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1 Nov 2004 : Column 112W—continued


Agency Staff

Dr. Julian Lewis: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many agency temporary staff have been working for his Department in each of the last five years, excluding those working for agencies for which no data are kept centrally. [195246]

Maria Eagle: The information requested could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
1 Nov 2004 : Column 113W

ATOS Origin

Malcolm Bruce: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (1) pursuant to the answer of 18 October 2004, Official Report, column 478W, on telephone inquiries, whether ATOS Origin employs an incentive or rating scheme in relation to (a) inquiries and (b) mailings related to the direct payment of pensions and benefits; [193486]

(2) pursuant to the answer of 18 October 2004, Official Report, column 478W, on telephone inquiries, what the terms are of the contract with ATOS Origin; and whether incentive schemes are in operation for ATOS Origin operatives. [195293]

Mr. Pond: There is a commercial contract in place to deliver the conversion of benefit and pensions customers to Direct Payment through a customer conversion centre. Elements of the contract contain commercially confidential information and we are unable to disclose them, however I can say that there is no incentive scheme within the terms of this contract for staff involved in the process of converting customers to Direct Payment.

Benefit Payments (Pensioners)

Mr. Weir: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many pensioners are in receipt of (a) council tax benefit and (b) housing benefit in (i) Angus and (ii) Scotland. [193450]

Mr. Pond: Information on the numbers of pensioners receiving housing benefit and council tax benefit is not available below National or Government Office Region level. The available information is in the table.
Housing benefit and council tax benefit recipients aged 60 and over in Scotland: May 2003

Benefit units (22)Beneficiaries (23)
Housing benefit197,000230,000
Council tax benefit275,000324,000

(22) Pensioners are defined as pensioner benefit units where the claimant and/or partner are aged 60 or over. This may be a single person, couple or family.
(23) 'Beneficiaries' are the sum of claimants and partners aged 60 or over.
1. The figures are based on a 1 per cent. sample and are therefore subject to a degree of sampling variation.
2. The figures have been rounded to the nearest thousand.
3. Council tax benefit totals exclude any Second Adult Rebate cases.
4. Housing benefit figures exclude any Extended Payment cases.
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit Management Information System, Annual 1 per cent. sample, taken in May 2003.

1 Nov 2004 : Column 114W


David Winnick: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions when the hon. Member for Walsall, North will receive a reply to his letter of 9 August sent to the Department for Education and Skills, transferred to the Department for Work and Pensions on 17 August, and passed to Jobcentre Plus, ref. POS(7)10644/0039; and what the reasons are for the delay in replying. [194944]

Jane Kennedy: The administration of Jobcentre Plus is a matter for the Chief Executive of Jobcentre Plus, David Anderson. He will write to my hon. Friend.

Letter from Stephen Hewitt to Mr. David Winnick, dated 29 October 2004:


Rob Marris: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for what reason the net administration costs of the Child Support Agency increased by 9.75 per cent. from 2002–03 to 2003–04. [190708]

Mr. Pond: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Doug Smith. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Doug Smith to Rob Marris, dated 25 October 2004:

1 Nov 2004 : Column 115W

Rob Marris: To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for what reason the non-staff administration costs of the Child Support Agency increased by 27 per cent. from 2002–03 to 2003–04. [190709]

Mr. Pond: The administration of the Child Support Agency is a matter for the Chief Executive, Mr. Doug Smith. He will write to the hon. Member with the information requested.

Letter from Doug Smith to Mr. Rob Marris, dated 25 October 2004:

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