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26 Oct 2004 : Column 1215W—continued

Prisoners (Women)

Mr. Gregory Campbell: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what changes are planned in the (a) facilities offered to and (b) treatment of female prisoners in Northern Ireland in response to the report from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission in October 2004. [193639]

Mr. Pearson: Prior to the publication of the report from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission the Northern Ireland Prison Service recognised the shortcomings of the regime for female prisoners in Mourne House, Maghaberry and transferred female prisoners to Hydebank Wood.

Female prisoners have access to a full range of education and recreational programmes, chaplains and religious worship. Time out of their cells is maximised and twenty four hour access to sanitation facilities is available.

The staff gender imbalance was addressed through the appointment of female managers and officers resulting in a 70/30 per cent. balance of female to male staff.

The Prison Service are currently delivering gender specific training to all staff working with the female population.

All prisoners and inmates are consulted on a regular basis about a range of issues including regime development.
26 Oct 2004 : Column 1216W



Charles Hendry: To ask the Prime Minister (1) what the cost was of the (a) accommodation, (b) travel and (c) other expenses for publicly-funded (i) officials, (ii) aides and (iii) security personnel who accompanied his wife on her recent speaking tour to Malta; [194019]

(2) how many publicly-funded (a) officials, (b) aides and (c) security personnel accompanied his wife on her speaking tour to Malta; and what the (i) names and (ii) functions of each are. [194022]

The Prime Minister: Mrs Blair visited Malta at the invitation of the Slynn Foundation where she spoke on an unpaid basis at a seminar organised by the Foundation entitled "Applying Law and Human Rights in Malta".

One official accompanied her to deal with administrative issues. Accommodation was provided by the British High Commission. Additional costs were met by the hosts. It has been the practice of successive Governments not to comment on security matters.

Charles Hendry: To ask the Prime Minister (1) what the expected cost is of the (a) accommodation, (b) travel and (c) other expenses for publicly-funded (i) officials, (ii) aides and (iii) security personnel accompanying his wife to the United States on her speaking tour; [194020]

(2) how many publicly-funded (a) officials, (b) aides and (c) security personnel will accompany his wife to the United States on her speaking tour; and what the (i) names and (ii) functions of each are. [194021]

The Prime Minister: This is a private visit. This is not a matter for the Government.

It has been the practice of successive Governments not to comment on security matters.