)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 4,825 (64.2 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The Anguilla National Alliance (ANA) gained three seats with 35.2 per cent. of the vote. The Anguilla Democratic Party (ADP) gained one seat, with 11.1 per cent. of the vote. The total percentage of votes cast for the United Front coalition was therefore 46.3 per cent. The Anguilla United Movement (AUM) gained two seats with 12.5 per cent. of the vote. One independent member was elected with 7.62 per cent. of the vote.
Total population: 62,059 (2000 Census)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 39,324 (at last election)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 24 July 2003 (General Election)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 29,472 (74.9 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: PLP (Progressive Labour Party) 15,222 votes (51.6 per cent.); UBP (United Bermuda Party) 14,142 votes (48 per cent.); NLP (National Liberal Party) 41 votes (0.1 per cent.); IND (Independent) 51 votes (0.2 per cent.); GLP (Gombey Liberation Party) 16 votes (0.1 per cent.).
The territory does not have a settled population.
British Indian Ocean Territory
The territory does not have a settled population.
Total population: 21,333 (2003 estimate)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 10,186 (at last election)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 16 June 2003
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 7,351 (72.17 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The National Democratic Party (NDP) won eight seats, beating the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), which won five seats.
Total population: 42,000 (2004 estimate)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 11,636 (at last election)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 8 November 2000 (an election was due to be held on 17 November 2004, but has been postponed to May 2005 due to the destruction caused by Hurricane Ivan in the Cayman Islands)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 76.37 per cent.
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The following candidates were elected: Rolston M. Anglin, McKeeva Bush, Eugene Ebanks, and Stirling Dwayne Ebanks from West Bay constituency; Frank Swarres McField, Alden McNee McLaughlin Jr., Linford Ainsworth Pierson and D. Kurt Tibbetts from George Town constituency; Roy Bodden, Anthony Eden and Gilbert Allan McLean from Bodden Town constituency; Edna Moyle from North Side constituency; V. Arden McLean from East End constituency; and Julianne Yvonne Connolly O'Connor and Lyndon Leathan Martin from Cayman Brac and Little Cayman constituency.
Total population: 2,913 (2001 Census)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 1,495 (in last full election)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 22 November 2001 (full election for Legislative Councillors); 6 November 2003 (By-Election in Camp Constituency)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: It is difficult to provide accurate turnout figures in the Falkland Islands, due to the system of voting. Any voter can vote for between one and five candidates in Stanley Constituency and one and three people in Camp Constituency. There are eight Legislative Councillors: five from the Stanley constituency, and three from the Camp constituency. Under this system, in the 22 November 2001 election, 3,878 votes were cast. In a by-election each voter casts only one vote. The turnout for the 6 November 2003 by-election was 227, from 281 eligible voters (a turnout of 80.78 per cent.).
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: In the 22 November 2001 election, Norma Edwards, Roger Anthony Edwards and Phillip Charles Miller were elected to the Legislative Council from the Camp constituency. John Birmingham, Janet Lynda Cheek, John Richard Cockwell, Stephen Charles Luxton and Michael Victor Summers were elected to the Legislative Council from the Stanley constituency. In the 6 November 2003 by-election, Ian Hansen was elected to the Legislative Council from the Camp constituency.
Total population: 28,231
Total number of population entitled to vote: 18,452
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 27 November 2003
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 14,590 (79.07 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The Gibraltar Social Democrats gained eight seats with 51 per cent. of the vote. The Gibraltar Socialist Labour Party/Liberal Party Alliance gained seven seats with 40 per cent. of the vote. The Gibraltar Labour Party gained 8 per cent. of the vote and the Reform Party 1 per cent.: neither party gained any seats in the House.
Total population: 4,491 (2001 Census)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 2,953 (at last election)
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 2 April 2001
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 2,293 (78 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The People's Liberation Movement (PLM) won seven seats with 43.4 per cent. of the votes cast. The National People's Party (NPP) won two seats with 9.8 per cent. of the votes cast.
Total population: 47
Total number of population entitled to vote: 32
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 8 December 2003 (annual election of four councillors and the Chairman of the Internal Committee)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: Accurate records are not available, but turnout is usually high
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: There are no political parties on Pitcairn. Four Councillors and the Chairman of the Internal Committee were elected.
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
The territory does not have a settled population.
Total population: 21,600 (2001 Census)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 6,499
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 24 April 2003 (General Election)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 86.3 per cent.
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The ruling Peoples Democratic Movement (PDM) won seven seats, and the opposition Progressive National Party (PNP) won six seats. Following the Supreme Court's upholding of a petition alleging malpractice in the conduct of the election in two constituencies won by the PDM, two by-elections were held in August 2003. In both cases the seats changed hands and the PNP therefore became the majority party with eight seats, and therefore replaced the PDM as the governing party.
My noble Friend the Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor is the Privy Counsellor with special responsibility for the Crown Dependencies. The following information has been provided by the Department for Constitutional Affairs:
25 Oct 2004 : Column 1015W
Total population: 59,807
Total number of population entitled to vote: 30,112
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 21 April 2004
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 64 per cent.
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: At the 21 April 2004 election, the following were elected: Laurence Charles Morgan; Brian John Gabriel; John Alfred Bannerman Gollop; Carla Steve McNulty Bauer; Barry Leslie Brehaut; Michael Edmund Wills Burbridge; Leon Roy Gallienne; Jack Honeybill; Robert Thoderick Matthews; Jean Aimée Pritchard; Christopher Donald Brock; Wendy Jean Morgan; Diane Eileen Lewis; Lyndon Sean Trott; Daniel Peter Le Cheminant; Samantha Jane Maindonald; Scott John Ogier; Ivan Frederick Rihoy; Ronald John Le Moignan; Geoffrey Hubert Mahu; Peter John Rufus Roffey; David Brian Jones; Mary May Lowe; Graham Guille; Brian Richard de Jersey; Duncan William Staples; Stuart John Falla MBE; Mark Hirzel Dorey; Eric William Walters; Jonathan Paul Le Tocq; Bernard Marcel Flouquet; Alexander Hunter Adam; Thomas Mansell Le Pelley; David Allan Grut; Martin Andrew Ozanne; David de Garis De Lisle; Claire Helen Le Pelley; Peter Raphael Sirett; Alvord Henry Brouard; Michael William Torode; Charles Nigel Kennedy Parkinson; William Mather Bell; Francis John Quin; Janine Michelle Le Sauvage; Michael George O'Hara.
Total population: 76,315 (2001 Census)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 47,529
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 22 November 2001 (House of Keys General Election)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 27,379 (57.6 per cent.)
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: At the 22 November 2001 General Election to the House of Keys, seats were won by: E. Quine; P. Braidwood; Mrs. B. Cannell; D. Cretney; A. Duggan; A. Downie; J. Shimmin; S. Rodan; D. Anderson; D. Cannan; M. Quayle; R. Corkill; A. Earnshaw; P. Karran; Mrs. H. Hannan; A. Bell; L. Singer; Mrs. P. Crowe; Q. Gill; J. Rimmington.
Total population: 87,500 (end-2003 estimate)
Total number of population entitled to vote: 48,611
Date of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 16 October 2002 (General Election)
Turnout in most recent parliamentary or assembly election: 45.08 per cent.
Results of most recent parliamentary or assembly election: The following were elected (figures represent number of votes): Ozouf 14,442; Kinnard 12,320; Routier 11,687; Vibert 10,564; Norman 10,192; Walker 9,377.
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