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Mr. Rosindell: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what steps he has taken to combat drug and alcohol abuse in Northern Ireland in the last three years. [196189]
Angela Smith: In May 2001 the Northern Ireland Executive endorsed the Joint Implementation Model to carry forward the collective aims of the Drugs and Alcohol Strategies to reduce the level of drug and alcohol-related harm in Northern Ireland.
Since then a regional implementation structure has been put in place to ensure that action is driven forward across a wide number of fronts. There are currently 305 regional and local projects funded through the Northern Ireland Drugs and Alcohol Campaign. These cover the fields of education and prevention, treatment, research and criminal justice across the statutory and community sectors.
A review of the campaign and the strategies and structures that support it commenced in 2004. This will report in March 2005, after which a new strategic direction will be developed to start in April 2006.
Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, what weight he gives to experience of and skills in financial management when considering candidates for appointment to education and library boards. (195513)
Mr. Gardiner: Internal appointments to education and library boards are, with the exception of appointments at chief executive and chief librarian level which must be approved by the relevant Department, a matter for individual boards and the level of qualifications and experience sought varies from post to post.
Public appointments to boards are made in accordance with the Education and Libraries Order 1986 which provides for nominations to be made by the local councils that fall within the board's boundaries, as well as by transferors of schools and the trustees of maintained schools. 35 per cent. of members are appointed through the open public appointments process and the criteria for the selection of these candidates take account of the need for the membership to include a balance of skills and background. Selection of these members is on merit and in accordance with the Code of Practice of the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what assumptions he has made for the purposes of financial planning about the expected revenue of each of the next three years from (a) business rates and (b) domestic rates. [195736]
Mr. Pearson:
The forecast revenue from the regional rate for the years 200506 to 200708 is £251.0 million/£268.7 million/£287.1 million for the non-domestic sector, and £205.9 million/£229.8 million/£249.2 million for the domestic sector. These projections have been included in the proposals presented in the Draft Priorities and Budget 200508 document, launched for public consultation on 12 October 2004.
9 Nov 2004 : Column 669W
Rev. Martin Smyth: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many (a) Republic of Ireland citizens, (b) other EU nationals and (c) non-EU nationals have received free health care in private healthcare units and residential homes in Northern Ireland in the last five years, broken down by health board. [195192]
Angela Smith: The information requested could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Rev. Martin Smyth: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what the estimated cost to the Exchequer is of (a) Republic of Ireland citizens, (b) other EU nationals and (c) non-EU nationals receiving free healthcare in Northern Ireland's private healthcare units and residential homes in the last five years, broken down by health board. [195193]
Angela Smith: The information requested could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Gregory Campbell: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what plans the Northern Ireland Tourist Board has to assist in the upgrading of facilities for tourist traffic using the Greencastle-Magilligan Ferry. [196510]
Mr. Gardiner: The Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) itself has no direct plans to assist with the upgrading of facilities for tourist traffic as this is the responsibility of Department of Regional Development (DRD) Roads Service and the local council.
NITB does however consider the Greencastle-Magilligan Ferry as an important tourist link between Co. Donegal and Co. Londonderry. Magilligan lies within the area identified in the Ministerial Causeway and Glens Tourism Masterplan 200413 which NITB is currently assisting to implement. Two actions have been identified in the associated Action Plan that may have a direct effect on facilities for tourist traffic in the Magilligan area:
Upgrade existing and provide new coach parks to allow coach visitors access to key attractive settlements and their services.
Gateway towns and villages programmeenhancement programme for gateways e.g. Larne, Bally castle and Magilligan.
NITB is also progressing the identification and development of a tourist trail along the A2 coastal route. It is anticipated that the trail will include Magilligan along the route.
With regard to road infrastructure improvements, the DRD's Roads Service has advised that planning approval for the ferry was given on the basis that a number of infrastructure improvements were carried out along Point Road, which runs between the Seacoast Road and the ferry terminal. These improvements included the localised widening of the road at a number of locations, and the resurfacing of the road. This work was carried out by the applicant, Limavady borough council.
9 Nov 2004 : Column 670W
Discussions are currently on-going with Limavady borough council with a view to providing directional/information signage for the ferry. Signage being considered includes the use of variable message signs on Point Road, which would provide information for ferry passengers, similar to that being used at the Strangford Ferry.
Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many (a) days and (b) days per full-time equivalent employee were lost through staff sickness in each of the last four financial years in each (i) health and social services board and (ii) health and social services trust; and if he will make a statement. [195425]
Angela Smith: The information requested is as follows:
The Department keeps absenteeism under careful review. Targets have been set for Trusts to reduce their levels of sickness absence, and the outcome of this is being monitored.
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